The relics of Peter and Fevronia in Murom: address, reviews, photos

Fevronia and Peter of Murom have been revered as Christian saints since 1547. During their lifetime, these Orthodox miracle workers did not perform any monastic feats and did not suffer suffering for their faith. Canonized them for their good works, as well as chaste love each other. The Church glorified them primarily as an example of Christian matrimony. Today, the relics of Peter and Fevronia are stored in Murom, in the church of the Holy Trinity Monastery. Every day hundreds of Orthodox believers come to worship them.

Prince Peter and the Maiden Fevronia

The life of these two saints is described in detail in the book The Tale of Peter and Fevronia, written by the greatest Russian author of the 16th century, Erasmus Yermolai. Of course, many believers would like to know where the relics of Peter and Fevronia are in Murom. We will talk about this a little lower. First, let's look at why these Christians themselves were ranked as saints by the Church.

relics of Peter and Fevronia in Murom

According to the Erasmus annals, Peter and Fevronia lived in the city of Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. The story of their marriage is actually very unusual for that time quite uncharacteristic. According to Erasmus, Prince Peter, who ruled in Murom, a few years before taking the throne in 1203, became ill with leprosy. Not a single doctor of that time could cure this disease, of course. In desperation, Peter turned to God in prayer.

After some time, as the story goes, the Lord afflicted him a prophetic dream. In the night vision, the prince discovered that only the girl Fevronia, the daughter of the beekeeper, who lives near Yaroslavl, can cure him. Of course, the prince immediately sent messengers for the healer.

Arriving in Murom Fevronia promised to cure the prince. However, this set a condition for him. According to her, Peter could be cured only by marrying her. Prince, of course, assumed these obligations, determined, however, they do not perform. Fevronia smeared Peter with honey, but, seeing his craftiness, left one of the scabs dry. After some time, the prince’s illness passed. But soon from the scar that Fevronia did not begin to treat, she returned again. Then the ruler understood his mistake. He sent messengers for Fevronia again. And this time, having recovered, he married his savior.

relics of Peter and Fevronia in Murom address

Beloved wife

Subsequently, the prince continued to wisely rule such a glorious city as Murom. Where are the relics of Peter and Fevronia, these days would like to know many Orthodox. Indeed, saints are very famous and often help true believers in the desire to preserve or marry. At the same time the marriage of a commoner ruler sparked mixed reaction in the community. In the end, the nobility rebelled and drove out their ruler.

Of course, without a prince, a feud broke out in the city immediately. Exhausted by constant clashes and bloodshed, the boyars decided to call Peter back. To the entreaties of the ambassadors, the prince answered with agreement. Fevronia and Peter with humility returned to the city and ruled it until old age. At the end of their lives, both saints took monastic tonsure. The fact that they die on the same day, Peter and Fevronia swore to each other during the reign. They bequeathed to monks after death to put them in one coffin.

Relics of saints

Fevronia and Peter really died on the same day, according to legend, June 25, 1228. However, the monks did not dare to fulfill their will. After all, burying in one coffin those who accepted monasticism was not accepted. The relics of Peter and Fevronia Murom even ran down several times to different churches. However, by the will of the Lord, miraculously, they always turned out to be near. Ultimately, the saints were put together in the same coffin with a thin partition as was bequeathed by them themselves.

Murom relics of Peter and Fevronia address

They canonized Peter and Fevronia in 1547. By assigning them to the list of saints, the Church captured the dignity and sanctity of marriage, the vows of which in the case of these miracle workers were no less than monastic. The saints were buried in the hometown of Murom. At the site of their final resting after a while the Nativity of the Virgin church was built.

Where are the relics today

Unfortunately, after the revolution (in 1921) the relics of Peter and Fevronia in Murom were seized and put on public display in the local museum of local lore, in an anti-religious exhibition. In the 70s, the shrine was moved to the vault. We returned the relic venerated by the Orthodox Church only in the early 90s. Just at that time, in Murom, on the territory of one of the monasteries, a new temple was erected - St. Peter's Basilica. Here they decided to put a newfound relic.

