Salad of corn, cucumber, eggs. Salad cooking options

Any salad of corn, cucumber and eggs can be transformed into a real masterpiece by adding one or more special ingredients. The initial set of products is so versatile that it is ideal for preparing delicate, piquant, festive and everyday salads with a rich taste. Among the variety, there are several particularly interesting recipes that will appeal to even gourmets.

The easiest diet salad option

Corn and cucumber salad is a variant of diet salad, which, if properly designed, can become a decoration of the festive table. To transform a standard dish, you should take auxiliary ingredients: hard cheese, olive oil or yogurt without additives.

regular salad of eggs, corn, cucumber

The principle of preparation is completely simple and even a child can do it:

  1. Pour boiled or canned corn into a bowl. For 4 servings, half a liter of vegetable is enough.
  2. Cut 1 large cucumber into small cubes. Cucumber must be taken exactly fresh. Pour the prepared vegetable into a bowl of corn.
  3. Finely chop 3 boiled eggs and mix with vegetables.
  4. Slightly salt the ingredients and season with yogurt.
  5. Put a pastry ring on a plate and place the salad there.
  6. Top with grated cheese, put a branch of parsley or dill, a few grains of corn.

If you use olive oil for dressing, put the salad on a slide, and then sprinkle with cheese. In this case, the use of the ring is useless, since the mass will crumble without a thick ligament.

The most common crab salad

If you want to pamper your family with delicious food, then crab salad will be an ideal option. Itโ€™s easy to prepare such a dish; you donโ€™t need much time and finances.

a set of products for crab salad

The most common salad with crab sticks can be prepared from such products:

  • 300 g of crab sticks.
  • 2 fresh cucumbers.
  • 3 boiled eggs.
  • A can of canned corn.
  • Greenery.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt.
  • Half a glass of boiled rice.
  • Small onion.

The cooking method is very simple:

  1. Cut all the ingredients (cucumbers, eggs, crab sticks) into cubes.
  2. Put prepared foods in a bowl, add corn and boiled rice.
  3. Pour chopped greens, salt, add mayonnaise to taste.
  4. Mix all components until smooth.

The principle of presentation can be the most diverse - it all depends on the desire and the event.

Holiday crab salad with cucumbers, corn and egg

A festive crab salad is also simple, which is simple in composition but effective in appearance. The claimed number of products will provide preparation of 4-6 servings - the amount depends on the volume of prepared dishes. Holiday salad with crab sticks consists of the following products:

  • 300 g of crab sticks.
  • 3 fresh cucumbers.
  • Boiled Chicken Breast.
  • 3 boiled eggs.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greenery.
  • Salt.
  • A can of corn.
  • Bulb.
  • Vinegar.
  • 100 g of hard cheese.

Cooking principle:

  1. It is worth preparing a bowl or small salad bowls, or wide glasses, or saucers. It is desirable that the dishes are transparent.
  2. You need to cut all the ingredients into cubes and arrange in different bowls.
  3. Cut the onion in half rings and pour water with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1. Pickling lasts half an hour. Then the marinade merges.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and also place in a separate container.
  5. Lay out prepared foods in holiday dishes in layers. Layers can be laid out in any order. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Lay a sprig of greens and add a tablespoon of mayonnaise.
serving of crab salad

Portion salad looks beautiful against the background of the overall table setting. Due to the fact that the ingredients were mixed with mayonnaise just before use, the dish is not threatened with airing.

Original seafood salad

The most affordable seafood that will appeal to almost everyone is shrimp. They are often used for the preparation of salads, which combine overseas delicacies and ordinary products for us. Shrimp, corn, egg and cucumber salad requires other products:

  • A half-kilogram pack of peeled frozen shrimp.
  • A can of canned corn.
  • 3 large cucumbers.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 0.5 cups of long grain rice.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Parsley.
  • Sea salt.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 5 tablespoons of sour cream with minimal fat content.
shrimp for salad

Cooking such a salad will be a pleasure, since not every day you have to eat shrimp:

  1. Shrimp put in a pan and pour cold water. Add sea salt and lemon slices. Bring the product to a boil. After cooking, leave in the broth, from which the seafood is removed before it hits the salad.
  2. Boil the eggs and cut them into small cubes together with the cucumber.
  3. Boil rice and cool.
  4. Mix eggs, cucumbers, rice, shrimp and greens. Add the corn. To salt.
  5. Sour cream and garlic make sauce for dressing dishes. It is necessary to mix sour cream with garlic, which was previously passed through a garlic squeezer.

