Runa Laguz: meaning, interpretation

In the German school, the Laguna rune is associated with water, a stream. She is considered the personification of female activity, witchcraft. There is a secret, though not perceived explicitly. Runa Laguz meaning is quite complex, but positive. Seeing her in fortune telling, you need to perk up, discard the experience. But first things first.

rune laguz

Description and characteristic

The ancient goddess Nertus, according to legend, built his dwelling on an island in the middle of the lake. Every traveler received shelter and blessing from her. Runa Laguz symbolizes this deity of female kindness and wisdom. The Celts believe that it was she who taught Odin magic. When a person concentrates thoughts, he gains strength. If it is applied in the chosen direction, magic forms that is unknown to the ordinary person. With it, good or evil is created, at the choice of the magician. For this, the rune Laguz is used. Its meaning is that it helps to get strength from the surrounding space, to fill the vessel of "thought" with magic. The meaning of the runes is constant changeability, the cycle of energies. There is nothing stationary, everything moves. As plants and animals are born and die, turning into food for the next cycle, so a person’s thought cannot freeze. She constantly strives into the unknown. And the rune Laguz can become her guide. She, in a general sense, is neither good nor bad. This is a symbol of rebirth: death, leading to a new being, other forms, other worldviews. Nevertheless, the symbol is considered feminine, therefore it favors positive activity.

rune laguz meaning

Runa Laguz: interpretation (direct position)

This sign indicates intuition. Every person has it, only we do not want to listen to it because of distrust received from parents or society. Another meaning is the flow of water, river, stream, lake, sea. Runes are multifaceted, and therefore they need to be disassembled sequentially, moving from the external to the internal. If the rune Laguz falls out in the alignment, then listen to your thoughts, remember dreams or childhood dreams. Something huge and good, laid down by fate, remains aloof. A man passes by, carried away by emptiness, unimportant affairs or projects. This rune offers to stop and rethink life. Are you moving in that direction? Do not argue with your essence, the inner "I"? Surely intuition has long and persistently invited you to look at events from a different angle, make an unexpected turn, and slightly deviate from the usual way. How much value do you betray her prompts? This rune symbolizes the harmony of personality. You should listen to all your desires, analyze every thought, even if it looks strange or illogical. This intuition leads, grab her hand and rush for happiness!

rune laguz inverted value

Rune Laguz inverted: meaning

Sometimes we lose contact with the inner “I” so much that the psyche is overstrained. This is the state of affairs indicated by the Laguna rune (inverted). Its meaning is that intuition cannot break through to consciousness. The thing is bad. Man has no communication channel with the Universe. He lost his guide. Probably, logic takes responsibility, only it will not be necessary to pay the bills, but to the personality itself. Consciousness is skewed in one direction. That is, a person descended into the physical world, having lost contact with the Higher. Such a state cannot last for a long time. An explosion will follow in the subtle plane. And in reality, it will result in a nervous breakdown. The situation is critical. Need a rest, a calm analysis of errors. It is necessary to find the lost connection with intuition. This can be done through meditation or magic rituals. Of the simplest we recommend fire. Look at him without thinking about anything. You should completely free your head so that the barriers between the aspects of the personality are gone. Look for the source of the higher "I" in yourself.

rune laguz meaning in love

Relationship Impact (Direct)

When divining, this symbol is perceived positively. Runa Laguz meaning in love is positive. Relations are protected by higher powers. Everything that happens is true. You are in agreement with your intuition. It is necessary to continue to trust her. Illumination can come in dreams. Listen to their advice. Runa says that relations are developing. Whether they are durable depends on the surrounding signs. But, even if they end, you will not suffer. So it was a very useful and positive experience. Enjoy every minute spent next to your partner. Try to give him happiness. The rune shows the true intentions and sincerity of the people who entered into the union. Do not expect meanness or betrayal. Gebo runes, Laguz, located nearby, speak of a strong connection for life. This combination symbolizes the protection of the Higher forces, fate, true union. When dealing with a relationship, a great sign! Runa Laguz in love speaks of development, following her destiny. She does not summarize. They should be judged by the surrounding symbols.

