It is very difficult to take out and raise a healthy child today. But probably. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the correct regime of the day and consume food products that are healthy for the body. In this article I want to talk in more detail about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat apples, and in general about what the diet of a woman whose baby is breastfed should consist of.
About the benefits
Before deciding whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat apples, it is worth saying a few words about the benefits of this fruit. At the very beginning, I want to note that the consumption of this food product can prevent many diseases, as well as help get rid of some of them. In addition, this fruit saturates the body with useful substances and microelements, helps to increase life expectancy and rejuvenation, and perfectly affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Another important point: it is apples that are excellent antioxidants (remove toxins from the body), and also contribute to the breakdown of fats in the body. The consumption of this fruit also regulates the level of hemoglobin (if necessary, it perfectly lowers it).
About composition
Apples have a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients.
- Vitamins of groups B, C, E and R.
- This fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
- The apple also contains iron, which perfectly regulates the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
- Pectin, which makes up the pulp of the fetus, has an excellent effect on the intestines and is an excellent natural prevention of constipation.
- The grains of apples contain the daily norm of iodine for an adult. Eating these grains is not only possible, but even necessary during lactation, as it is very useful not only for mom, but also for her baby.
If a woman is interested in whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat apples, there is no single answer. Everything is very individual. It is only necessary to determine how the woman’s body reacted to this fruit before conception, as well as during pregnancy. If everything was normal, then we can say with confidence that there can be no prohibitions here. Generally speaking, avoiding the nuances, apples are not only possible, but even need to be eaten during breastfeeding.
How many?
Understanding whether it is possible for a nursing mother to apples, it is also worth saying that in everything you must adhere to measures. And this also applies to apples. After all, this product, despite all its useful aspects, can harm even the most healthy person. How to introduce this fruit into the diet?
- As soon as the baby was born, the mother should be extremely careful with all the products, including apples. For the first time after giving birth, a woman from an apple needs to be mashed and try just one teaspoon of it.
- If a woman tried applesauce, she must carefully watch her condition for several hours, and the baby for half a day. If everything is fine with the mother’s digestion, and the baby feels fine, the dose of apples can be gradually increased.
- As already mentioned above, fresh apples during breastfeeding can and should be eaten. However, no more than 200 grams per day.
- Before the baby turns six months old, mom is best to eat apples of exclusively green varieties. This is because red and yellow fruits can cause allergic reactions in crumbs. And in addition, scientists have proved that yellow apples more often than green ones cause excessive gas formation and bloating in the baby’s tummy.
About the choice
It is important to say that apples during breastfeeding should not only be selected correctly, but also pre-processed. What is worth knowing here:
- It is best to eat fruits that are grown in their native region.
- If a nursing mother buys apples brought from afar, it must be remembered that their skin is covered with a special layer (similar to wax). It is best to cut such a skin and not eat. But if you really want to, it must be thoroughly washed under running water, scrubbed and then scald with boiling water.
- You can eat the peel of the so-called "native" apples, because it contains many vitamins and minerals. In this case, the apple must be washed, if desired, scalded with boiling water.
Baked apples
Immediately after birth, baked apples are recommended for a nursing mother. And all because they still contain useful substances, but there are no dangerous microbes that disappear after heat treatment. An important point: doctors recommend baking apples to women in the postpartum period in order to avoid constipation - problems that mothers often face. As already mentioned above, it is best to choose apples for nursing mothers of precisely green varieties. The same rule also works when a woman decides to bake this fruit. At the very beginning, this dish is best eaten without any additional ingredients - sugar, honey, cottage cheese. And only after a woman is convinced that her baby is responding normally to this product, you can begin to experiment a bit.
Portion restrictions
How much baked apples can be consumed during breastfeeding?
- For the first time trying this product after baking, you need to eat no more than a third of the apple.
- For a couple of days, the crumbs must be observed. If everything is normal, the dose can gradually be increased.
- The maximum number of eaten baked apples for a nursing mother per day is one piece (during the first month of the baby's life). Further, the amount can be increased to 2 pcs. per day.
Dried apples
It is also important to say that it is equally useful to eat dried apples to a nursing mother. So, besides this, you can consume other dried fruits. They perfectly affect the metabolism and general condition of the body. It is also necessary to introduce apple drying into the diet carefully, starting with several slices. This fruit in this form can be consumed no more than 25 grams per day. And, of course, for a nursing mother, a compote made from dried apples will also be useful.
