Ointments for spots from acne: names, methods of use, reviews

The appearance of acne on the Lyceum is an unpleasant problem. After them there may be spots that cause discomfort. To eliminate the problem, ointments from acne spots will help. Each tool has its own characteristics. The types of effective drugs are described in the article.

Causes of Traces

The appearance of the skin at the final stage of acne treatment depends on the selected methods for its elimination. If the care is not performed correctly or acne is often squeezed out, then traces remain in the face in the form of spots and scars.

acne stain ointment

They usually arise due to:

  1. Deep inflammation.
  2. Attempts to get rid of acne and blackheads on your own. If you do not follow the rules of sterility, then bacteria penetrate the wound, which multiply and lead to the formation of an abscess, and then to scars.
  3. Attempts to treat acne on their own. If you do not contact a dermatologist at the initial stage of the ailment, then the deep layers of the skin can be affected, as a result of which spots form that are difficult to eliminate.

Removing red marks is a long process. Patience and an integrated approach to treatment are needed. Only then will it be possible to improve the appearance of the skin.

Types of spots and scars

Before fixing the problem, the cause of their appearance should be identified. It is necessary to recognize the appearance of spots or scars. They are divided into:

  1. Scars are atrophic. Located below skin level. They appear with a reduced reaction of connective tissues to the formed damage. Because of this, collagen begins to be produced a little.
  2. Normotrophic. Scars are located at the level of the skin, and they appear with a normal tissue reaction to damage. As a rule, spots are flat, light, elastic.
  3. Hypertrophic. Present above skin level, appear with increased production of collagen.
  4. Keloid. This is an unpleasant consequence in the form of reddish and cyanotic formations.

According to reviews, any spots from acne look untidy, so you need to eliminate them in a timely manner. In general, they are easier to prevent than to treat in a neglected state.

The nuances of treatment

Ointment from acne spots should be chosen, judging by the reasons for their formation, dislocation and degree of damage. To eliminate the traces applied:

  1. Cosmetology. This method is used when there is no way to fix the problem with ointments and creams. To do this, vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning, chemical peeling, laser resurfacing are used. After the procedure, Bepanten or Panthenol cream is applied to the skin.
  2. Treatment with drugs. In pharmacies, many creams and ointments for acne spots are sold. Local remedies can get rid of redness, spots and skin defects.
  3. Folk remedies. The result with them will not be fast. Many products do not remove scars and scars. The main and purpose is to lighten spots.

Before using pharmacy and folk remedies, you should pre-test your skin for allergies. To do this, a small amount of the drug is applied to the inside of the hand, withstand 30 minutes. If there is no redness and irritation, then you can use the medicine.

Probable side effects

Ointments for acne spots also have side effects. They rarely appear, but the probability of occurrence exists. From such funds, you may receive:

  • itching
  • burning;
  • redness
  • allergy.

According to reviews, ointments are able to remove spots that appear from acne. But other types of pigmentation and scars may be resistant to them. There is also a risk of addiction and reduced effectiveness.

If no improvement is visible in 6-7 days, the drug should be discontinued. Another treatment is completed when side effects occur. According to reviews, negative reactions disappear themselves when you stop using such drugs.

Treatment features

Therapy must be performed according to the following rules:

  1. Do not squeeze acne yourself.
  2. Apply the product only on clean, dry skin.
  3. It is advisable to perform treatment in the summer and autumn periods: most products dry and thin the skin, which lacks nutrition in winter and spring.
  4. During therapy, do not allow active exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  5. During treatment, vitamin C preparations should be taken.
  6. Thanks to proper nutrition, you will be able to speed up recovery.


Zinc ointment for red spots after acne is an effective tool that can be bought at a pharmacy. The drug consists of zinc oxide, petroleum jelly. Zinc is considered an important component for humans. Thanks to him, complex processes are regulated, enzyme activity is monitored. It is part of cosmetics for the care of problem skin. Since the component is harmless, it is added to children's cosmetics.

zinc ointment from which helps in cosmetology

What does zinc ointment help in cosmetology? This tool allows you to:

  • eliminate inflammation;
  • treat acne;
  • get rid of diaper rash;
  • relieve redness.

Zinc provides the launch of cell renewal processes, the normalization of the sebaceous glands and the blocking of fluid secretion due to the creation of a protective film. It also has a drying and disinfecting effect. Since zinc is considered an effective antioxidant, the product rejuvenates and brightens the skin.

