Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor". Product Description

Capelin caviar is a healthy and tasty product that many people respect and welcome in their diets. And if this caviar is also properly cooked, then generally wonderful! In this article, we suggest you consider one of the main manufacturers that manufactures this product in different versions. Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" is very popular among buyers. What is this product?

capelin caviar santa bremor

Company "Santa Bremor". Products

The company operating under the brand name "Santa Bremor", began its activities in 1999. In the very first years of work, the organization was distinguished by the best quality of equipment and, as a result, higher quality of products in comparison with other fish processing plants.

For so many years of work, the company has constantly developed and opened new workshops, in which the production of other goods was mastered. The product line has been constantly growing.

At the moment, Santa Bremor products are known not only in our country, but also in Belarus, in the countries of the former CIS, USA, Canada, Israel, Lebanon, Georgia, New Zealand and not only.

capelin caviar santa bremor

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor". Her views

The company today offers the following types of caviar, which are completely ready for use:

  1. Delicious classic smoked. It is prepared on the basis of smoked caviar of this type of fish and a delicious original sauce.
    santa bremor products
  2. Classic delicacy. It is made on the basis of ordinary salted capelin caviar and white cream-based sauce.
  3. Delicious with smoked salmon. It is made on the basis of ordinary capelin caviar with the addition of pieces of smoked salmon and the original sauce.
  4. With shrimp. It contains salted caviar, boiled shrimp meat and mayonnaise. The experimental option. It appeared relatively recently and is produced in smaller quantities. You can purchase in a limited list of stores.

The benefits and harms of products

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" has many useful properties, but nutritionists also find negative ones. Let's look at both of them in more detail.

First, we bring to your attention the positive qualities of this product.

Surprisingly, capelin caviar is highly recommended for those who often have to endure stressful situations in life. If this product is introduced into the diet, it helps to strengthen the nervous system, and also improves the metabolism in the body, thereby preventing skin aging.

Capelin caviar contains an increased amount of iodine, which positively affects the thyroid gland and the development of mental abilities in children.

Phosphorus in its composition contributes to the production of important hormones such as serotonin and testosterone. The first is responsible for our positive emotions, and the second is for sexual activity in men.

capelin caviar santa bremor

Nutritionists actively recommend this product to pregnant women, as caviar contains a lot of nutrients with a minimum number of calories, which helps to control weight during this difficult period.

Capelin caviar appetizers and sandwiches

Let's look at what interesting snacks and sandwiches you can make with this product.

As mentioned earlier, capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" is a finished product that does not need to be processed in any way before use in food. But how is it better to use? If you eat this product with a spoon, then the taste will be too concentrated, so it is best to make sandwiches or snacks with this caviar.

Smoked options will be good with brown bread. Delicious classic and with shrimp - with white. This caviar also goes well with fresh cucumber, and sandwiches on top can be decorated with thin slices of this vegetable.

This manufacturer also has another product with which it will also be good to make sandwiches. Krill "Santa Bremor" is also very popular with buyers. This is a very delicate cream-paste, which will go very well with white bread and fresh salad leaves.

Sandwiches with capelin caviar or pasta can also be made with grain bread or even pita bread.

There are recipes and interesting snacks that will look beneficial even on the festive table. We give an example of one of the options.

For this appetizer you will need ready-made purchased tartlets, quail eggs, butter and caviar of Santa Bremor capelin.

Boiled eggs need to be peeled and cut across in half.

At the bottom of the tartlet put a piece of butter, then half the egg and lay caviar on top with a slide.

Bon Appetit!

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