Eyelash extensions. Pros and cons of the procedure.

To have thick, long eyelashes is the dream of every woman. However, nature has not endowed everyone with beauty. But do not despair. Modern cosmetic methods work wonders. Eyelashes can be built artificially. First you need to familiarize yourself with the process technology, the materials used, contraindications (if any).

What is eyelash extensions? Pros and cons of the procedure

Artificial eyelashes are attached to natural ones with an adhesive. There are beam and ciliary building. With beam extension, bundles of synthetic fibers are glued to natural eyelashes . Glue gluing is distinguished by a different process technology. Artificial fibers are attached to each cilia individually. This method is the most painstaking, requires more time to work. With the ciliary building artificial material lasts longer. During wearing, a correction is required. A quality eyelash sticking operation can only be performed by a professional salon worker. This factor is very important. The quality of the procedure and the health of the client depend on him. Made a decision to do eyelash extensions? The pros and cons are as follows:

Positive aspects of the procedure

First of all, the aesthetic component of cosmetic manipulation should be emphasized. "New" eyelashes become long, thick, fluffy. The appearance of the eyes is changing. It acquires expressiveness, attracts the eyes of others. There is no need to apply mascara, daily flushing, fear of drips, accidental spreading. Modern technological innovations and materials allow you to give your eyelashes a beautiful, natural look for a long time. Adhesives are available in a large assortment. Therefore, you can choose it individually, in accordance with your characteristics.

A diverse selection of eyelashes allows you to find the right option. For a particularly solemn occasion, the "publication", product manufacturers offer material with perm (curling up), rhinestones, sparkles, any color shades. With the help of artificial eyelashes, you can slightly correct the section of the eyes, increasing it or decreasing it. The procedure is available to every woman. Previously, only actresses and famous personalities could afford it.

The negative sides of the cosmetic operation “Eyelash extensions”

Pros and cons should be considered in advance, before making a decision. There are restrictions for women who wear contact lenses. At the same time, the wearing time of artificial material is reduced. In addition, extended eyelashes require appropriate care. Eyes should not be rubbed while washing. The use of fat-containing creams for the care of the skin of the eyelids is excluded, otherwise the eyelashes may come off. Too oily skin must be wiped with lotion.

There are contraindications for eyelash extensions for women prone to allergic reactions, lacrimation, and eye diseases. Despite this, the question: is eyelash extension harmful, can be answered no, provided that they are properly taken care of and the recommendations of a professional cosmetologist are followed. He will give advice on all matters of interest. After all, any manipulation of the body, even as harmless as eyelash extensions, always has a pros and cons.

Studying the reviews about the procedure “eyelash extension”, the pros and cons should be studied by reading the reviews of customers who did the procedure with a particular master. There is an opinion that this operation harms their own eyelashes, up to their complete loss. Such negative consequences can occur only after visiting a master amateur, without an appropriate education. Poor quality work is harmful. Therefore, you should not take risks and save money by turning to lay people. Beauty and health are in your hands.

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