These are all properties, from which zinc ointment helps in cosmetology. It is advisable to use a stain remover 2-3 times a day. The ointment is applied to the spots with a thin layer, waiting for absorption. If the problem is large, there are scars, then it is advisable to use compresses, performing them in the evening at night. Ointment is applied to gauze, fixed with a plaster. During the night, the inflammation disappears and the redness disappears.

According to reviews, for prevention and treatment it is better to use a mask from the drug and clay. After use, apply the cream. There is an equalization of complexion, cleansing pores. For mixed skin apply a mask based on the drug and licorice.


The ointment consists of salicylic acid and petroleum jelly. The main indication is the treatment of burns and wounds. The main property is antibacterial action. The drug dries and disinfects, therefore it is effective in the treatment of acne, inflammation, redness. With it, cells are exfoliated and regenerated.

What is salicylic ointment used for? It is used to treat:

  • eczema
  • skin diseases with purulent manifestations;
  • rash of seborrheic.
salicylic ointment for what is used

According to reviews, the product is applied pointwise. If the affected areas are large, the drug is distributed over the entire surface. The procedures are performed 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the start of treatment. If you use the ointment after the formation of acne, it will take a week.

And when the problem is delayed, then it may take about a month for treatment. To get rid of stains, a compress is applied every day. If improvements are noticeable, then the procedures are done every other day. It is advisable to use moisturizers. You can use a solution of salicylic acid, but it is important to consider that it greatly dries the skin. These are all the purposes for which salicylic ointment is used.

Syntomycin ointment

"Syntomycin liniment 10%" is an effective drug for acne. It has an antimicrobial substance, chloramphenicol, castor oil (having a brightening effect). The drug is better not to use during pregnancy and fungal ailments.

According to experts, it is advisable not to use this tool for too long, as it is addictive, and this complicates skin cleansing. "Syntomycin liniment 10%" is used for:

  • bacteria control;
  • elimination of lesions with pustular manifestations;
  • ulcer treatment;
  • getting rid of acne, boils, blackheads;
  • burn treatment.

The clarifying effect of the ointment is considered additional due to castor oil. Therefore, it is used from pigmentation, which appears after acne. When applying the ointment for clarification, it is important to consider the fact that it is considered a medicine and is not intended for cosmetic equalization of complexion.

Syntomycin ointment is used for acne pointwise. Apply it to clean skin for 1-3 hours. Use the ointment every day. If after a week there will be no improvement, it is better not to use the drug, but consult a doctor. Allowed to use up to 3-4 weeks. The composition of the drug is safe, there have been no cases of overdose.


This is an effective remedy for red spots from acne. Heparin ointment consists of sodium heparin, petroleum jelly, glycerin, stearin, benzocaine. The drug is effective in the presence of:

  • blood clots;
  • varicose veins;
  • hemorrhoids.
heparin ointment for red spots from acne

Another ointment helps with hematomas, bruises, spots from acne. It is applied in a thin layer 3 times a day with an interval of 8 hours. To get a positive result, treatment is performed for 1.5 weeks. If changes are not visible, the agent must be replaced with another drug.


To treat acne spots, ichthyol ointment is effective. This product is considered natural. It has resins (shale) and sulfur (organic). The drug blocks inflammation, disinfects, softens, regenerates cells. Another tool:

  • eliminates acne, blackheads;
  • relieves irritation, redness;
  • restores rough skin.

According to reviews, it is better to use compresses to treat spots. Use time is calculated by the degree of damage. It is better not to use the ointment in case of the likelihood of allergies and pregnancy.


This is an effective ointment for red spots after acne. You must choose a tool with a 10% concentration of the main component. At a low rate, the ointment is not able to act as an exfoliating drug. The tool helps to eliminate hyperpigmentation.

But sulfuric ointment also has drawbacks - an unpleasant odor, difficulty in washing off, difficulty in washing off clothes. Treatment involves treating damaged areas 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is about a month. Sulfur ointment is better not to use during pregnancy.


An effective gel consists of heparin, onion extract, allantoin. The components block the production of fibrin, due to which scars appear, and its resorption is performed. The drug allows you to:

  • restore cell regeneration;
  • soften acne marks, eliminate the feeling of tightness of the skin;
  • get rid of redness.

The duration of use is quite long. The result will be noticeable after a month. After two months, the maximum effect will be achieved. The drug is used for any degree of damage and for different skin. Apply the gel 2 times a day.

contract ointment

To get rid of stains, you need to follow some recommendations. After purulent formations, the formation of spots of violet-bluish hues or scars is likely. Then you can perform compresses from the ointment. To do this, the affected area of ​​the drug is treated, covered with a film and smoothed. The compress is fixed and left overnight.

