How to make ceilings beautiful: ways, photos

How to make ceilings beautiful? The first impression that guests create about the apartment is related to the appearance of the ceiling.

Speaking about how to make a ceiling beautifully with your own hands, we note that when choosing materials for it, it is necessary to take into account many important points: air humidity, room size, and the initial state of the surface.

Of course, a material aspect is the material wealth of the owner of the house (apartment).

rack constructions

Installation of rack structures

What are the hallmarks of these ceilings? How can you make beautiful of their racks for the kitchen or bathroom? If the room has high humidity, an arrangement of a rack ceiling will be an excellent option.

It is suitable for bathroom, balcony, kitchen. The slatted ceiling has many advantages compared to PVC coatings.

unusual rack ceilings

Positive features

Continuing to talk about how to make ceilings beautiful, we highlight the main advantages of rack structures. First of all, we note the high moisture resistance. Due to this property, the kitchen will not have a musty smell, mold, dampness, fungal and mold neoplasms.

The rack ceiling has a long operational period, it does not need additional painting, repair. Such a ceiling does not corrode, so it does not lose its beautiful original appearance.

Such a suspension system does not overload the ceiling, and its installation can be dealt with without helpers. To clean the rack structure, you can use ordinary detergents.


We continue to talk about how to make ceilings beautiful. The rack ceiling can have a variety of colors. It has an acceptable cost, therefore it is available for homeowners with modest material incomes.

To install this design, you must first calculate the number of rails that will be required for work. For calculations, you need the area of ​​the room, the size of the rail. When buying slats for a new ceiling in the kitchen or bathroom, professionals advise you to go to a hardware store, and not to the market.

PVC film

Materials for work

How to make ceilings beautiful? To start, the surface to be formed is neatly marked. Next, a metal profile is fixed on it, then the rails are attached. In order for the ceiling structure to have a complete look, decorative ceiling skirtings are selected to the racks.

There are two ways to fix the rails on the ceiling. In the first case, a special profile is used, and in the second version, the slats are laid one on top of the other. To equip the rack ceiling, an assistant is needed, because they have significant dimensions, it is quite difficult to deal with them alone.

Stretch ceiling

In order to beautifully make a stretch ceiling, you must have certain knowledge.

A couple of years ago, it was possible to see beautiful stretch ceilings only with owners of expensive suburban real estate. In those days, these designs were associated with the wealth of the owner. Currently, PVC ceilings can be seen in apartments of people with average material incomes.

The stretch ceiling is mounted after garbage is removed from the room. How to make a beautiful ceiling? The photo below is an example of finished work.

Features of suspended ceilings

Recently, owners of urban and suburban real estate are choosing stretch PVC films for repair. Those owners who decided to carry out repairs themselves have an important task - to make the right choice of materials for repair.

Let's talk about decorating the ceiling in a living room. If you decide to change the appearance of your ceiling, do not rush. The decision to repair should be taken deliberately so as not to regret your choice later.

If the plans include the purchase of a stretch ceiling, first familiarize yourself with its main advantages and disadvantages. I want him to please with his aesthetic appearance, was easy to maintain, fits into the interior of the entire apartment. Can all these qualities be attributed to the stretch ceiling?

Of course, because the stretch ceiling fully meets the following requirements:

  • complete safety;
  • significant operational period;
  • ease of installation;
  • acceptable price;
  • opportunities for individual design.

Without certain experience, it is quite difficult to immediately take into account all the nuances relating to the finish. Each material has its own positive and negative parameters, and the stretch ceiling is no exception.

features of a stretch ceiling


Among the main negative characteristics of a stretch ceiling, we note the use of a heat gun when equipping it, operating at a room temperature of 60 degrees. The peculiarity of the installation of a stretch ceiling is a preliminary installation around the perimeter of the metal frame, then the film is heated. Only after this is it fixed on a metal structure.

Not all polymer coatings withstand this temperature. For example, putty can partially peel off, a significant deformation of the plastic profile occurs. If serious violations were made when installing the metal profile, the polymer coating is stretched with a strong curvature. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to fix the problem, the polymer film will be hopelessly damaged.

The reason is that as the polymer material heats up, it changes its original shape (stretches). After cooling, changing it is almost impossible. In order not to waste your money, it is better to immediately entrust the repair work to real professionals.

unusual stretch ceiling

Important aspects

How to make a beautiful ceiling in the kitchen? In order to acquire a single-level ceiling, it is enough to find a few free hours. Armed with dowels, a stepladder, a screwdriver (or screwdriver), a level, a hair dryer, a PVC film, you can proceed to active actions.

There is an algorithm of actions, the strict implementation of which is a guarantee of obtaining an aesthetic and even ceiling.

  1. First you need to take measurements in the room in which the PVC film will be stretched.
  2. Next, the film is selected in width, color.
  3. Then, a metal profile is fastened around the perimeter.
  4. Choose places for spotlights or a ceiling chandelier, fix special racks.
  5. PVC material is stretched.
  6. Lighting fixtures are fixed.

How to make a beautiful ceiling at home? First, the polymer film is rolled, left for some time in expanded form. This will restore her original appearance. If the room has furniture, it is carefully covered with a special protective film. Also, covering material must protect the floor from dust and dirt.

When conducting measurements, it is best to arm yourself with a laser ruler to guarantee accuracy. Professionals advise to invite the master to take measurements, otherwise serious problems may arise. For example, the film may be narrower than the width of the ceiling itself, and you cannot stretch it (without deformation). Have to buy a new ceiling film, spend additional funds. Before mounting the film on the ceiling, a metal frame is created in which fasteners are made to accommodate the ceiling chandelier and spotlights.

After its full preparation, you can proceed to the direct pulling of a polyvinyl chloride film, armed with a construction hairdryer. For additional decoration of the stretch ceiling, it is advisable to purchase a special tape. It can be selected in a contrasting color or a tape of a shade similar to the ceiling film itself can be used.

stretch ceiling


Thinking about how beautifully to make the ceiling in the hall, in the kitchen, bedroom, you can not ignore the materials that will be used for work.

The ceiling is an important element in a modern interior. That is why it is so necessary to pay due attention to its design. The process of decorating it is considered more time-consuming than the design of the walls and floor in the apartment. When installing it, you need to take into account the location of electrical wiring, exhaust ventilation, plumbing. Ceiling coatings have various qualitative characteristics, differ in the cost of materials. There are such options for arranging the ceiling as whitewashing, painting, wallpapering, gluing foam boards, panels, fastening battens, drywall sheets.

interesting solutions for rooms

When choosing materials for arranging the ceiling, it is important to consider your own taste preferences and financial capabilities. If you have a flat ceiling surface, you can use simple ways to decorate it: wallpaper, paint. Whatever decorative materials you choose for a flat ceiling, they will look perfect on it.

If it has significant irregularities, you will have to equip a suspended or stretch ceiling to hide all these flaws from prying eyes.

If desired, you can make the original multi-level design in the room, supplementing them with an internal LED backlight.

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