Suffering is physical or mental pain and anguish

If you look into Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, it becomes clear that suffering is pain or torment of a physical or moral nature. You can also interpret this concept as "undergoing", accompanied by passivity.

caused misery

The meaning of suffering in different fields of knowledge

From a philosophical point of view, suffering is one of ten fundamental categories. There is no purpose or justification in it. Such a test can fall on the share of absolutely any person, without the application of any laws. At the same time, in the process of healing from mental anguish, wisdom comes to a person

Suffering is one of the key topics in the literature. And not in vain. For example, Dostoevsky believed that mental torment was the only reason for the existence and development of human consciousness. Alexei Remizov argued that suffering purifies and inspires a person, making him closer to God.

From a psychological point of view, suffering is an internal conflict. This is a condition when two opposing desires or beliefs arise. The ultimate manifestation of suffering is called the state of flour. Psychologists say that such processes threaten human health. Moreover, the same situations in different people do not necessarily lead to suffering. If a person strives for happiness and balance, he usually endures shocks steadily.

From a religious point of view, suffering is a vivid and objective reflection of reality. Almost all faiths present this state as healing, cognition, retribution, and the path to happiness.

suffering is

Common Causes of Suffering

Pain and suffering do not occur out of the blue. This state always has some reason. However, they may be implicit. Here are the most common causes:

  • Unjustified expectations. A person always has some hopes regarding events or people. However, others do not always understand what they want, or do not want to do it. If a person’s plans and hopes are destroyed, he inevitably begins to think that the whole world is against him and becomes depressed.
  • Resentment and betrayal. This reason can also be attributed to the category of unjustified expectations. But unlike the previous case, there are deliberate negative actions of the opponent.
  • Striving for the ideal. Under the influence of literary works, cinema or one’s own illusions, a person develops some perfect model of life that he is trying to create for himself. When an individual realizes the futility of efforts, he ceases to act and move forward. He is overwhelmed by suffering.

My Soul Hurts

Forms of suffering

If a person is suffering, mental anguish may not be the same. The following main forms can be distinguished:

  • Open. In this case, a person does not suppress emotions, but actively releases them out. It is worth noting that this is the most acceptable form, which allows you to effectively reduce mental anguish, without harming mental health. Moreover, an open form of suffering, as a rule, is followed by active actions to correct the situation.
  • Hidden. It occurs in people who find it difficult to show emotions and feelings. A person keeps everything in himself, hiding the torment from others, thereby exacerbating the situation. Moreover, not only the nervous system suffers, but also the body as a whole. Cells are destroyed, the work of internal organs is disrupted.

How is suffering useful?

When a person’s soul hurts due to some unpleasant life events, this is not always a negative phenomenon. From the point of view of psychologists, suffering brings such a benefit to a person:

  • distraction from worldly fuss and, as a result, purification of thoughts;
  • reassessment of values ​​and life priorities;
  • softening the soul and developing a sense of compassion for others;
  • awareness of the predominance of mental comfort over the bodily.

human suffering

How harmful is suffering?

When a person says that his soul hurts, this is an alarming signal. Suffering can lead to such negative consequences:

  • prolonged mental torment can cause antipathy towards others, a tendency to tyranny and despotism;
  • if a person does not understand the objective cause of suffering, he becomes embittered and aggressive;
  • some people become confined and limit contact with others.

The main ways to overcome suffering

Human suffering is not something that needs to be ignored. Effective and timely help is sometimes vital. There are three main areas of struggle with mental torment and their consequences:

  • Health care. Turning to a psychologist is the first and urgent measure. A specialist will help to understand the nature of suffering and find a way out. Various trainings will help to consolidate the result.
  • Religion. It acts as a consolation and helps to find an explanation of the situation. As a rule, believers interpret suffering as atonement for wrongdoing.
  • The attention of others. Feeling compassion, a person experiences emotional pain easier.

suffer from loneliness

How to deal with the suffering of love?

Romance is one of the most common causes of mental anguish. A person suffering from love, as a rule, becomes depressed, loses faith in himself and in others, begins to feel sorry for himself. Moreover, he in every possible way cultivates such a state in himself. If depression is protracted, it can be dangerous for mental and physical health. You can overcome love suffering through such measures:

  • Search for a hobby. Unspent romantic energy is best channeled into creativity or constructive activity. In addition, being busy with something, a person is distracted from negative thoughts.
  • Chatting with friends and close relatives. In this case, a person has a feeling of "need", so unrequited love is faster and easier.
  • Education. The search for new knowledge completely and completely captures the human mind. This may be the study of foreign languages ​​or some other educational courses. Self-improvement will lift you up a notch above your beloved.
  • Cry. Do not hold back emotions. Tears, screaming, hysteria - all this is difficult for the person himself and for those around him. But by giving vent to negativity, you are healed much faster. After a period of exacerbation, a state of peace and tranquility sets in.
  • Physical exercise. Sport is the best antidepressant. Through power or speed exercises comes aggression. In addition, after training, the tone of the body increases and despondency disappears.

But what you should not do:

  • Search for new relationships. This will be unfair both to the suffering person and to the person who has become a new object of sympathy.
  • Attend noisy parties. Such events do not contribute to peace of mind. In addition, if they are accompanied by drinking alcohol, this can only aggravate the condition.
  • Take antidepressants. Use such funds can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Revenge. Trying to harm a person under the influence of resentment is a mistake that you will most likely regret.
  • To pretend that everything is in order. Do not suppress your emotions and do not hide them from loved ones. If you keep everything in yourself, a depressed state can drag on for a long time.
  • An attempt to return a loved one. So you drive yourself even deeper into depression. Especially if the separation is not due to external causes, namely the lack of reciprocity.

suffering from love

How to overcome the suffering of loneliness?

If a person says: “I suffer from loneliness,” he, first of all, should understand himself. To overcome a depressive state, answer yourself a few questions:

  • Is loneliness a problem? It is possible that you yourself have limited contact with friends, relatives and strangers. It is possible that this is due to some negative experience. Take this condition as necessary for self-knowledge and rethinking of life values.
  • How long does loneliness last? If your suffering is not even a month old, be sure that this is a temporary condition.
  • Do you like to be among people? Perhaps self-isolation is a necessary measure associated with the discomfort of communicating with people.
  • Can you make a difference? Perhaps you need to be among people more often. Or change in yourself some qualities that prevent you from enjoying communication.
  • Are you ready for another person to appear in your personal space? Perhaps you need to prepare yourself for this. Imagine how your life and lifestyle will change, and try to accept it.
  • Do you like others? Look at yourself (both in appearance and in behavior) from the side. Would you like to chat with such a person? If not, work on yourself.
  • Are you yourself? Perhaps your loneliness is a consequence of the fact that you have created a certain image for yourself and are afraid that you will be exposed. Take off the mask, become yourself, and it will be much easier for you to make contacts with people.

the word to suffer

Physical suffering

The word “suffer” is not only morally motivated. This is a real physical pain that may occur as a result of an injury or some kind of disease. In ancient religious cults, physical suffering was used as a substitute for mental anguish on the path to achieving happiness and enlightenment.

Physical suffering is used for healing not only in religious cults, but also in medicine. It is about using painful procedures for healing. For example, injections, leeches, banks, mustard plasters and much more. Such an effect activates vital processes in the body, contributing to healing.


Suffering is an unpleasant and difficult emotional state. If you are faced with something like this, the main thing is not to lock yourself in. Seek support from friends and family. If you find it difficult to open up to well-known people, be sure to contact a psychologist.

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