How to shorten the chain on a bicycle: features of the procedure

Riding a bike in many ways happens with the help of a chain. Over time, it sags, which complicates the trip. This begs the question: how to shorten the chain on a bicycle? This procedure can be performed independently if you apply simple practical tips.

What are the chains?

To understand the principles of work, you need to know the types of circuits and their features. Now on all bicycles single-row roller targets with a pitch of 12.7 m are used. Each link has external and internal plates, saws, rollers and rollers.

how to shorten the chain on a bicycle

The number of speeds changes the width of the product. If there are many stars, then the chain is narrow. Products are distinguished by the presence and absence of a lock, which serves for convenient disassembly and installation of the chain.

What affects chain extension?

The wear of the axes (pins) of the chain is due to a number of factors. This is due to the accumulation of old oil between the parts, which attracts dust and debris. Stretching occurs if the chain has excessive load when traveling on steep climbs.

A common cause of sagging targets is the end of their life. The product deteriorates from shock, metal corrosion. To eliminate the inconvenience of driving, you need to know how to shorten the chain on a bicycle. After that, the transport is again suitable for a comfortable ride.

Determining the desired length

Before you understand how to properly shorten the chain on a bicycle, you need to find out what length should be for normal movement. To determine this, the chain must be thrown to large stars in the rear and front chassis.

how to shorten the chain on a bike without squeezing

Then you need to open one link. In the end you need to tighten the chain as much as possible. A few centimeters must be added to this length so that there is no overvoltage. This will be the optimal length.

Preparation for work

To facilitate working with the chain, you need to clean it. To do this, you need a small cloth that needs to remove debris and dust. Only previously the material must be treated with kerosene. A special flush is also used, for example, AB-80 or WD-40 liquid.


How to shorten the chain on a speed bike? Several devices are used to disconnect the links. You must use a special squeeze. It is presented in the form of a device similar to a manual bed with a stock. This allows you to perform pressure on the axis of the links. You can buy such a device in a store with sports equipment. Its price is in the range of 500-1000 rubles.

how to shorten a chain on a speed bike

When there is no squeezing, you can use improvised tools. All that is needed is a hammer and a metal rod, which will be a punch to eliminate the axes of the links. Also required are nuts that need to be put under the links.

Squeeze shortening

How to shorten a bike chain using squeeze? To perform this work using a special tool, you must go through the following steps:

  • Put the squeeze so that its core is in the center of the link axis.
  • Make rotation a tool so that the axis leaves the link.
  • Disconnect the circuit, and then do the same procedure with other sections.
  • Eliminate unnecessary links and fasten the structure.

Having understood how to shorten the chain on a bicycle, it is necessary to determine how it can be connected. A narrow half-link is inserted between the cheeks of the wide. Then the axis enters the bore of the sleeve. Then you need to check the mobility of the links. If it is of poor quality at the joint, the joint should be developed with pliers.

Shortening without squeezing

How to shorten the chain on a bike without squeezing? If there is no special tool that is used to disconnect the links, then this can be done without it. As mentioned earlier, an alternative is a metal pin, a nail. You also need a hammer that will serve to knock the axles out of the links.

how to shorten the chain on a bicycle

This method requires caution, because due to careless actions there may be deformation of the link plates. To prevent this, put nuts under the chain. If such work is performed for the first time, then it is best to practice. An old chain or single links may be used. This requires skill. Therefore, before working to fix the chain with a hammer and punch, you must perform these steps repeatedly, and then evaluate the outcome of the work.

For the product to last a long time, care is necessary. The chain should be regularly lubricated so that dust and dirt do not accumulate. It is necessary to follow the rules of operation of the bike, which will extend its service life. Also, no permanent repairs are required.

Thus, this procedure is simple, the main thing is to observe safety. Each bike owner can shorten the chain on their own. After that, the transport will again serve for travel.

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