Choir is a choir of angels

If you are an Orthodox Christian, then at least once you have been to church. Even the most skeptical atheists, having entered the temple, cannot remain indifferent. The first thing that impresses is the decoration: delightfully decorated icons, candlesticks, twilight, shine ... And if you were lucky enough to go to the cathedral on some twelfth holiday, you probably were breathtaking from church singing, or you felt indescribable grace. The choir sang.

Kliros is a special place in the temple where singers and readers serve. It is separated from the parishioners, often located on a hill. According to the canons of choirs in the church there should be 2: left and right. They are located on a salt near the altar on the right and left sides of the royal gates. The choir is controlled by the regent.

choir is

Right choir

The right choir is specially trained vocalists who complement the general service and help the second choir. Their songs are more complex, the performance of which requires academic singing skills. In the old days, the right choir sang with one voice. Now they mainly resort to polyphony, which conveys the volume of a musical work. The acoustics of the temple further enhances the unearthly, heavenly effect.

Musical instruments are not used, because the voice is the creation of the hands of God, and the instrument is the creation of the hands of man. Everything is sung as a cappella. The right choir should be located to the right of the altar, but now this rule is neglected, and a professional choir sings on the balcony, which creates the effect of music from heaven. The right choir is invited on Saturday, Sunday and on holidays.

Left choir

The left choir is “everyday” singers. They also read prayer petitions (litanies), sticheras, a psalter, akathists, etc. These people take part in every church service: both on weekdays and holidays.

It is allowed to enter the choir only by singers and other temple employees. Outsiders are allowed only after the blessing of the head priest of the church. In the center, there is definitely a lectern - this is a tall narrow table with a bowed top, somewhat reminiscent of a pulpit. Often it is closed with doors, and inside has several shelves for storing liturgical books.

choir in the church

Upper and lower choir

People call a choir not only the place where singers and readers serve, but also the choir itself, the collective. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote that in the church on the left choir old monks are singing, and on the right - young monks. The left choir is always more experienced, but less melodious.

Now in the temples the right choir is mainly located on the balcony, which rises above the parishioners, therefore it is popularly called the “upper choir”, and the left choir is often located opposite the altar on the right side of the royal gates, so the parishioners began to call it “lower”.

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