Rubber keyboard

Everyone, buying a computer, tries to make it the most convenient for themselves. The mouse should be comfortable in your hand, the monitor should have a certain size, the most convenient for the user, speakers or speakers - to produce exactly the sound you need.

For those who often work or just spend time at the computer, one of its most important components is the keyboard. Surely many people have noticed more than once how inconvenient it is to work at someone else's computer, and especially to type: your fingers get to the wrong place, the usual arrangement of keys changes, and the sound is too loud. Therefore, we select the keyboard that suits us the most and is most liked.

The modern gadget market offers a huge number of diverse keyboard options - for every taste. The desire to improve technology leads to the appearance of interesting, and sometimes quite strange new products, one of which is a rubber keyboard.

Such a keyboard is not much different from the usual one - in terms of functionality, of course, but if you look at the external differences, there are many of them. The main distinctive quality of the product is hard to miss: this keyboard is flexible, made of rubber, it can be folded, twisted and bent. Of course, within reasonable limits, since even such a keyboard can not withstand the pressure and crack. Flexibility and elasticity allows you to use such a keyboard on almost any surface, which makes it indispensable not so much when used with a computer, but rather with laptops and netbooks if their own keys are broken or jammed.

Another positive quality that a rubber keyboard has is almost complete noiselessness. When you press the keys, only soft beats are heard. You can not compare with the loud knock, which publishes most of the usual keyboards. And of course, this is an indispensable property for those who use the computer at night, in families with young children, as well as in offices where sometimes nothing is heard behind a loud tapping of keys.

Among other things, the rubber keyboard is absolutely not afraid of moisture and is easier to clean when dirty. A homogeneous molded rubber case allows cleaning without removing the keys and pushing back, which, of course, any user of a personal computer with an ordinary plastic keyboard knows. So with such a gadget you can safely drink tea without leaving your computer and not being afraid to cause damage.

The only small drawback of this gadget is that you need to press the buttons harder. After using familiar analogs, a rubber keyboard may seem less convenient in this regard, but this is only a matter of habit. Users just need to keep track of how the text is typed - missing letters are possible. For people who type in texts blindly, it will be easier.

Like any other, a rubber keyboard can have additional keys - multimedia, a numeric keypad, keys to enter the mail program, go to sleep and standby modes, a computer lock key, and so on. Their availability depends on specific models.

A rubber keyboard is connected as standard - via USB-input. At the same time, some models can be disconnected from the cord and used as wireless. There are also analogues that connect via Bluetooth. The average thickness of the product varies from five to eight millimeters. The rubber keyboard is made of a material that is pleasant to the touch and is easy to wash and wipe.

Such a gadget is indispensable for people who spend a long time at the computer, as well as for those who travel often - the weight of the keyboard is only three hundred and fifty grams on average, it easily folds into a convenient and compact roll.

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