Burdock is a fairly common plant. Owners of cottages and gardens consider it a weed and get rid of it. While its root is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains many vitamins and minerals, tannins, acids and proteins. It is a natural antioxidant and antiseptic. That is why burdock oil finds its admirers in the field of cosmetology. The production process is quite simple, it is quite possible to cook it yourself. It has gained popularity as an excellent tool for strengthening hair. However, with no less success, you can use burdock oil for the face.
Burdock copes well with small, just appeared wrinkles. It tightens the skin, making it supple. He can cope with the "crow's feet" around his eyes and smooth out the nasolabial folds. Burdock oil enriches the skin with natural collagen and vitamins. Therefore, it not only acquires an attractive appearance, but also becomes healthy from the inside.
Due to the high content of fats and vitamins, it is possible to apply burdock oil to the skin for people with increased dryness of the dermis. It can be used as a therapeutic tool to eliminate damage to the epithelium from the icy wind or the scorching sun. The oil soothes the skin and provides deep nutrition to the cells, which makes the skin soft and soft. He should be preferred in the cold season, when the skin needs additional nutrition and protection. Also recommended for use on hot sunny days. This will provide the necessary protection for the skin from exposure to sunlight.
The use of oil is indicated for those who suffer from acne and inflammation on the skin. Burdock has a powerful bactericidal property.
It will help not only remove existing blackheads, but also become an excellent preventive measure against their further appearance.
Burdock oil can be an excellent conductor for other mask components, enhancing their effect. This is due to the ability to soften the surface of the skin, allowing the active substances to penetrate deep inside.
If you mix burdock oil with chamomile, you get a great makeup remover. In addition to soft and effective skin cleansing, the product will provide the cells with the necessary nutrition. It is possible to use even to remove permanent makeup from the eyes.
They can also enhance the effect of their care products. To do this, just add a few drops of oil to the daily cream used and mix thoroughly.
Self-cooking oil
To use burdock oil for the face, it is possible to purchase a ready-made product in a pharmacy or store. But if you are not too lazy, then it is quite possible to do it yourself. Such a tool is considered even more effective than manufactured in the factory. And you can be sure of its full naturalness. This is especially important for those who are prone to allergic reactions.
Naturally, it is easy to cook in the warm season, when the burdock grows literally outside the window. For the production of oil you will need carefully washed roots of the plant. As soon as they dry, you need to finely chop and pour any vegetable oil on hand. For example, olive or sunflower. The product should be infused in a cool and dark place for one week. Then it needs to be boiled for 15 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, it needs to be filtered and the oil is ready to use.
Since a glass of burdock oil is obtained from 100 g of root, self-preparation can significantly save.
It is recommended to store in a cool and dark place, it is possible on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
Rules for preparing a person for the procedure
To burdock oil for the face from wrinkles and other problems brought the expected effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin.
First, remove all makeup. To make the process the most gentle with respect to the skin, it is recommended to use special cosmetic lotions or milk. Toilet soap should be discarded; it dries the skin very much and does not always remove makeup well. In some cases, additional efforts have to be made, which stretches the skin and increases the risk of skin damage.
In order to ensure that active substances penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, pores should be previously opened. To do this, you need to steam it. Perhaps make a warm compress from a towel or apply a water bath.
The use of herbal compress
Before a face mask with burdock oil is made and applied to the skin, you can make a compress from a herbal decoction. He perfectly prepares the skin for the procedure, opening the pores. He will need calendula, nettle and chamomile. In a glass of boiling water you need to pour one spoon of each ingredient. When the broth is infused, it should be filtered. It is wetted with a special napkin for cosmetic procedures or a piece of clean cloth in which holes for the eyes have been previously made, they must be put on the face for 20 minutes. It should be borne in mind that the napkin should be disposable, since bacteria accumulate on it during the procedure.
Grafting mask application
You need to know how to apply burdock oil on your face if the mask is one-component. After the preparatory procedure, the oil is applied to the skin with soft circular massage movements. It is necessary to ensure that they are directed upwards to ensure skin tightening.
Burdock oil should be kept on the face for an hour, and then remove the remnants with a napkin. If there is an herbal decoction, they can rinse your face. To give your face freshness and narrow your pores, you can wipe your face with a cube of ice.
Ways to use oil for dry skin
To prepare an effective mask, you need to mix well the yolk of one egg and a teaspoon of oil. The composition is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Such a simple mask moisturizes the skin well and solves the problem of peeling.
Burdock oil for the face can be used as a massage tool. In addition to the required hydration, it will give the epidermis elasticity. Massage will increase blood flow and help smooth out the first wrinkles. Before the procedure, it is recommended to heat the oil slightly and drop a couple drops of any essential oil into it. Then the mixture must be rubbed into the skin along the massage lines for 10 minutes. After the procedure, the face should be rinsed with water.
Mask for oily skin
A face mask with burdock oil can also be used for oily skin, as it helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For oily skin, acne, acne, black spots, enlarged pores are characteristic. The inulin contained in the burdock acts like a sponge, absorbing the dirt contained in the pores. Burdock oil works especially well in combination with honey, which tightens pores and eliminates black spots. For the mask, you need to mix a spoonful of oil and two tablespoons of honey and apply on the face. The treatment time is 20 minutes.
Anti-aging masks
Burdock oil for the face, the use of which as a means of combating already formed wrinkles is quite justified, not without reason enjoys well-deserved popularity among ladies.
An excellent effect has a burdock in combination with olive. This duet will allow you to smooth out facial wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. To mix two different oils, you must first boil them together, then let it brew for 6 hours. The cooled mixture is applied to problem areas - around the eyes, on the nasolabial folds, neck.
For another mask, you need to mix 1 spoonful of burdock oil, aloe juice and chopped parsley. A mask is applied to the face for half an hour.
Due to the fact that burdock oil for the face is rarely used, reviews about it are quite rare. In most cases, they prefer to use it to improve the condition of the hair. But the recommendations of professionals and the opinions of ladies using burdock as a facial cosmetic product suggest that you should not be so skeptical about him.