The benefits of oatmeal cookies and their preparation

Useful properties of oatmeal

Many of us, hearing the word โ€œoatmealโ€, immediately turn our nose, remembering how in childhood our mother fed it in the morning, talking about how useful it is. But mommy was really right. Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber (improves

The benefits of oatmeal cookies
digestion), potassium, phosphorus (for the formation and development of the skeletal system), iron (for the prevention of anemia), iodine, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, K. Such a significant amount of useful elements promotes growth and muscle development. Inositol contained in oatmeal reduces blood cholesterol and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. Just what if oatmeal just does not go into the throat? For such cases, confectioners came up with oatmeal cookies, the benefits which is no less than from porridge. In addition, it can serve as an addition to breakfast and a good dietary product.

Oatmeal Cookies
The benefits of oatmeal cookies

Such oatmeal pastry miniatures are considered a healthy sweet. They have all the auxiliary elements in their composition to improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Experts have proved that those who include such cookies in their daily diet enrich their body with useful substances. Some lovers of oatmeal noticed an improvement in the condition of hair and nails, excellent health and a feeling of satiety. The benefits of oatmeal cookies are really very great! But, if you do not trust the store shelves, then you can easily make such cookies at home. For this you will need:

  • oatmeal - two hundred twenty five grams;
  • margarine - eighty grams;
  • sugar - one hundred twenty five grams;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • salt - half a spoon (tea);
  • flour - sixty five grams;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking Oatmeal Cookies at Home

Fry oatmeal in a preheated pan, adding one spoon (tablespoon) of sugar. Beat margarine, sugar, vanillin until fluffy, add eggs. Combine the flour with soda and salt, add to the cereal. Allow the dough to rest for twenty minutes. After that, put the dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment to make small cakes. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Remember that you need to remove food from parchment only in a cooled form! Now you can safely call your family for a cup of tea with healthy cookies! You will see that the benefit of oatmeal cookies is not only in its rich composition and healthy substances, but also in its wonderful and unique taste.

Oatmeal Cookies Benefit
Oatmeal cookies for nursing mothers

The diet of a nursing mother is as important as feeding the baby. After all, it is with mother's milk that all of the beneficial substances for full development and growth are transferred to your child. Many doctors warn that lactating nutrition should be balanced and proper, that is, with the content of many vitamins and minerals. The use of oatmeal cookies has been proven in medicine, because when you use them, you saturate your body with a lot of B vitamins and iron. Dear mothers, treat yourself and your baby with a wonderful and useful miracle of baking.

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