Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk - a landmark with a long history

What do you feel when you hear the phrase β€œcathedral”? These words make you soar over the majestic architectural and spiritual masterpieces. In fact, the cathedral - The main temple of the diocese, in which the bishop's chair is located.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Minsk

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk. Interesting Facts

The temple was built in the Baroque style, which is characterized by spatial scope. The interior and exterior of the church is replete with all kinds of sculptures, pilasters. This current is characterized by excesses, as if just too much. Some critics of that time did not appreciate the talent of artists who worked on the painting of the temple. Only in our time, experts saw the genius of these people, whose fine art technique was close to 3D technology. Lacking modern equipment and programs, they managed to convey three-dimensional space.

For a long time this cathedral was the highest in Minsk. During its existence, the architectural and spiritual masterpiece managed to receive many historical figures. Among them are Peter I, Nicholas II, Ivan Mazepa, French Marshal Davout and many others. In 1773, the temple lost the status of the cathedral. The reason for this was the dissolution of the Order of St. Ignatius by Pope Clement XIV.

From the history of the Minsk Catholic Cathedral

The cathedra was erected in the 17th century. Regular clergy, who were actively involved in charity affairs, bought out the estate of a noble Minsker. At this place, the Jesuits erected a temple, school and college. The buildings occupied a whole block. The date of foundation of the church is considered July 31, 1700.

The room of the modern cathedral was reserved for the church of the Jesuit monastery. Konstantin Kazimir Brzhostovsky in 1710 consecrated it, but work was still underway.

At the end of the 18th century, the shrine was elevated to the rank of the Cathedral Church. Since then, the cathedral bears the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Since 1905, the priest of the temple was Sigmund Lozinsky. This architectural masterpiece simply miraculously survived during the war. The interior was also not particularly damaged, although the temple was used for many worldly needs. There is even information that in its walls they wanted to make a shop for bottling wine and vodka products. Post-war events left their mark on the fate of this masterpiece. At the end of hostilities, the shrine building was handed over to the Spartak Sports Society under the House of Physical Education. And in 1951, the structure suffered a number of modifications. Two towers were removed, the exterior was covered with plaster under the Soviet style.

Archcathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Minsk

But the faith of the Catholics forced the authorities to reconsider their actions. Women and grandmothers came to the building of the sports club with candles and prayed. There remains a historical photo where believers pray on their knees in the temple against the background of Soviet technology.

Soviet architects who were to rebuild this church did a very wise and valuable thing: they photographed and measured all historical details. This helped to keep the temple in its original form. At the entrance you can see a photo of the cathedral at different periods of existence.

This architectural masterpiece simply miraculously survived during the war. The interior was also not particularly damaged, although the temple was used for many worldly needs. There is even information that in its walls they wanted to make a shop for bottling wine and vodka products.

This architectural masterpiece simply miraculously survived during the war. The interior was also not particularly damaged, although the temple was used for many worldly needs. There is even information that in its walls they wanted to make a shop for bottling wine and vodka products.

"The time has come for cathedral cathedrals ..."

In 1993, the temple building was returned to the Catholics. A year later, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk was first consecrated and a cross was erected, after which they began restoration work. At the end of the re-consecration of the church.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Minsk

Now the Archcathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk fits perfectly into the architectural ensemble of Freedom Square. It goes a little deeper in relation to the adjacent buildings. With its two towers, the church gives the unique flavor of the old part of the city. It is known that the pillars had wooden statues of the apostles Peter and Paul, and the front was decorated with Mary and the baby. Bells were installed on each tower, each of them was named in its own way. The weight of the largest was 5.5 tons.

Many clergy took part in the restoration of the shrine. The Austrian episcopate gave the organ, and the image of the Mother of God - John Paul II.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Minsk

Minskers have something to be proud of

A visit to the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk is included in city tours. Many tourists are impressed by this long-suffering attraction. Inside the temple, nude colors dominate: pastel pink and light peach, which immerses in a peaceful atmosphere. The highlight of the temple gives a chic organ. Music lovers often attend spiritual concerts in order to enjoy the sound of this musical instrument.
The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in Minsk at the address: Freedom Square, 9.

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