Often when reading an information article, the manual of a program or control settings in a computer game, a key called Backspace is found in the text. What kind of key, where to find it, what function it performs - the information below will help answer these and other questions.
Where is the key located?
One of the most commonly used buttons on the keyboard is Backspace. What kind of key and where it is located, while many do not know.
Its location may vary depending on the type and model of keyboard. However, in most cases, it is enough to look at the place above the large Enter button, where the Backspace key is located - it can be identified by its elongated shape. It can also be identified by the arrow pointing to the left side of the keyboard, as well as the corresponding inscription, which, unfortunately, is not present on every device model.
A frequent mistake in answering the question "Backspace - what is the key?" is that it is the widest button on the keyboard or just the space bar. But this opinion is erroneous - the reason for this is a similar name - Space.
Where and for what is it used?
When you first get acquainted with a personal computer, in addition to the question about the Backspace button (what kind of key), there is an interest in its functionality. In most typesetting applications, it is responsible for returning the print carriage while deleting the last character or item. And if there is a selected text or a fragment of a document, it deletes all the selected information.
In combination with other keys, its functionality is significantly expanded, and this depends on the specification of the application in which the work is performed.
In Internet browsers, the Backspace key acts as a back button to the previous page. However, recent versions of some browsers have switched to support for combinations using this button, for example, Alt + Backspace.
Backspace Key Repair
If during work with the keyboard it turned out that the Backspace key does not work, then with a correctly connected device and the presence of the appropriate drivers on the computer, several factors may cause the breakdown. One of the most common is dirt falling under the key itself, which interferes with the correct operation of the key. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to remove the upper plate, clean the membrane or return spring, and then fix the plate in its original place and check its performance. When performing this operation, it should be borne in mind that the "antennae" on which the key is held are rather fragile, therefore, it is necessary to act with care.
Another popular reason is moisture entering the contacts on the circuit board. The consequence of this may be corrosion of the contacts themselves, which is why the keyboard stops responding to pressing. In this case, it is necessary to make a more detailed analysis of the input device and clear the key contact.
If these actions did not help in restoring the device, then you should contact the service center. Perhaps the reason for the incorrect operation is not in the key itself, but in the keyboard, and then it will be difficult to identify the reasons without experience and relevant knowledge.