The current conspiracy to trade: consequences and reviews

Among the people who are professionally engaged in sales, there are many tales. Many of them relate to the success of a character. It is not explained only by talent and perseverance. Often the case is presented so that the lucky get help from above. There are reasons for this. Especially when you try a conspiracy to trade. The consequences of such an experiment can please or disappoint. The result depends on the right attitude and other factors. Interested in? Then let's figure it out.

Does the merchant need magical support?

conspiracy to trade consequences

Somehow, it’s not accepted to persuade people to take any action. We have freedom of choice, including the tools to “build” our well-being. Nevertheless, it is worth saying a few words on this topic. Many people wonder if the conspiracy to trade really helps. Are the consequences of it really so tangible for the wallet (cash desk)? The buyer is unlikely to observe this in life. But those who are spinning in business are faced with uneven sales constantly. There are special people. They are constantly lucky, the buyer is so "rushing". Other periods are extremely successful. It seems like an accident. Actually - not really. This clearly shows the relationship with the aura. We just don’t see it, therefore the logic of events is not realized.

Nevertheless, even without applying conspiracies and prayers to trade, a person can get into a wave of luck. This happens when he intuitively tunes in to his heavenly patron. For example, happy chances are often demonstrated in the information field. Someone gets a bonus, another - superprofits. For the most part, this happens to people following their vocation. That is, heaven supports them, providing the opportunity to have all the blessings of the earth. Any person is worthy of it. Only there are a lot of blocks for ourselves in our thoughts, so we do not live, but vegetate.

How does a conspiracy to trade help?

The consequences of any of our actions are primarily manifested in the energy sector, the currents of which only the lazy now do not discuss. Money will come only to the one who can accept it. This is also a common opinion. But it is not without logic, however. Money only seems to us pieces of paper for which you can buy things, develop a business. In fact, they, in fact, are guided by energy structures - egregors, generated by the thoughts of "big" mankind (already dead and living people). It’s advisable to attach to this “boss”. Make, so to speak, egregore your friend.

strong conspiracy to trade

Approximately in this direction, plots and prayers on trade affect the seller’s field. They build bridges to the egregore of money, remove obstacles. In another language, they provide patronage to those who influence the flow of funds. The reviews of those who really used them are quite unambiguous. Act!

Rules for the application of ceremonies for trade

If a business person (of any level) takes up something, then he is not interested in the action itself, but in the result. Is not it? Magic is hardly an exception. Therefore, preliminary preparation is necessary. After all, a person is interested in a conspiracy to trade, the consequences of which will necessarily be positive. Since such actions have a very indirect relation to the material sphere, just the result appears there, then the preparatory work should be carried out at the level of emotions and moods. People practicing these methods say that the emphasis is on mood.


It’s easiest to imagine that you are a river. Since money flows do not rush in your direction, then there are obstacles. Maybe these are rapids, sometimes even dams are deaf. During the ceremony, you will begin to dismantle them. That is, when you start the ritual in which prayers, conspiracies for good trading are used, it is necessary to visualize the unhindered flows of energy of money. They should strive in two directions: towards you and in the opposite direction. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. It is impossible to attract without giving. Are you a serious person? How to develop without investing? And do not forget about the belief in the effectiveness of the ritual and good mood. This is the basis for achieving the result.

conspiracies and prayers for trade

To summarize: tune in to the fact that a fun and powerful river of money passes through you, filling you with an extraordinary sense of satisfaction from work (receiving, communication process, and so on).

How to stabilize trade

Business situations can be different. Naturally, it is necessary to select the appropriate magic tools for them. By the way, they are enough. There are universal methods. They attract luck, remove traffic jams, open up new opportunities. For example, try such a conspiracy to trade. Reading it is carried out with the growing moon. You will need salt. Quantity is up to you. You can talk a whole kilogram, and then use it as needed. No, so no one will forbid to conduct the ceremony in a month or two, when again it is time to come.

Put salt under the open sky. Say the following words to her: “You’re famously impoverished, best-selling, unfortunate misfortune, do not disturb me, the Lord's slave (name). Run away, on the earth and on the water, let there be no shelter for you anywhere. Set sail for the distant seas, where all the land burns in a fog. Don’t call me with you, I won’t get bored when you are away. So that rafts should not be worn for me forever, never be in trouble or suffering. It’s not for nothing that you sell the product, but stay with it. I send away my lack of money, I lock the word with a key, sprinkle with salt, I block roads. Amen! ”Salt is sprinkled on the threshold of the premises where the trade takes place (shop, office, apartment and so on). This is not the only conspiracy (strong) to trade. It's just that this rite is to some extent universal. In any case, according to the reviews of those who dared to apply it.

the most powerful conspiracies to trade

So as not to suffer from envious

Most often, the most powerful conspiracies to trade are also some protective
functions. If you return to the streams, they turn away towards those who pile stones into your river, thereby creating obstacles. Such a rite, for example, is carried out with hops. The only inconvenience is that you must personally tear it down. The one sold in the pharmacy is not particularly effective. It is used only as a last resort. Say the following words (on the growing moon): “Hop fragrant and fluffy curls around a pillar. That is his fate. My share is different. I attract her. Let the merchants of the wealthy caravan wind around me, never transfer. Amen! ”Store hop cones, of course, in the place where the deals are made.

Coin plot

prayers conspiracy to good trade

You need a special "money". Her choice is important. The more exclusive the coin, the more effective it will act. For example, an ordinary ruble (five, ten) will become a good amulet. Some jubilee coin will attract luck. Gold (silver, historical) will act as a powerful magnet. If you are interested in foreign exchange earnings, then take a coin overseas. In general, the idea is probably understandable. At midnight, they’ll slander the money seven times like this: “I collect solar light, I send it in a coin. Let the rays spread, collect customers. Longing and sorrow is my black, poverty is bottomless, leave forever. In the hands of my wealth is a star! From now on, chests are breaking with good, troubles and sufferings are not remembered! Amen!"

Ritual in the trading room

conspiracies and rites of trade

As a rule, people practice magic in solitary places. This, of course, is convenient. Only the forces to influence large groups of people, so to speak, remotely are not enough for everyone. If you want conspiracies and ceremonies to trade to have a more serious impact, then conduct them directly in the trading room. So, for example, you can turn to your personal heavenly helper. Calculate the visual center of your retail space. To this point and contact. The words are: “I appeal to the spirit of trade! I need help now! My luck lies on your trade roads! Bring me to her, join me, bind us two! I will be lucky to trade. And you, spirit, undertake to lead buyers to us! Amen! ”You must pay for this conspiracy. Give money to the beggar or make a discount to the poor. Only the same hour, do not wait for a reason.

Conspiracy on goods

acting conspiracy to trade

Sometimes it is necessary to apply a magical effect to material objects. People often rush to conclusions. They think that the rite will open gold streams from the sky right from the first minute. Not receiving such results are disappointed. They begin to look for a conspiracy to trade acting, focusing on the last word. It is recommended then to gradually learn magic. Talk about things from your goods to convince your stubborn brain of the effectiveness of rituals. Here are the words: “The gentleman of the slave (name) strokes his goods (to name), the buyer gets on to him. A string of stretch. They will look back and praise, add a price, take one another from one another. You merchants, do not fight, you will agree with my price. I’m stroking it. Amen! ”Naturally, the thing that is for sale is necessary and true, stroking with your left hand. Good luck

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