Condoms: the effectiveness of protection against disease and unwanted pregnancy

At the time of puberty, young boys and girls pay attention to people of the opposite sex, even then it is worthwhile to understand that it is important to protect yourself and your partner from the undesirable consequences of intimacy. It is necessary to appropriately evaluate the effectiveness of protecting condoms and other contraceptives.

First intimacy

Boys and girls rarely think about what consequences they may expect after unprotected sexual intercourse, especially if one of the partners has previously entered into sexual activity. It is unlikely that all people undergo examinations of the reproductive organs and know exactly about the absence of diseases, therefore, in order to protect yourself first of all, you need to use condoms as a means of protection.

Durex Condom Bank

It will not be superfluous to find out from the partner when the last contact was and with whom, so you can be sure that there are no health problems. A condom will also help novice lovers to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, because for the first time a guy and a girl will not be able to accurately assess their capabilities and interrupt the act in time, which is not a way of contraception.

When to think about contraception

Some couples deliberately do not use condoms as a method of contraception, because they believe that when they are used, sensitivity is lost and the degree of pleasure is reduced, but this can be argued. In a wide variety, you can find an option with a fine structure that retains sensitivity, and some even add.

Colored Condoms

Thinking about contraception in any form is worth those girls for whom pregnancy is currently undesirable or contraindicated. It is the protection during sexual intercourse that will prevent an unwanted pregnancy, which means that the issue of abortion, which can harm the health of the female body, will not become.

What is protection for?

As stated earlier, protection helps prevent pregnancy. Also, a condom is a protection against sexually transmitted infections, but it is worth remembering that there are also such diseases that even this option will not protect against, they are mainly located outside the condom's coverage area. Caring for the body plays an important role, since it is easier to prevent the onset of the disease than to cure it. This is especially true of sexually transmitted diseases, which can affect the condition of the whole organism, as well as the subsequent ability to reproduce the genus.

What diseases are sexually transmitted

There are many classifications of such diseases, it is also worth considering that some of them are transmitted not only during the sexual act, but also through all biological fluids, whether it is saliva or ejaculate. You need to be extremely careful, especially if the partner has signs of the disease or is already diagnosed. A high risk of infection occurs when such fluids come in contact with affected areas of the skin that have wounds or scratches.

Pack condom

The main sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted type granuloma, scabies, molluscum contagiosum and others. The effectiveness of condoms against infection with these diseases is high, but there remains the possibility of infection, which can occur due to a condom defect, premature removal or late donning, as well as in cases when the disease is localized outside the protective zone.

What is a condom?

A condom is a protection against infection and a method of contraception, as well as a tool for getting a thrill. It is an elongated latex case for the penis. The effectiveness of condoms is considered in terms of a specific situation or disease. Like many other products, this product has various types, which also differ in terms of price category.

In addition to using a condom, additional products, such as a lubricant (lubricant), which will provide easy and painless penetration during intercourse, may be needed.

Condom Species

From the variety of goods offered on store shelves it is difficult to choose the right one. Condoms are primarily sized, but the standard length usually fits most men. To determine the size, you need to measure the penis at the time of erection. It is necessary to change the length from the base to the end, as well as the circle at the base. You can do the latter with an elastic centimeter or thread, which is then attached to a ruler and verified against a scale.

The most famous varieties:

  • with pimples, balls, spikes and ribbed;
  • latex, silicone;
  • with aromatic and flavoring additives;
  • thin (for greater sensitivity) and standard;
  • anatomical form, which repeat the shape of the penis, which ensures high efficiency of condoms;
  • standard and XXL;
  • with spermicidal lubricant, which makes sperm cells less mobile, which gives protection against unwanted conception;
  • glowing in the dark;
  • especially durable and standard;
  • multi-colored, black, standard - white;
  • with various types of grease.
Condoms with pimples

It is worth noting that each species differs from the other in its value. Of course, standard types without additional inclusions have a lower price, those that are equipped with spikes, balls or other inclusions are much more expensive. Attention is drawn to those species that are suitable for large sizes, since they cost a lot more. Cost does not significantly affect the degree to which a condom is protected against unwanted pregnancy or infections. For objective reasons, those that have a low price category often have poor quality, and therefore are more prone to deformation and tearing. You should not save on health, but also overpay for unnecessary additions.

When a condom won't help

Are there situations when using a condom does not save? Of course, this is especially true of contracting diseases or sexually transmitted infections. Some of the diseases are localized outside the contraceptive area, such as pubic lice and other diseases. There is also the possibility of contracting those infections that are transmitted through biological fluids, since such contact may occur during sexual intercourse.

Condoms on a string

Remember that a condom should be worn immediately before sexual intercourse and not after some time, since a certain amount of sperm starts to be secreted from the genitals of a man from the beginning of sexual arousal. This moment should be considered first of all. Also, do not remove the condom during intercourse, that is, do it too early, since the ejaculate can leak and there is a chance of an unwanted pregnancy.

The percentage of condom protection against sexually transmitted infections is on average 80%, but it should be noted that it only protects against certain diseases by 20%, so you should be selective in choosing a partner. Also, this type of contraception loses its properties if it is deformed, it has holes or punctures.

What methods of contraception exist

In the modern world there are a great many methods that can protect against unwanted pregnancy, some of them are used even after sexual intercourse, but these are more likely exceptions and extreme measures that can harm a woman’s health. Only the safest methods should be considered. The most common options are:

  • birth control pills;
  • male and female condoms;
  • hormone injections;
  • sterilization;
  • mounted spiral;
  • hormonal implants;
  • mini drank.

Also one of the myths of contraception is interrupted sexual intercourse. Many people think that in this way conception can be prevented, but in reality this is absolutely not so. As said earlier, sperm cells begin to be secreted from the initial moment of sexual intercourse, and especially to its completion, moreover, the partner can not always accurately calculate their strength. It is best to use proven means.

How to use condoms correctly

How many percent of condom protection are lost if used improperly? Quite a significant amount, sometimes the chance of protection can be equated to zero. It is worth remembering a few rules of use:

  • prevent breaks and deformations;
  • do not use expired goods;
  • put on with light, sliding movements;
  • change the condom when changing the type of act;
  • put on before and take off after graduation;
  • use with any kind of sexual relationship, especially if there is no confidence in the partner.
Condom on a banana

By putting these simple recommendations into practice, you can ensure the safety of both partners.

How great is the need to use

Everyone has the right to personal choice, therefore, it is up to everyone to decide for themselves whether to use the means of protection and contraception or to refuse them. The most desirable and recommended is the use of condoms in case of accidental contact, which will significantly reduce the chances of infection and pregnancy. Equally important is the effectiveness of condoms in contact with a regular sexual partner. Is it worth it to use this tool in this case? If both partners are aware of their health status and are not afraid of pregnancy, then the use of this kind of contraceptive loses its importance.

Condom with packaging

As for the effectiveness and efficiency of protection with a condom, then, undoubtedly, its use reduces the possibility of infection and other undesirable consequences. The advantage is the relatively low cost in comparison with other methods of contraception.

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