Relatox: reviews of cosmetologists and clients

There are many reasons why wrinkles begin to appear on the skin of a person. For example, facial wrinkles are the result of increased activity of facial muscles of the face. Age wrinkles and those that are formed under the influence of environmental factors arise due to the loss by the skin of its components (collagen and hyaluronic acid), which are responsible for firmness and elasticity.

Injection preparations based on botulinum toxin type A are very popular in cosmetology: Botox, Dysport, and Relatox, the reviews of cosmetologists about which are only positive.

Initially, the indicated toxin was developed as a drug for solving medical problems - the treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm. When conducting research, it was found that botulinum toxin can also be used in cosmetology, because as a result of its use, the skin becomes toned and acquires a fresh look without surgical intervention.

Botulinum toxin preparations

relatox reviews of cosmetologists

Botulinum toxin type A is part of the most famous drugs in cosmetology, differing only in name and manufacturer.

In 1991, an American company launched a drug called Botox. The end of the twentieth century was a period of active research in achieving correction of appearance with the help of this medication. Only in 2001, it was approved for use in the correction of facial wrinkles of the forehead and eyebrows, and in 2004, in the treatment of increased sweating.

Dysport became the first European analogue of Botox and its competitor, released by its English company in 1991. In aesthetic medicine on the Russian market, the drug was registered in 2004. Dysport is widely distributed and has established itself among doctors and patients as a highly effective drug.

The drug “Relatox” reviews is characterized as a premium-class drug of domestic production, which meets all the requirements, non-toxic, sterile, not causing side effects and fever.

These preparations contain a different amount of components:

  • Botox and Relatox - 100 units of toxin per microgram of albumin.
  • Dysport - 500 units per 125 micrograms.

The mechanism of action of Relatox

relatox customer reviews

The drug is a neurotoxin that acts at the level of the neuromuscular junction and blocks the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which provokes the removal of muscle spasm in the injection area. After the injection, the muscles relax, resulting in smoothing of wrinkles. The restoration of muscle tone is gradually restored in the process of developing new nerve endings and connecting them to muscle tissue.

The greatest effect is noticeable after 2 weeks, but there are cases of both a quick result (2-3 days after administration) and a delayed effect (4 weeks). After the muscle tissue becomes toned again, the procedure must be repeated. Relatox injections recommend patient reviews 2-4 times a year.

The duration of the effect of the drug is individual, usually it is 3.5-4 months, but sometimes it can increase to 6, it all depends on the level of sensitivity to botulinum toxin, the dose of the drug and the condition of the person. There are approximately 2% of people who are not sensitive to neurotoxin, so injections do not need to be done, they will not have any effect.

“Relatox” customer reviews characterize as a drug, the best effect of which is noticeable on the wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and nose. After the injection, the facial muscles relax, small wrinkles become invisible and the deep folds on the face are partially smoothed. The facial skin, which was constantly under the influence of muscle contractions, is renewed, the water-salt balance is restored, the process of increased production of collagen and elastin begins, which leads to increased skin elasticity.

Indications for use

relatox injection reviews

"Relatox" reviews of cosmetologists recommend if you have:

  • horizontal wrinkles in the forehead;
  • vertical facial wrinkles on the nose;
  • "Crow's feet" around the eyes;
  • lowered nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles around the lips;
  • wrinkles on the neck and chest.

After the procedure, the patient changes his facial expression, breaks the habit of wrinkling his forehead and face, which prevents the formation of creases on the skin. The action of the drug is local, so the facial expression remains, as before, “lively”, and wrinkles and folds are not visible.

Advantages of the drug

If we talk about the main advantages of the drug, you need to describe all its positive effects, which make it possible to use it in cosmetology.

botulinum toxin relatox reviews

“Relatox” reviews of cosmetologists are characterized as a drug that makes it possible:

  • rejuvenation (high-quality removal of wrinkles in the chest, neck, face);
  • smoothing the skin in the creases;
  • raise lowered eyebrows and corners of the eyes;
  • face shape adjustment (strengthening the oval, raising the corners of the nasolabial folds);
  • keep the effect of the procedure for a long time;
  • apply the drug repeatedly without causing muscle atrophy ;
  • get rid of excessive sweating in the armpits, on the feet and palms;
  • receiving effect without a long period of rehabilitation;
  • see the process of increasing effect for two weeks;
  • get rid of constant headache and migraine;
  • relieve facial cramps and strained facial expressions.