In 1992, the relics of Peter and Fevronia in Murom were transferred to the Holy Trinity convent. From here they were often taken to many cities in Russia. In 2012, blasphemy was committed against this relic. In that year, part of the relic was brought to worship in St. Petersburg, to the temple on Vasilyevsky Island. From here she was unscrupulously stolen.

Murom holy relics of Peter and Fevronia

Currently, believers, therefore, can only honor the holy relics of Peter and Fevronia remaining in the Holy Trinity Convent (city of Murom). Every day hundreds of Orthodox come to bow to this relic in the temple of the monastery. Another small piece of the relics of these saints is also in the Moscow Church of the Ascension.

The relics of Peter and Fevronia Murom: Address Trinity convent

Believers today have the opportunity to worship this relic at any time. The easiest way to get from Moscow to Murom is by train departing from the Kazan station. Upon arrival, should sit on any bus, going to the city center. The Holy Trinity Convent is located near the market, near the area of ​​the 1100th anniversary. His exact address: Murom (Vladimir region), pl. Peasant, 3 A.

Murom where the relics of Peter and Fevronia

The Holy Trinity Convent was founded in 1643 on the site of a wooden church that stood here earlier. After the revolution, like many other religious centers, the monastery was closed (in 1921). In the Soviet years, its territory was given over to the military.

In the immediate vicinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery is located the Annunciation Monastery, in which the relics of Peter and Fevronia were stored until 1992. On the territory of the complex, among other things, you can visit the exhibition on the theme of the Old Russian courtyard and draw holy water.

Moscow Church of the Ascension: address

Thus, most of the faithful visit the relics of Peter and Fevronia Murom. The address of the Holy Trinity Monastery was indicated above. The residents of the capital, however, do not need to go to Murom to worship the saints of Fevronia and Peter. Wonderworkers can also be prayed directly in Moscow. To do this, visit the temple "Little Ascension". This church, in addition to religious, is of historical value. The first mention of it is found in the annals of 1548. This temple was supposedly built as the spiritual center of the Moscow settlement of Ustyuzh and Novgorod.

So, it is not necessary for the saints to visit the city of Murom. Where the relics of Peter and Fevronia are in the capital, many believers know. The exact address of the temple "Little Ascension": st. Nikitskaya, d. 18. It works this church from 10 am to 8 pm. You can get to it by metro. You should leave at the Teatralnaya station. In honor of Saints Fevronia and Peter, an akathist is served in the church weekly on Sundays at five o’clock in the evening.

Photo relics

Of course, to worship Peter and Fevronia, it is better to go to Murom itself, or at least to Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street in Moscow. However, it is not without reason that they say that even the image of Orthodox relics can have a beneficial effect on a truly believing person. Therefore, below we present you some photos of the relics of these two patrons of Christian marriage.

Murom temple relics of Peter febronia

Relic worship reviews

Thus, one of the most important Orthodox relics is both in Russia and in such a city as Murom, the relics of Peter and Fevronia. The address of their location is Holy Trinity Monastery on Sq. Peasant, 3 A. Praying this Orthodox relic is supposed, as already mentioned, to strengthen the marriage. It is believed that worship of the relics of Peter and Fevronia helps to build relationships with a spouse. Also, these saints is recommended to ask for help to those who can not find their other half. According to the stories of believers, prayer at the relics of Fevronia and Peter in family affairs really helps a lot. On the Internet there are many stories of miracles performed by these saints, including in our time.

where are the relics of Peter and Fevronia in Murom

Reviews about visiting the monastery

To worship the saints, many visit the temple in the Holy Trinity Monastery (Murom). The relics of Peter Fevronia this convent has been almost 25 years. During this time, thousands of believers bowed to them. At the same time, the Trinity Monastery itself, among those wishing to honor the relic, deserved, unfortunately, not too flattering reviews. Many believers who visited him believe that the ministers of this monastery are not particularly friendly towards guests. In addition, in fact, the relics themselves have recently advertised so much that they have turned them almost into a modern fashion brand. Therefore, they always lined up just a huge queue. As a result, according to many believers, the church of the Holy Trinity Monastery has lost the atmosphere of peace and tranquility befitting a holy place.

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