If the spots are fresh, the effect will be faster. After falling off the crust, it is also desirable to use an ointment. Before its use, cleaning the problem area with soap with antibacterial action is required. You can use a cosmetic product without alcohol. In addition, it is advisable to treat the skin with formic alcohol before applying β€œContractubes”.


This is an ointment for whitening spots after acne. The product contains erythromycin and zinc acetate - the main components. The drying effect is provided with the help of zinc, which eliminates acne, protects against the appearance of traces. Application involves the creation of lotion.

The solvent in the form of a liquid must be poured into a powder located in 2 vials. The product is shaken, a special cover is put on. The drug is used in the form of a lotion. Open the cap, place it down. Then it should be applied to the skin. During pressure, liquid forms.

It is necessary to handle the problem areas. You need to use it for 2-3 months twice a day. The result is noticeable after 2 weeks. It is advisable to use the drug on cleansed skin. Allowed to apply it on the whole face or spot. After that use a cream.


According to reviews, tetracycline ointment from spots after acne is effective against this problem. The main active ingredient is the tetracycline antibiotic, due to which:

  • inflammation is eliminated;
  • microbes and bacteria are destroyed;
  • acne is prevented;
  • infection of healthy skin areas is prevented;
  • ulcers and bacterial infections are eliminated.

The drug is available in tubes with a concentration of 3% tetracycline. Additionally, it can be used when:

  • furunculosis;
  • acne
  • eczema
  • furunculitis.

There is another form of ointment (1%), which is used in the treatment of trachoma, barley, conjunctivitis, keratitis and other eye ailments. But for acne therapy, it is not suitable.

Tetracycline ointment is used as follows:

  • apply the product to the skin no more than 2 times a day;
  • if acne has spread over a vast area, then they treat the entire area;
  • cosmetics and impurities are removed from the skin in advance;
  • if discomfort occurs after processing, rinse off with water.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment helps from spots after acne . Reviews testify to its beneficial therapeutic effect. The tool has the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant;
  • drying and softening;
  • restorative;
  • decongestant;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory.
Vishnevsky ointment from spots after acne reviews

The tool is applied according to the following rules:

  • use the drug only on well-cleansed skin;
  • make-up is necessarily removed;
  • ointment is applied in a thick layer;
  • it is better to use immediately after the appearance of acne.

Usually, ointment is applied to a mask that is made from gauze. It develops in 4–5 layers. It is advisable to fix the applied mask with a band-aid. In the morning, the ointment is wiped, the skin is treated with a lotion with alcohol. After cleansing, a light cream is applied.

When acne, blackheads are on the whole face, then you can perform a mask on the whole face. It is only necessary to cut openings for the eyes, mouth, nose. Keep it for 2 hours. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week. The advantage of the ointment is a minimum of contraindications and side effects.


Ointment from spots after acne "Methyluracil" helps to cope with the problem. It is used for:

  • wounds and burns;
  • acne and blackheads;
  • dermatosis and bedsores;
  • dermatitis and diaper rash;
  • subcutaneous tick;
  • boils, carbuncles;
  • ulcers and abscesses.

The tool is used for radiation manipulations and irradiation. Ointment helps cure acne spots. The skin before using the drug is cleaned with an antiseptic. The ointment is applied in a thin layer. If there are single acne, then a point application is allowed. This should be done in the morning and evening. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the formations. If the problem is not started, then it will take 5-7 days, in other cases, it takes 2 weeks.


This ointment is applied externally with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. After treatment of acute inflammation, the drug is additionally used 1-2 times a day.

stain lorinden ointment

When obvious symptoms are removed, Lorinden A ointment is used for another 3-4 days. The course of chronic skin ailments should not be more than 3 weeks. With the tool, you can use an occlusive dressing, which is changed every 1-2 days. The level of hydration for some ailments is regulated by the thickness of the ointment layer.


This ointment that removes acne spots protects against repeated inflammation. It is used as a solution. The form of ointment is convenient to use. Thanks to the procedures, swelling after inflammation is eliminated.

Stains must be treated in a warm room, and then you cannot go outside, because the draft is exacerbated by the draft. Apply ointment to a clean, steamed face. Treatment can improve the condition of the skin.

Thus, ointments for removing spots from acne are varied. All the tools indicated in the article are effective and affordable. Before using any drug, it is advisable to consult a specialist. It is necessary to follow the instructions from the manufacturer, where all the nuances of using the ointment are indicated.

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