The meaning of the name Sylvia: characteristics, origin and nature of man

It is no secret to anyone that the set of sounds that will later be hailed by a person has his own energy and is able to influence the character and fate of the child. Therefore, it is important to focus not only on the harmony, but also on the meaning of the name. Sylvia is a prime example.

A bit of history

The origin and meaning of the name Sylvia is rooted in antiquity. In the I millennium BC. e. on the Iberian Peninsula stood the city of Alba Longa, surrounded by dense forests. It is not surprising that the neighbors called all its inhabitants nothing more than “foresters,” or “sylvia.” From here this name-form begins. The translation of the name Sylvia, as you might guess, means precisely "forest". From the Latin name silva, meaning trees, thicket.

Soon, the common word became the generic name of the kings of Alba Longa. So, the mother of the legendary founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus - was called Rey Sylvia, which indicated her high origin. Subsequently, the name began to be used as a proper one. Most often they called them children in countries that grew up on the site of the former Roman Empire: Italy, France, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic.

Rhea Sylvia

Sylvia: diminutive forms

Different countries have their own name reduction rules. Therefore, Sylvia, depending on the traditions of the family and their own desires, can be called differently:

  • Sylvia;
  • Force (or Force, if the family lives in an English-speaking country);
  • Lika;
  • Ilya.

By the way, the male version of the sound of the name is also known - Sylvius, which means "forest" (according to legend, that was the name of grandfather Romulus and Remus, the son of King Askania). There are other forms: Sylvius, Silouan, or Selivan, well-known from the saints.

Character Features

Despite the meaning of the name, Sylvia is by no means unsociable. This is a passionate, impulsive nature, prone to adventurism, rash decisions and shocking actions. Leah is incredibly sociable. She cannot stand loneliness, and in a large company inevitably becomes the center around which the whole life of the collective revolves. And no wonder: despite his hot, explosive temperament, Lika knows how to make friends. She is sincere and open, does not tolerate hypocrisy and in-depth discussions.

Sylvia does not know how to intrigue, but you can not expect meanness from her. If she offends anyone, she will do it unintentionally and, most likely, will warmly repent of her act. However, not for long, because, like most choleric people, Sylvia easily catches fire and is capable of any madness on emotions, up to self-sacrifice. But it cools down just as quickly, so you should not expect Ilya to remember her guilt a few years later.

Sylvia - sociable girl

She has few enemies. She is charming, generous to extravagance and sincerely loves all her many friends. Moreover, she easily finds a common language with both women and men.

Lika is a very strong woman. She has her own opinion on everything, and to convince her of anything seems to be a difficult task. She can listen to advice, but will follow it only if it coincides with the plan of action she has outlined.

The name Sylvia gives her mistress not only positive features: many note that this woman is inclined to quickly forget her previous attachments if a friend or lover disappears from sight for a long time.

Childhood and youth

If you decide to call your daughter Sylvia, get ready for fun years! Little Lika is given the meaning of the name not only sociability, but also incredible injustice. It is better for parents to immediately take care of replenishing their first-aid kit: in fearlessness, curiosity and a tendency to dangerous adventures, Ilya will give odds to any boy.

Sylvia's temperament

It is amazing that with all these qualities, Sylvia is persistent, rather assiduous, knows how to set goals and achieve them, no matter what. She is by nature a leader, self-confident and ambitious person. Add to this a heightened sense of justice and the inability to hypocrite - and the image of young Lika is ready.

The upbringing process complicates the inability of little Sylvia to compromise. Later, of course, she will learn to give in a little and recognize someone else's right to her own opinion. But this will not happen in childhood or even in youth. So her teachers will certainly praise her. But hardly love: she is too unyielding and stubborn. With peers a similar situation - this girl will always have a lot of friends, but real friends, alas, much less.


All the qualities that will appear, in accordance with the meaning of the name, in Sylvia, with age will only become more noticeable. This sociable, charming, passionate woman has a huge social circle. If she decides to go into show business or just keep her blog, there is no doubt that she will have a sea of ​​fans. However, there is some danger in this: if Sylvia is unable to cope with her uncompromisingness and take control of the desire to always dominate, she can quickly earn herself another role - a narcissistic, shocking person whom everyone admires, but few people love.

Adult Sylvia

Hard work will remain with her for life. But Sylvia is important to remember that in addition to a career, there are other important things.

Romantic relationship

In love, Sylvia is just as passionate and direct as in life. She falls in love, as a rule, early and sincerely believes that forever. But most often the hobby passes quite quickly. Sylvia has a chance for a strong family only if she finds an interesting, extraordinary and at the same time strong man, behind whom she will always feel like a stone wall.

True, the chosen one Lika will have to come to terms with the fact that in their house there will always be many guests (and not only women), and the eccentric spouse will from time to time embark on adventures. Perhaps even love.

Sylvia: love

Do not expect that a girl with this name will become a good mistress. She is hardworking, but indifferent to household trifles. And most importantly, absolutely can not save. We can say that the very origin of the name Sylvia hints that her money will literally flow out through her fingers: indeed, how does the “forest beauty” know the price of colorful pieces of paper?

Name in history and popular culture

The word, which once indicated the place of residence of an entire nation, has long lost its meaning. This name was carried by famous politicians, athletes, cultural figures and even characters in works of art. Among them:

  • The current Queen of Sweden is Sylvia Renata Sommerlat.
  • The rowing champion is a German by the name of Frelich.
  • Mother of Pope Gregory the Great, ranked as a saint and patronizing pregnant women.
  • Brazilian actress Sylvia Pfeifer.
  • Her namesake and US counterpart by the name of Sidney.
  • A minor character in the series of books "Guardian of Swords" - Nick Perumova.
  • The poetess of the beginning of the XX century and the heroine of the eponymous melodrama, released on screens in 2003, and many others.
2003 film "Sylvia"

Esoteric meaning of the name Sylvia

Astrologers believe that it is best to call girls born under the sign of Cancer. The element of Sylvia is water, and the Moon is called the patron planet.

The best amulet for Leah will be the semiprecious stone marcasite. The patron among the animal kingdom is the crab, and among the vegetable one is the lily.

In recent years, in our country, the name Sylvia begins to gain popularity. This is largely due to the increased fashion for the "exotic." But, despite its harmony, it is better for parents to think in advance about how the meaning of the name Sylvia can affect the nature and fate of their child.

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