Effective gum treatment at home

To treat gums at home is possible only after consultation with a specialist in periodontics. In this case, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding medication and prescribed procedures. It must be understood that only a qualified specialist can establish the cause of gum disease. This will help to prescribe the correct and most effective treatment.

gum disease home treatment photo

If an immediate visit to the doctor is not possible for any objective reason, you can use some effective traditional medicine tips to relieve pain and inflammation. In this article, we will consider the most effective methods for treating bleeding gums at home, as well as a means to quickly relieve pain.

Causes of gum disease

Before starting therapy, you should find out what diseases can lead to inflammation, how they manifest and how much damage the tissue. The most common gum pathologies are:

1. Gingivitis. The inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the gums, which is caused by the presence of chronic diseases, such as pathology of the digestive system, metabolic disorders, etc. In addition, an allergic reaction to external stimuli can provoke gingivitis. The disease also develops as a reaction to the material from which the prosthesis, toothpaste, etc. are made. The main symptoms of gingivitis are bleeding gums, swelling, bad breath.

2. Periodontal disease. The inflammatory process is localized in the posterior tissue, called periodontal. The characteristic signs of the disease are redness and swelling of the gums, bleeding during brushing. Periodontal disease can continue for a long time, gradually thinning the enamel, exposing the tooth neck and destroying bone tissue. Periodontal disease can be caused by diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems in a chronic form, as well as pathologies of the endocrine system, vitamin deficiency, tartar deposition, and other negative factors.

abscess on the gum treatment at home

3. Periodontitis. Causes severe pain. The inflammatory process occurs directly in the gum between the jawbone and the roots of the teeth. The most common cause of periodontitis is untreated caries or pulpitis. Even gum flux can occur . Home treatment is not always advisable.

4. Periodontitis. Appears as a complication of neglected gingivitis. Periodontitis is characterized by signs such as severe bleeding, bad breath, swelling of the gums and damage to the structure of the tissues. If this condition is not treated, periodontal pockets may form in which pus will begin to accumulate. In the future, this can lead to atrophy of bone tissue, as well as mobility and further tooth loss.

Inflammatory Factors

There are a number of factors that can lead to the onset and progression of gum disease. Among them:

  1. Deficiency in the body of vitamins, in particular vitamin C.
  2. Failure to comply with full or partial rules of oral hygiene.
  3. Reduced immunity.
  4. Pathologies of internal organs and the presence in the history of diseases in a chronic form.
  5. Untreated or advanced dental diseases, such as e-caries or pulpitis.

In childhood, gum disease is characteristic against the background of the appearance of the first teeth. It is important to follow the rules for caring for the oral cavity of the child. Children also tend to pull various foreign objects into their mouths, whether they be toys, pens, or pencils. This leads to infection of the oral mucosa and infection of the gums by harmful bacteria, and later on to stomatitis. Such harmful microorganisms as streptococci and staphylococci have a microscopic wound on the mucosa that is enough to penetrate and provoke inflammation.

gum bleeding treatment at home

It is obvious that the treatment of gums at home should be aimed at eliminating the cause of this symptom. For this, it is necessary not only to relieve symptoms, but also to carry out complex treatment of gums or the body as a whole (for example, with reduced immunity).

Gum treatment at home

Before answering the question of how to treat the inflammatory process in the gums, it is necessary to take into account the type of disease that caused it, the severity of the inflammation, the age of the patient, and a number of additional individual characteristics.

If we talk about childhood, the most common cause of the inflammatory process is teething. In this case, you can get by rinsing with herbal decoctions that have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can also use a number of gels and ointments that are allowed in childhood.

The situation is different with an adult. If gum disease is caused by chronic diseases, then along with the removal of symptoms, treatment of the root cause should be addressed. Phytotherapy alone in this case will not be enough. Therefore, treatment is most optimally agreed with a specialist in order to avoid a deterioration in overall health.

What is most often used in the treatment of gum disease at home? Photos and descriptions of effective remedies will be presented below.

Gels and ointments

The most effective and fastest options for removing and treating gum disease are various ointments and gels. The most common of them are:

  1. "Metrogil Dent." It has a cooling, analgesic effect. It is also a potent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.
  2. "Kamistad". Quickly relieves swelling, eliminates soreness and has a general healing effect.
    gel kamistad
  3. Holisal. Anesthetic gel, quickly relieves inflammation. Effective with internal inflammation of the gums.
  4. "Malavit." This drug is mainly aimed at eliminating inflammation. The analgesic effect of its use is weak. The main advantage of the drug is its obstacle to the further spread of the inflammatory process.