No addiction to the drug occurs, injections can be stopped at any time, the physiology will not change, the face will eventually acquire its natural look, which will correspond to age.

relatox negative reviews

“Relatox” customer reviews are described as a drug with a short rehabilitation period due to the low invasive ability. Injections are performed with thin needles, which does not cause injury to the skin. After a day, microtraumas heal, redness disappears. This is especially true for people who do not want to advertise their trips to cosmetologists.

Skin rejuvenation by injection makes it possible not to carry out surgical procedures and therefore has fewer contraindications, characterized by a low level of injury.

Drug shortcomings

Botulinum toxin "Relatox" reviews characterize the negative side only with unprofessional injection. A good and long experience of a cosmetologist plays a huge role, since there are no side effects.

The cons include:

  • the drug does not affect deep wrinkles;
  • low efficiency when injecting into the chin and cheeks;
  • limited effect of the drug "Relatox".

Reviews of cosmetologists warn that there is an opportunity to smooth out deep wrinkles, but not get rid of them completely. With facial wrinkles, the skin, although it has lost its elasticity, is still elastic enough to restore them through muscle relaxation. In the case of deep wrinkles, the skin has almost lost its elasticity, and relaxing the tissue will lead to a slight smoothing, but not the elimination of the fold.

Wrinkles that are located on the cheeks and on the chin do not appear due to the activity of the facial muscles, but arise as a result of the structural features of the person’s face, his cheekbones, so injections will not change anything.

The limited effect of the drug is due to the fact that after a while it is completely eliminated from the body, the period of action lasts an average of 4-8 months. After the expiration of the drug "Relatox", patient reviews confirm this, wrinkles appear again, and injections need to be done again. However, with continuous administration of the drug, the effect is prolonged for about a month.


relatox drug reviews

This medicine is a tablet or powder that is diluted with saline before the injection.

The cosmetologist independently determines what concentration the solution should be, focusing on the condition of the patient’s face, on the location of facial wrinkles, and also guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer of the Relatox product. The reviews of cosmetologists unequivocally emphasize that it is better to carry out injections with disposable insulin needles equipped with a fixed needle, the procedure must be performed deeply intramuscularly, with the exception of the area around the eyes and mouth, where it is better to use subcutaneous injection of the drug.

The patient is sitting or reclining in a chair, after which the skin is cleaned with a disinfectant. When working with facial muscles, the patient should tighten the muscles as much as possible, for example, frown, squint or smile broadly. The procedure is painless and takes about 15-30 minutes.

There is no recovery period, only after the procedure you need to lie down for 3-4 hours, you should not lift weights and tighten the muscles that have been treated. Doctor's supervision is required within 30 minutes.

Within 2 weeks, it is not recommended to take alcohol, visit a bathhouse, sauna, solarium. After 3 weeks, you need to consult a cosmetologist to assess the effectiveness of the procedure and to perform the correction (if necessary).

Absolute contraindications

Injections "Relatox", reviews of cosmetologists and recommendations of manufacturers note, can not be done with:

  • myasthenia gravis (autoimmune neuromuscular disease);
  • the presence of an inflammatory process at the site of the procedure;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • hemophilia (severe genetic disease);
  • high degree astigmatism (myopia).

Relative contraindications

These include:

  • the presence of diseases in the acute stage;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • taking antibiotics from the tetracycline group, polymyxin; anticoagulants, muscle relaxants;
  • frequent use of alcohol;
  • unbalanced mental state;
  • tendency to face swelling;
  • high expectations from the use of the drug.

Relatox: patient reviews

There are various responses about the drug. As patients note, the result from the use of the drug at altitude: expression lines almost disappeared, deep folds in the forehead and nose bridge slightly smoothed out, the corners of the lips lifted.

In patients who did Relatox, reviews are most often positive, because there is no rehabilitation period, and the drug can be used repeatedly. Most often, there is a lasting effect from the procedure, and, most importantly, the result, as they say, is obvious.

As a positive point, many women note a complete elimination of excessive sweating, which previously created many problems.

Relatox: negative reviews

Patients note side effects after the injection: the appearance of irritation in the throat and nose, slight pain in the injection area, the appearance of irritation on the skin, the appearance of edema. However, these symptoms are minor and quickly disappear.

who did relatox reviews

If you want to be attractive for as long as possible, but do not want to resort to the help of plastic surgeons, Relatox injection is an excellent solution and a step towards beauty and youth.

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