First months
Having figured it out, you can eat apples to a nursing mother or not, I also want to talk about the diet of a woman in general. So, at the very beginning, it should be noted that in the first couple of months of life of a baby, a mother should adhere to a certain diet. This is important not only in order to establish lactation.
- Proper nutrition will help mom to go through the postpartum adaptation period faster without any complications (for example, constipation).
- It must be remembered: what the mother eats, her baby receives, along with milk. Therefore, you need to know which products you can consume without fear, and which is still better to refuse at least for the first time.
- It would be nice for a young mother to keep a food diary, where she will celebrate each product introduced into the diet and the baby's reaction to it.
- Starving during breastfeeding is strictly forbidden to mother. This will lead to the cessation of lactation, which will negatively affect the newborn.
What can
So, what can you do with breastfeeding? Which foods are best?
- Vegetables. You can eat almost all vegetables. However, in the first months of life, the crumbs must all undergo heat treatment. Raw carrots can only be eaten after the child is six months old. Without fear, it is allowed to eat: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower.
- Fruits. Here mom should be extremely careful. Raw fruits must first be ruled out. Without fear, you can eat bananas and apples. Be careful with berries, although they should not be completely excluded from the diet.
- Porridge. You can eat almost all cereals (except pea, which contributes to gas formation), because they are a source of nutrients and perfectly affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Soups At the very beginning, it is best to cook them in vegetable broth. On meat broth, soups are allowed to be consumed after the child is 4-6 months old.
- Meat. Only lean meats can be eaten. Method of preparation: boiled or stewed.
- Fish. Understanding that it is possible to eat to mother with breastfeeding , it is necessary to say about fish. This is a source of calcium and phosphorus, trace elements that are so necessary for the baby. Again, you need to choose low-fat varieties. You can stew or cook fish.
- Dairy products. They can be eaten immediately after childbirth. However, in moderation. First you need to take low-fat cottage cheese. It is also good to drink fermented baked milk or kefir (fermented baked milk is a softer product for the body of a nursing mother).
- The eggs. You can eat boiled. However, it is worth remembering that egg yolk is an allergen.
- Bread. At first, it is worth completely abandoning flour, since such foods can cause excessive gas formation in the body of crumbs. It is better to give preference to dried bread with bran.
- Sweets. From the consumption of sweets should be completely abandoned. In a moderate amount, you can consume jam, sugar. You can also eat biscuit cookies.
Understanding what a nursing mother needs to eat, I also want to say about those products that should be treated with caution.
- Fruits. During breastfeeding, it is best to abandon citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries. These fruits and berries are allergens. If you eat them, then in a very moderate amount.
- Vegetables. Care must be taken to consume vegetables that are “bright” in taste and taste, such as onions and garlic. A white cabbage contributes to gas formation.
- Meat. If mom wants meat, it is best to eat only homemade (of which the woman is completely confident).
- Bread. Fresh baking should be discarded for the entire period of breastfeeding. It is also best not to eat white bread.
Understanding what a nursing mother needs to eat, it is imperative to provide a list of completely prohibited foods.
- Alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to drink while carrying babies, as well as during breastfeeding.
- Preservation. Even home cooking. Preservatives contained in such foods are harmful to the baby's body.
- Chocolate and sweets. Mom will be able to eat the first piece of black chocolate only after the baby is 6-8 months old. This product is an allergen. As for other sweets, it is necessary to avoid products that contain dyes, flavor enhancers.
- Coffee and tea. In the first six months of a child's life, these foods should be completely abandoned. Then you can drink only good deciduous tea (not in bags!) And high-quality brewed coffee. An exception may be herbal teas, which positively affect the body and contribute to lactation.
- Semi-finished products. For the entire period of breastfeeding, the mother should abandon the consumption of convenience foods.
- Carbonated drinks. They should also be completely excluded from the diet. They cause excessive gas formation in the baby. And the so-called “colored” waters generally contain unnatural dyes, which are dangerous for the life of not only a nursing mother and her crumbs, but also any healthy person.
- Fast food. For the entire period of breastfeeding, mother should refuse to eat fast food. We must completely forget about pies, whites and pasties, hot dogs and other similar products. Also dangerous for the health of not only mothers, but also the baby are chips, crackers.
- Seasonings. You must be very careful about consuming a wide variety of seasonings. It is best to abandon everything for the period of breastfeeding, leaving only salt and black pepper.