Thus, gels and ointments are mainly used as anti-inflammatory and pain relievers.

What is the treatment of an abscess on the gum at home?

gum disease home treatment


In dental practice, drugs from the category of antibiotics are quite often used. They are prescribed in cases where an infectious tissue lesion is too deep in the periodontium, in close proximity to the bone structures. In such situations, antibiotics will be much more effective than topical topical gels and ointments. It should be noted that these drugs for the treatment of gums at home quickly help, but only a doctor can prescribe them, as well as determine the dosage.


Periodontists most often prescribe the following antibacterial agents:

  • Amoxicillin.
  • "Metronidazole."
  • "Linkomycin."

If inflammation provoked a purulent process in the gums, then taking antibiotics becomes inevitable. As a rule, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy and is supplemented with rinses, ointments and gels for topical application. The result with this approach to therapy will come pretty quickly. Against the background of taking antibiotics, therapy will give an effect after a few days.

If the gums are bleeding, treatment at home should be immediate.

Drugs for pain relief and inflammation relief

Anesthesia in childhood is most relevant, as growing teeth can cause severe discomfort and disrupt sleep patterns. To alleviate the condition of the child, pediatricians prescribe the following drugs:

  • "Holisal gel for children."
gum flux
  • "Traumeel S."
  • "Kamistad baby."

These drugs not only have a cooling effect on the gums of the child, which helps to relieve inflammation, but also carry out antimicrobial therapy, destroying harmful microorganisms. This helps to prevent infection when the child sucks a finger or pulls toys in its mouth.

For adults, the use of the following drugs is possible as an additional anti-inflammatory therapy:

  • Diclofenac. It stops the inflammatory process and relieves soreness.
  • Tavegil. It is an antihistamine. Most effective in cases where inflammation is provoked by an allergy.
  • Allantoin. It allows you to tighten and strengthen the gum tissue, remove friability and stop inflammation.

What else is effective in treating gum disease at home?


Quite often, with gum inflammation, compresses and rinses are used. In pharmacies, various agents with an antiseptic effect are sold, but the most popular of them are as follows:

  • "Chlorhexidine."
  • "Stomatophyte".
  • Miramistin.
  • "Furacilin."
  • "Rotokan."
  • Chlorophyllipt.
gum treatment at home

special instructions

Any rinsing should be carried out only after thorough brushing. Rinse according to the instructions, not exceeding the dosage of the drug. All rinses have a powerful antiseptic effect, and their main task is to wash off all pathogenic microorganisms from the oral mucosa. They must be used only in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs and gels.

The misconception of many that medical toothpastes really treat. This is not entirely true. They can supplement the therapeutic regimen, but do not have a therapeutic effect on their own. Most often, medical toothpastes incorporate natural extracts of tea tree and pine needles.

Treatment of cysts on the gums at home

Therapy should be started only after consultation with the dentist. At home, preventative measures are good, which will lead to the removal of inflammation and the reduction of the cyst without surgery.

For these purposes, you can use folk remedies with a disinfecting effect, they include, for example, sesame oil. To reduce the swelling, a swab soaked in sesame and clove oil is applied to the gum.

Herbal remedies such as:

  • water with lemon juice.
  • tea tree oil;
  • bergamot oil, almond, peppermint;
  • cranberry juice.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gums

Periodontists often recommend that patients with inflamed gums supplement their mouthwash with decoctions of medicinal herbs. The following medicinal plants best relieve inflammation:

  • Chamomile.
  • Oak bark.
  • Sage.
  • Calendula.
  • Hop and lemon balm.
  • Plantain.
  • Air ordinary.

Decoctions are prepared according to the instructions indicated on the package. Most often, herbs are used to rinse, but in advanced cases it is allowed to make compresses from the decoction. Propolis tincture and a decoction of pine cones also relieve inflammation. Treatment of a fistula on the gum at home should be carried out only after consulting a specialist and under his supervision.

gum treatment at home quickly

Thus, there are quite a few ways to relieve symptoms of gum disease at home. However, one should not forget about the treatment of the cause of inflammation. Lack of necessary therapy can cause serious damage to health.

We looked at gum treatment at home.

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