Can I take aspirin during pregnancy?

It should be noted that any drug, even at first glance the most harmless, can bring danger and great harm to your unborn child. Therefore, dear women, be very careful about taking medications during pregnancy. After all, even the most ordinary vitamins are not all allowed for expectant mothers. Thus, in this article, I would like to pay special attention to a rather topical issue of whether aspirin can be taken during pregnancy. The first thing I want to say is that it’s very difficult to call aspirin a safe enough drug, especially when the question is about future motherhood. But why are doctors sometimes prescribed to women? We will try to figure it out.

So, can aspirin be pregnant? In most cases, it is not recommended to take it, but sometimes there are exceptions when doctors prescribe this drug in very small doses to expectant mothers, justifying that in the first six months it can not do any harm to the baby. It is dangerous for mothers and the fetus only if the woman takes it regularly enough and in the usual dosage. Of course, it is best to forget about aspirin during pregnancy. And if your doctor has prescribed it, and you started treatment, then you have to go through it to the end.

A large number of studies associate aspirin during pregnancy with a variety of complications. Some say about the great risk of miscarriage during the conception of a child and at the same time, regular use of this drug in normal doses. Others say that under its influence, the risk of reducing the fetus and exfoliation of the placenta increases . Still others shout that taking aspirin in normal doses leads to fetal overload, which in turn increases the risk of pulmonary and cardiac complications in the newborn, and can also cause bleeding in both the mother and the child.

During pregnancy, aspirin can be prescribed by doctors in very rare cases, the dosage is then offered four times less than usual. Most doctors believe that treating this drug in small amounts is safe, but only up to 36 weeks, since in the third trimester, the risk of bleeding increases because aspirin dilutes the blood and reduces its coagulability. I would like to note the fact that most doctors try to prescribe other drugs to their wards that are less dangerous to their health. After all, the composition of aspirin is quite aggressive, it can bring quite serious side effects, which simply surprise with its variety and large amount. Among them, nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, impaired renal and liver function, allergic reactions, bleeding, swelling, bronchial asthma, chronic failure, hearing loss, and much more are distinguished.

Also remember that aspirin has various names and is part of a large number of various medicines. Therefore, both aspirin during pregnancy and ibuprofen, asfen, acecelisin, citramon, asfen, cofile, kversalin, sedalgin, sodium salicylate, cefecone are forbidden to drink on their own without the appointment of doctors, since taking these medications can entail negative and unforeseen consequences .

Therefore, dear women, before you buy any medicine for pain relief or an antipyretic drug, consult your doctor first. By the way, in this case, paracetamol will help you, which is a fairly safe remedy for expectant mothers and her baby. Do not play with fate.

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