Breast oil: types of oils, purpose, instructions for use, the regularity of the procedure, tips, reviews and recommendations

The beauty and elasticity of their own breasts excite many women. They are constantly in search of effective tools that are able to care for the skin in this delicate area of ​​the body. Many cosmetologists note in their recommendations that various natural oils of plant origin have an incredible effect on the breast, and some of them are even able to increase its size. Next, we consider the features of the effect of oils on the female breast, as well as some rules for their use and recommendations regarding this process.

Breast oil


What problems can oils solve? In everyday life, it is widely believed that this cosmetic product is used to nourish the skin of the body with useful components, as well as to make it fresher and prevent premature aging. It should be noted that this belief is absolutely true, however, in addition to the indicated beneficial properties of oils, they are very often used to tighten the skin in the chest area, as well as to make it more elastic.

Beauticians recommend paying special attention to essential oils for those women who are pregnant, even in the very early stages. The fact is that regular use of this product helps prevent stretch marks.

The action of some oils is directly aimed at improving blood microcirculation in the chest, due to which there is an influx of blood to the mammary glands. The result of this is an improvement in the condition of the skin in this area, as well as an increase in its elasticity.

How to apply

In order to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to use the selected oils correctly. In order for all the essential components to be better absorbed by the skin cells, you must first steam it up, for which you should put a compress from a bath towel soaked in boiling water or in a hot broth of medicinal herbs for literally 10 minutes and only after that start the process of rubbing the product.

The oil selected for grinding should not be cold, but a hot product should not be used - this is a risk of burns. It is recommended to heat the oil in a water bath.

After the procedure is completed, you need to wet the remaining oil with a dry towel or napkin. Rinse off the product with water is not recommended.

The recommendations of many cosmetologists say that it is advisable to perform the procedures in question after taking a hot shower or bath.

Practice shows that a person may be allergic to certain oils. That is why, before applying a cosmetic product to a large area of ​​the body, it is advisable to check the reaction to the minimum amount of the selected type of oil. Beauticians also do not recommend the use of pure esters - many tips say that it is best to give your base oils.

Let us further consider the list of the most effective breast oils, and such features of their use and purpose.

Oil the breast

Fennel oil

Considering the list of natural plant products, the regular use of which contributes to breast augmentation, you need to pay attention to fennel oil. It should be noted that this breast oil not only strengthens its muscles and moisturizes them, but also is an excellent aphrodisiac. Moreover, the active components that make up its composition are capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as combating possible stagnant processes occurring in this part of the female body. The continued use of fennel oil prevents premature sagging breasts.

This component can be added to effective masks intended for subsequent application to the chest. Oils made from jojoba, hops, geranium, lime, wheat germ, and hazelnut are perfectly combined with a fennel cosmetic product.

Breast Firming Oil

Fir oil

There are many legends about the unique properties of fir oil. This product has the ability to have a positive effect on the condition of the female breast at any age, preventing its sagging. Moreover, this cosmetic product contributes to an increase in the volume of the considered part of the female body. It is recommended to be used in combination with other base oils, in particular with pink, cedar, anise and eucalyptus oils.

With fir oil, you can make an excellent mask for the chest. To do this, take a few drops of the basic plant components and add them to the baby cream. After mixing, the resulting mass should be applied to the chest and hold on it for a certain time.

Practice shows that this mask gives a simply amazing effect when, in parallel with its regular use, a woman visits the gym and actively trains.

Black cumin oil

A small number of women are aware of the beneficial properties of black cumin oil. This substance is often an integral component of various cosmetics. Its main action is the treatment of various skin diseases. The structure of this substance has a high level of omega fat.

If you regularly lubricate the breast with black cumin oil, you can notice the restoration of the normal balance of the hormonal background. Moreover, its frequent use helps protect the breast from the effects of many negative environmental factors. This substance is an excellent tool that is used to prevent breast cancer.

With the addition of black cumin oil, you can cook an excellent mask. To do this, combine this product with olive oil, and then mix everything thoroughly, warm it in a water bath and apply to the desired part of the body. The breast in oil should be kept for about 20-30 minutes, after which the remaining components should be removed using a dry cloth. Practice shows that regular use of such a mask (about 2 times a week) can increase breast size.

Breast oil reviews

Ylang Ylang Oil

Studying the best essential oils for breasts, you need to pay attention to the product made from ylang-ylang. Practice shows that its regular use perfectly stimulates the process of breast growth, activating the production of female sex hormones. This product can be easily combined with other oils and creams that have an active effect. Alternatively, you can prepare a mask of almond, ylang-ylang and geranium oil (each component will require 10 drops). It is best to apply such a mixture at night.

The reviews of ylang-ylang oil say that this cosmetic product makes the skin on the chest unusually soft and soft after the first use. As for the expected effect of an increase in the size of the mammary glands, to a small extent it occurs already after a month of using the product.

Wheat germ oil

In reviews of breast oil taken from wheat germ, it is often said that this product, like no other special effect on the rejuvenation of skin cells, as well as their renewal. In the comments left by women using it, it is said that after the first use of the mask, made on the basis of such a component, you can notice a pleasant velvety skin of the body, as well as its softness and elasticity.

Beauticians note that this product is not lightweight. That is why, when creating oil mixtures, it is recommended to use simpler components. Components that complement the product in question are peach oil and apricot.

It is not worth applying masks made on the basis of the product in question very often. To get the desired result, it is enough to apply them only once a week.

Breast in oil

Olive oil

Olive oil for breast augmentation fits perfectly. Moreover, its action is aimed at strengthening it, as well as maintaining muscle tone. The reviews about this product very often say that it helps to prevent stretch marks on the breast during pregnancy.

Most cosmetologists recommend using this product on its own, as it has a rather light texture and is absorbed very quickly into the skin, leaving no unpleasant sensations. A perfect combination is a mixture of olive and rose oils. Both of these products are absorbed quite quickly - a compress with such a mask will take about 30 minutes. It is during such a time that all the useful components necessary to maintain the elasticity of the breast, as well as activate its growth, manage to assimilate.

Breast Enlargement Oil


The recommendations of cosmetologists often say that flaxseed oil for the breast is very useful. Its only drawback is the heavy texture, due to which the component is very poorly absorbed into the skin. In connection with this property, it is often recommended to use this product in combination with other, lighter oils.

In order to create an effective mask for breast elasticity, flaxseed oil can be combined with fat cream, as well as ordinary yeast for dough.

Flaxseed oil is also recommended for oral administration. This is due to the fact that the active components positively affect the general condition of the body and, in particular, on the skin, hair, and also nails.

Flaxseed oil for breast

Hop oil

The composition of this product has a large number of phytohormones, the action of which is aimed at maintaining breast elasticity, as well as enhancing its growth. The reviews about this component say that after a month of using the hop oil, breast enlargement will not be noticeable, however, the skin in this area will become much softer, more velvety and toned.

In order to conduct one session, it is enough to use a teaspoon of the product.

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