Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg Higher Education Institutions

The Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University is one of the most prestigious, it has released from its walls the now famous diplomats, real professionals in their field.

Faculty of International Relations

The faculty of international relations is letting out diplomats from its walls. Those people who should be flexible in their professional activities, be able to compromise, but at the same time defend the interests of the state at the international level.

Diplomatic students

A graduate of the faculty of international relations needs to be fluent in several foreign languages. Students also study such subjects as international law, private law, the history of diplomacy, modern international law, the foundations of international civil service. Students also study the political systems of all modern states.

Specialty Diplomat

In most cases, during the training, students have the opportunity to participate in various major international forums. There they are present both as employees and as volunteers. However, in any case, this is a good experience for building a future career.

About the Faculty of Moscow State University at St. Petersburg State University

SPbU includes several institutes and more than a dozen faculties that train thousands of students in various higher education programs. All faculties and passing scores at St. Petersburg State University are listed on the official website of the university. Petersburg University is one of two universities in the country that have the right to issue a special diploma, which also emphasizes the status of a higher educational institution. All graduates of the educational institution receive a red diploma in A4 format.

Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University

The Faculty of International Relations in St. Petersburg is located next to the Legislative Assembly and Smolny Cathedral. The faculties of sociology and political science of the university are also located there. The structure of the faculty of Moscow includes 6 departments, including the Department of World Politics, the Department of European Studies and others.

Students of the faculty during training 2 times undergo practice. They have the opportunity to practice at various embassies located in St. Petersburg, as well as various government agencies. Also, students of St. Petersburg State University have the opportunity during the training to pass an exam in English according to the international standard FCE. In addition, it is better for senior students to go to study in European educational institutions for a semester, with which the university has a bilateral agreement.

Admission to the faculty of Moscow State University

At the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs are taught.

For admission to undergraduate applicants, it is necessary to submit documents to the admissions committee of the educational institution within the deadline specified in the year of admission. Documents include a certificate of successful passing the exam in the Russian language, history and a foreign language. The minimum entrance mark for admission at the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg State University in each subject is 65.

The building of St. Petersburg State University

For admission to the magistracy, the necessary package of documents is submitted, which is indicated on the website of the admissions committee of the institution. Instead of an entrance exam, applicants pass a portfolio contest.

Universities of St. Petersburg with the Faculty of International Relations

Also in several higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg there is a faculty of Moscow Region. Enrollment of students at the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg University of Economics has been opened. There are places on both budgetary and contractual basis. The cost of training is 180,000 rubles per year.

You can also study for a diplomat at the St. Petersburg branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation. As in St. Petersburg State University, faculties and passing grades are indicated on the official website of the educational institution. The number of places without tuition is 10. The average exam score for successful admission is approximately 66.

There is also a faculty of international relations at St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The passing score is 113 for the sum of three examinations.

In St. Petersburg, the faculty of international relations is in several higher educational institutions. The most prestigious is training at St. Petersburg State University. However, both the passing score and the difficulty of studying there are higher.

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