Vegetables + Egg + Chicken Breast

The simplest, but elegant substitute for a standard salad Olivier may be the next option, which has the code name "Tenderness." Salad chicken breast + corn + cucumber + egg and a little mayonnaise - this is the well-known and unique "Tenderness".

To prepare "Tenderness" you will need these products:

  • ยผ kg chicken fillet.
  • Half a can of corn.
  • 2 cucumbers.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Greens, salt, mayonnaise.

Cooking will take several minutes if you first boil the fillets and eggs:

  1. Boiled fillet should be divided into fibers.
  2. Eggs, cucumber cut into cubes.
  3. Chop greens.
  4. Mix all foods and add mayonnaise. Salt to taste.

Slicing a cucumber from cubes can be replaced with straws. The principle of serving is at the discretion of the cook.

Calorie and hearty salad of simple products

A salad of corn, cucumber, eggs with mayonnaise and potatoes is a very satisfying and high-calorie version of a simple snack from improvised products. You can also add tomato, Beijing cabbage and any other component to this.

If you adhere to the basic version, then for cooking you will need these products:

  • 4 boiled potatoes.
  • A can of corn.
  • 3 boiled eggs.
  • 2 fresh cucumbers.
  • Greenery.
  • High fat mayonnaise.

Cooking requires the ability to cut products into cubes and straws:

  1. Dice potatoes.
  2. Cut eggs in the same way as potatoes.
  3. Cut the cucumber into strips.
  4. Finely chop the greens.
  5. Mix all foods and sprinkle corn. Season with mayonnaise and salt.

If you add some delicacy in the form of an ingredient, you will get a satisfying masterpiece of culinary art to the festive table.

Piquant salad based on cucumber, corn and eggs

When the guests are on the doorstep, and in the refrigerator there is such a set of products that individually are not suitable for serving, then this option is suitable as a salad. Corn, smoked sausage, cucumber, egg, crackers, Chinese cabbage and mayonnaise are suitable for salad. It is being prepared according to this scheme:

  1. Boil 4 eggs and finely chop; the smaller the cut, the better.
  2. 3 fresh cucumbers and half a stick of smoked sausage cut into strips.
  3. Peking cabbage finely chop. You can tear leaves with your hands, imitating lettuce.
  4. Dice half a bar and dry in the oven. You can choose any bread option.
  5. Pour 1 can of corn and prepared ingredients into a bowl. Dress with mayonnaise and salt.

Crackers are added at the last moment so that they do not get wet from mayonnaise. Ideally, it is better to sprinkle the salad with crackers on top, without mixing with the whole mass. If you decorate the finished dish with herbs, you will get an original treat for the guests.

If not crab sticks then. . .

Crab salad with corn, cucumbers and eggs is considered to be too trivial an option for such an appetizer, so many analogues have been created that replace only one ingredient - crab sticks. The rest of the composition - cucumber, egg, corn - remains basic.

the appearance of the finished salad

What product can replace crab sticks:

  • Pickled Octopus.
  • Boiled or fried shrimp.
  • Boiled filet of chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef.
  • Salty red fish.
  • Smoked meat.

When creating a salad of corn, cucumber, eggs and a substitute ingredient, it is important to observe a proportion with respect to all products. You can use several components at the same time, the main thing is that they are combined with each other.

high-calorie salad

Tuna in combination with regular products in one salad

Tuna is a very expensive elite fish, which will be the highlight of any dish. Culinary specialists, in search of original taste combinations, created a salad of fresh cucumber, eggs, corn and tuna.

Product Set:

  • A can of corn.
  • 1 cucumber.
  • 3 eggs.
  • A can of tuna marinated in its own juice.
  • Mayonnaise, garlic, lemon juice.
  • Greenery. Salt.

Corn salad + cucumber + egg + tuna salad is prepared as follows:

  1. Cut the cucumbers into circles, which then cut into another 4 parts.
  2. Decant the corn.
  3. Drain the brine from the tuna and knead the meat with a fork. Sprinkle fish with lemon juice.
  4. Cut the boiled eggs into slices, which then divide in half.
  5. Mix all the ingredients together and season with the sauce.
  6. The sauce is made from mayonnaise, which is mixed with finely chopped garlic.
tuna in combination with egg, corn, cucumber

Salad can be laid out in layers - this will improve the appearance and enhance the taste of each ingredient.

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