At the beginning of the educational process, the student must write a term paper, the object and subject of study of which should be considered in accordance with all the rules. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the meaning of these terms.
What it is?
The object of work is that area of knowledge within which research will be conducted. Example: trading activity.
The subject of the course work is a specific problem, which is part of the studied object. Example: trading performance. How to determine the subject of the course work? Very simple. Most often, the subject of the study coincides with the theme of the student.
For example, the work is entitled: "Effective sales organization." This title will also be the subject of the course. Before you start writing a work, you need to understand these terms.
The choice and justification of the subject and course topics
As any researcher knows, to pose the question correctly is to answer half of it. If you are a junior, you are lucky in this regard. Correct or not, but the question for you is posed by the teacher of the appropriate discipline. It is he who presents at your discretion a list of topics.
Thus, the less responsible, but no less troublesome task lies with you - to make an informed choice of the subject under study.
Should the subject be interesting?
Students typically make two standard mistakes in this area. The first of them - they choose an object according to its thematic features, depending on how interesting it is in itself, or on how fascinating associations it wakes up. Although, it would seem, this is an obvious path, but it is fundamentally wrong.
When you compose a written work, your main task is to train, develop skills in the selection, interpretation, analysis and generalization of some initial data. No one expects a new scientific result from you (that is, this is possible, but in any case it is a super task). You must invent a bicycle, not in order to make humanity happy, but in order to learn how to invent in general. Only then, in advanced courses and beyond, you will apply the skills obtained in this way seriously, not at the training ground, but at the forefront of the relevant science.
Analytical study
The second mistake is the choice of subject, providing for an extensive amount of work. A novice student often feels like the first student. It seems to him that the most important thing is to write more. Here he is again cruelly mistaken. Having thrust a stick a stuffed animal a thousand times, you will learn how to fence with a living opponent no more than if you hadn’t jerked at all.
By choosing a topic that allows you to fill thirty pages with just one primary processing of the material, and limiting yourself to this, you still won’t learn anything, you won’t achieve any glory in the eyes of the teacher. If you have chosen a topic that requires a beautiful, but small analytical study, and you have dealt with it, they will not require anything else from you.
Heuristic value of the item
Thus, in junior courses, it is important not the thematic but the heuristic value of your chosen plot. And it does not depend at all on whether apples, pears or water pouring from the pool appear in it. The following formal features come to the fore here:
- The source data (sources) on the topic should be small, that is, the topic should be compact.
- The subject should include the formulation and resolution of only a few issues. However, all of them must be interconnected with each other, and you can correctly answer either all or none of them. Good examples of the subject of term paper are, for example: "The concept of depreciation and its norms", "The introduction of piecework wages", "Types of unemployment."
- The solution to each or at least the main of these issues should require not only a conscientious selection of material and data comparison, but also the ability to pay attention to the invisible details themselves, to relate them to others, that is, simply to think.
- The correct subject of the course work is a problem that has as many outlets on other topics as possible, so that its study will immediately illuminate a number of questions before you, which until then seemed to have nothing to do with you. That is, it should be a certain node in an infinite grid of objects and interconnections of the studied world.
How to make the right choice?
If you bring all this together, it turns out that the best subject of the course work is a small, compact and holistic problem that can be easily studied. Here is one (or as close as possible to this) and choose.
However, the question arises of how you will find out if this subject has all of the above symptoms or not. Indeed, in order to assess their presence, the topic must, in fact, be completely mastered. And you just start to it.
Question: what to do? Answer: ask the teacher. It, unlike you, already represents to itself both the substantial and heuristic value of all topics. Therefore, do not pop into the water yourself, but ask for his advice or at least a comparative description. Only after reading this, make a choice.
Remember that the desired task should correspond to such definitions as heuristically elegant, beautiful, etc. For you, all these epithets are empty sound (for now), but the teacher, unlike you, knows perfectly well what is meant.
Well, and of course, ceteris paribus, the topic that you are previously familiar with wins, while working, you will spend less time on the initial orientation.
Properly selected subject of the course work and the method of its research (that is, how the study of the topic is carried out) is a guarantee of a good grade.