Cream "Aevit": reviews. Librederm: Aevit Nutritious

Every woman is trying to find the best skin care product. Positive recommendations received cream "Aevit", which effectively restores elasticity and evenly moisturizes the skin.

Benefits of Vitamins A and E

Retinol (Vitamin A) is involved in biochemical processes occurring throughout the body. The main benefit is its assistance in the formation of collagen, which, as you know, is a source of beauty, freshness and skin tightness. The first wrinkles, dryness and pigmentation appear with a lack of vitamin. The small molecular weight of retinol allows it to easily penetrate into the cells and begin the regeneration process, so it is often used in anti-aging drugs. In addition, vitamin A regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and is used to treat acne.

Aevit Cream

For better assimilation of retinol, vitamin E is required, or, as it is also called, tocopherol. It is an antioxidant that can slow down the aging process of cells and stimulate the production of estrogen. The properties of retinol have a beneficial effect on the skin, removing puffiness and maintaining a water-lipid balance, improve blood circulation in the vessels. For complex care, you can use "Aevit" - a face cream that has a tonic and regenerating effect.

When to use the cream?

Dermatologists advise using the cream regularly to protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of the environment. Particular attention should be paid to the skin in the winter, when the influence of cold air causes dryness and peeling. In this case, the tool is selected according to the age and type of skin.

Cream Aevit Libriderm

Aevit nourishing cream will help to cope with the following problems:

  • Feeling of tight skin.
  • Inadequate hydration, dehydration.
  • Rashes, redness.
  • Excessive work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Fading skin in adulthood.

Aevit cream is also able to even out, lighten the tone and remove age spots. With daily use, small wrinkles are smoothed out, “crow's feet” in the eye area become less noticeable. Stimulates self-production of collagen.

Cosmetics from "Libriderm"

This is a brand of domestic cosmetics that has won numerous positive reviews from the beautiful half of the population. Acceptable pricing and decent quality have done their job! The company produces funds based on the latest scientific developments in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetology, so the original products can be purchased at pharmacies.

Libriderm Aevit

Especially popular is the Aevit Librederm vitaminized line, which includes hygienic lipstick, moisturizing gel and lip oil, shampoo, creams for the face, hands and skin around the eyes. The manufacturer claims that after a few months of use, women can evaluate a positive result.

Cream "Aevit" ("Libriderm"): composition

The active ingredients that make up the cream are of natural origin and do not contain fragrances. Phytoextracts give it a light aroma and have a protective effect against ultraviolet rays, regenerate cells. The composition declared by the manufacturer includes:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol).
  • Glycerin - retains moisture on the surface of the skin.
  • Vitamin A (retinol acetate).
  • Edelweiss extract - has anti-inflammatory property, softens, moisturizes the epidermis.
  • Raspberry extract (extract from seeds) - contains microelements that strengthen the skin.
  • Rosemary extract is the main source of antioxidants and beneficial minerals. In cosmetology it is used to relieve inflammation, narrow pores, improve blood circulation, and tone the skin.

For a long shelf life, some chemical components were added to the composition: oleyl erucate, glyceryl stearate, phenoxyethanol.

Application features

Aevit cream will bring the desired result if the skin is properly prepared. If it will be used at night, you need to remove makeup using a special lotion or tonic. The scrub will remove dead skin particles from the surface of the epidermis. When the skin is ready, you can start applying the cream. A small amount should be rubbed evenly with light massage movements. The consistency is thick, but the product is quickly absorbed. There is no sensation of a greasy film on the face.

Aevit face cream

Using cream "Libriderm Aevit" twice a day, as the manufacturer advises, after several applications the skin becomes smooth, silky, peeling disappears. Thanks to the packaging in the form of a miniature jar (bottle) with a dispenser, various bacteria that could harm the dermis do not fall into it. The tool is universal and suitable for any type of skin. According to the instructions, it can be applied for 2 months, after which they take a break.

Aevit Cream: reviews and effectiveness

The cosmetic product from Libriderm was suitable for most women who decided on an experiment proposed by a domestic manufacturer. A significant advantage is the cost of the product - about 170 rubles. per pack of 50 ml. The cream is consumed quite economically. The manufacturer positions it as hypoallergenic, therefore side effects after use are extremely rare.

Aevit cream reviews

The texture allows you to use it as a foundation for makeup. The product moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, which is confirmed by reviews from customers. Aevit (face cream) copes with age-related changes at an average level and is able to smooth out only minor wrinkles. Many girls noted that for the hot summer period it can be used extremely rarely, and with the onset of cold weather, the tool becomes very relevant.

How to enhance the action of the cream?

Problems with the skin - peeling, dryness, redness - arise mainly due to a lack of vitamins. You can saturate the dermis with useful components and increase the effect of cosmetics with the help of medications. Vitamin A and E oil capsules are real help in repairing skin defects.

Aevit Nourishing Cream

The use cases for them were the most diverse! These are not only medications for treatment, but also a wonderful addition to the preparation of home-based skin care products. With a competent combination with them, the cream from "Libriderm" "Aevit" will show positive results much earlier. In addition, the vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the immune system and improves the condition of hair and nails.

Beauty recipes

The easiest way to use the vitamin product for cosmetic purposes is to simply apply the liquid contents to the skin. To do this, pierce the capsule with a needle and distribute the oily composition, including the sensitive area around the eyes. The procedure can be done at night, washing off the residues during the morning wash. After 10 days, the result will be noticeable, especially on problematic oily skin.

The contents of the capsule are often added to a nourishing cream. A few drops will be enough for one application. It is advisable to use this method at night. Any method of application will significantly improve the condition of the skin. It should be borne in mind that the cream "Aevit" and any cosmetic product with retinol and tocopherol are not subject to constant use. This can be addictive to the skin and slow down self-production of collagen.

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