Tooth extraction: how long does the gum heal? The consequences of tooth extraction

When a tooth just starts to hurt, we cowardly hope that it will pass, then until the last delay we pay a visit to the doctor. And we bring the matter to the point that we have to delete it. Of course, not everyone follows this plan, but there are many such people. There are also reasons that are not related to careless attitude to oneโ€™s own health. These include, for example, the removal of a wisdom tooth. How much the wound heals after such a medical intervention, and how long the pain may be, read on.

tooth extraction how long does heal

When will it cease to hurt?

Most of us are interested in the question (when the doctor performs tooth extraction), how long the gums heal. First of all, it means how long pain can be felt. When the dentist pulls out a tooth, he gets rid of the nerve located in it. But there are those that are located in the periodontium and in the gums. Therefore, pain occurs, which can to one degree or another persist from four to seven days.

Why does it depend? First of all, from the tooth itself. Where is it located (incisor, canine, small or large root), in what condition was it, whether it has large roots. Secondly, on how much the patient adheres to the recommendations of the dentist. With a good combination of circumstances, pain can be practically avoided. A lot depends on the experience of the doctor and the degree of equipment of the clinic. Thanks to modern dental instruments, painful sensations can be greatly reduced. Thirdly, the individual characteristics of a person play a role, some experience acute pain where others feel almost nothing. If the discomfort persists for a long time and intensifies, you need to consult a doctor. As a temporary measure, painkillers are used.

pulled out a tooth what to do

How long will the hole heal?

When the doctor performed the tooth extraction, how long does the wound heal? Consider this process in more detail. On the first day, a blood clot will appear at this place, it can not be cleaned, otherwise the natural healing process will be disrupted. Overgrowth will be noticeable on the third day. On the seventh-eighth day, the blood clot is almost completely replaced by connective tissue, bone begins to appear inside, which will fill the entire hole only two to three months after the operation. Surgical dentistry claims that its final appearance of the gums will acquire only four months after tooth extraction. This is true if it is not prosthetized.

tooth extraction consequences

Patient Memo

After they pulled out a tooth, what should the patient do so that there are no unpleasant consequences? Be sure to follow the doctor's instructions. For two to three hours, eat nothing. Otherwise, it is easy to injure the wound. The next few days, take care of this place when eating, try to chew on the other side. Exercise should be avoided for two days. Refuse smoking and alcohol, irritating the mucous membranes and provoking the development of pain. Do not try to remove the blood clot, do not touch it with your tongue, and especially toothpicks and other objects. Are you afraid that there are pieces of food left? Rinse your mouth with water, but not earlier than the second day after removal, before that the blood clot can easily wash off. Your doctor may prescribe a special rinse when the tooth is pulled out. What to do in this case? In the mouth you need to collect a small amount of liquid, hold near the wound for one to three minutes, then spit it out, repeat in accordance with the recommendations.

About eating

Care should be taken after eating after tooth extraction has occurred. How long the gum heals will also depend on nutrition. The first two hours you can not eat. Hot foods and drinks should not be consumed during the day, as they will aggravate the pain and irritate the wound. The next few days, it is advisable to avoid solid foods, sweet, very hot, alcohol. As already mentioned, instead of using toothpicks, it is better to rinse your mouth after you got up from the table.

surgical dentistry


After such an unpleasant procedure as tooth extraction, how long does the gum heal? In order for the blood to stop flowing, a few hours are enough. If it goes hard even after this period of time, measures must be taken. It will be effective to bite a gauze swab and hold until the bleeding stops, and apply something cold to the sore spot. If this does not help, you must immediately run to the dentist.

Swelling of the cheeks

Some unpleasant after a procedure such as tooth extraction, the consequences are inevitable, but they can be tried to reduce. A slight swelling of the cheek is normal, but tooth extraction is an injury. Usually it passes quickly. If this is not so, then we can assume the presence of an inflammatory process. To quickly get rid of edema, it is necessary in the first hours to apply cold to the cheek, and then dry heat.


If the temperature has risen to no more than 38 degrees after a visit to the dentist and remains within 24 hours, do not be afraid. To this may well lead to tooth extraction. The consequences of this kind are unpleasant, but quite obvious. Just follow the doctorโ€™s recommendations. If the temperature is higher or after 24 hours has not returned to normal, then we are talking about inflammation. It is urgent to visit the dentist.

wisdom tooth extraction how many heals

When do I need to run to the doctor?

Emergency specialist assistance is required if, after tooth extraction, a very strong edema appears that does not go away for a long time; the patient experiences severe pain, also prolonged; the temperature rose to 39-40 degrees; the general condition worsens significantly - headache, lethargy, drowsiness; these symptoms do not go away, but are aggravated.

Complications that can occur after tooth extraction can be primarily due to the fact that a blood clot has been removed. First, this leads to dryness of the well, as a result of which alveolitis can develop. That is, the depression where the root of the tooth was located will become inflamed . The cause of this complication may be a patient's violation of hygiene and the advice of a dentist, as well as superficial compliance with aseptic and antiseptic rules during a doctor's appointment. Another reason may be reduced immunity. In addition to pain and fever, halitosis, pain when touching the gums can occur. If you find yourself with these symptoms, visit the dental office more quickly, since complications of alveolitis are much more serious.

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