Fortune telling (inverted position)

The main thesis is deception, infidelity. If this symbol has fallen, then you should forget about the hopes for a successful development of relationships. You went across fate. The current partner (well, if only intended) is given as punishment. He will not be faithful, care, bestow happiness. This is a situation when a fortuneteller is addicted to a scammer and a liar. Inverted Laguna rune in a relationship is a sign of renunciation of the inner “I”. And this is a big sin in the broad sense. You should return to your path. Do not think that at the expense of another person you can find joy, get energy. Often it falls out when one of the couple is a vampire in relation to the other. People do not need each other. Each of them is trying to solve their problems at the expense of a partner. There is no development. The inverted runes of Laguz, Kano nearby predict a complete break. It is advisable to perceive it wisely. The partner is pumping vitality, it should be left voluntarily (and the sooner the better).

rune laguz interpretation

Fortune telling (direct position)

Whatever the question is, you will be satisfied. The rune indicates that the person is in the right place. His creative abilities are not blocked and are developing. It is necessary to listen to intuition, not be distracted by “advisers” and “well-wishers”, trust yourself more. This is a sign of a strong, developed personality. If it’s about work, don’t worry. You are developing normally. You don’t have or are doing very well with your enemies. Obstacles themselves recede before the fortuneteller. Probably getting a good, promising move-related offer. Our rune points towards the water. That is, it is necessary to go to the sea, lake, large river. In addition, men should consider a job offer from a business woman. Implementing it will create the basis for future well-being. The combination of the Laguna rune with Gebo (both straight lines) is especially favorable for creative people. They will get a chance not only to be fully realized, but also to secure for themselves fame and a decent income.

Fortune telling (inverted position)

Donkey stubbornness is accompanied by serious losses - this is the inner meaning of the rune. You should not try to jump above your head just because you really want to. Runa Lugz (inverted) when divining on a situation or any business is considered an unfavorable sign. She demonstrates a lack of energy. What a man aspired to does not need him. You are simply confused and have no chance of success. Do not be stubborn. Stop! Your goods are located elsewhere, this should be seen with an inner eye. Probably missed the turn. Go back and analyze your actions. What seems desirable today is just a mirage. It will bring neither money nor joy. Another sense of the runes is a tricky fraudster nearby, who is not possible to resist. First get rid of this vile person (partner), then think about the development of the case.

combination of the runes of laguses

Tip (straight rune)

You need to trust the course of life. You have chosen the right direction. Do not step back from him. Listen to your inner self. Today you are acting in unison. Just do not doubt in any case. Distrust means stopping. Then favorable circumstances will rush off into the distance, leaving you on the shore of bitter disappointments and regrets. Surrender to the stream of life. He will pick you up and swiftly ascend to the very top of success!

Tip (Inverted Rune)

Have you ever been caught in a marshy quagmire? It’s not easy to get out of it. But nothing is impossible for a strong personality. Today you are in that position. Around the enmity, pulling deeper. If this goes on, you’ll drown. It is necessary to stop and look for the life-giving source of intuition. He is inside. Discard external pressure. Focus on dialogue with the subconscious. Then the situation will begin to improve.

runes laguz cano

Magic use

This sign is necessary in difficult life circumstances. He in a direct position gives strength, helps to collect them from the surrounding space. If a person has lost your confidence, try to catch him sleeping. Mentally draw a rune on his forehead. Upon awakening, he will not be able to lie and will lay out everything as in spirit. Runes Raido, Eyvaz, Laguz help to get an answer to an important question in a dream. Only after becoming should be activated by blood. In love magic, Lagos is also often used. With its help, women increase attractiveness, and men get rid of fears. It promotes reconciliation, harmonizes relationships. This is the rune of the discovery of secrets, the search for internal sources of truth. But, in addition, it affects sexuality. Black magicians use Laguz for staves, when carrying out love spells. She inverted stupid, deprives the strength and treachery of the enemy. If you want to know your path, then meditate on this sign. It cleanses dirt and thin fields from dirt. After some time, everything that is in the way, interfering in itself will evaporate. You will see where you are with a clear look. And the direction of the path will be simple and clear.


All runes have many meanings and characteristics. They have been studied not just for years and decades. Some spend their whole lives doing this. Beginners should carefully approach this magic tool. Even fortunetelling affects events. And about the rituals with runes and talk makes no sense. Improperly activated or produced becoming able to cripple fate. To cancel his influence is a matter for the master. Therefore, you need to study the runes before you use them thoughtlessly. Good luck

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