Owl tattoos: types and meaning

Owl tattoos are quite in demand among fans of stuffing sketches on the body. Most people consider the owl a rare bird, which is usually associated with wisdom and prudence. Depending on where the picture is located, its value may also change. Let's look into this in detail.

Image symbol

Among the peoples of various countries, an ambiguous attitude towards this bird has developed. The first time the negative appeared among the Chinese. It was there that the bird, which was accustomed to hunting at night, was considered the embodiment of fear, evil forces and all the supernatural that the human imagination could be capable of. In Japan, birds are treated as a harbinger of misfortune and trouble. In addition, it is known that in European states the owl was considered a symbol of witchcraft and an integral sign of witches. Stuffed animals were made from captured birds, the purpose of which was to scare away evil.

In addition to the negative attitude that Asians have developed over time, there are a number of countries where the owl is the embodiment of wisdom and longevity. For example, Americans, as well as representatives of Indian tribes, thought so. Owl feathers were used as the main item for protective amulets and amulets.

The ancient Romans and Greeks regarded the bird as a symbol of science. They were sure that the owl was the faithful companion of the Goddess of knowledge and sciences. In addition, the Greeks were of the opinion that the feathered bird sees the future. Most likely, she attributed such an opportunity due to her ability to navigate in the dark. In Russia, an owl has always been positioned as a symbol of wisdom, science and intelligence. Not so often, but on the territory of the post-Soviet space, there is an attitude towards the bird, as a symbol of spirituality.

owl in spring

Meaning of an Owl Tattoo

Currently, among fans of tattoo culture, a sketch depicting a bird is not negative. Advanced in this area people believe that the main meaning of an owl tattoo is wisdom, knowledge, farsightedness, well-read and erudition.

It is believed that the owners of such sketches do not adhere to any principles, are free from certain moral obligations, and are also independent of public opinion. In addition, the night bird is positioned as a symbol of hope for people who are not able to find their way. An owl is also an indicator that the existing boundaries of personal consciousness should be constantly expanded.

Styles and techniques for performing a body image

Basically, an owl tattoo is applied in a bright contemporary style, where the bird is taken, as if from a fairy tale, with deliberately large eyes. In addition, the sketch can be made in dark color. In a more real and truthful form, which, as a rule, is preferred by representatives of the stronger sex.

cartoon owl

The bird, made in the cartoon style, as well as owls, painted in the style of biomechanics, is popular. In addition, you can find a bird feather tattoo in ethnic style, which with its outlines will resemble the products of the Indians.

The technique of applying a tattoo can also vary. There are tattoo masters who apply drawings with a needle: piercing the skin and, thus, stuffing selected sketches with paint. Another method is known. Images are applied to the skin using henna or other persistent pigments.

Execution Features

The peculiarities of tattooing an owl include its significance in combination with other objects that can be stuffed nearby.

owl with a key
  • An owl with a clock is a designation of infinity, the development of life, as well as common thinking on the subject of being. Such sketches indicate the value of time and a person’s desire to spend any minute wisely.
  • As a rule, mothers or fathers stuff a bird with an owlet, thus wanting to express their reverent attitude towards their own baby. If desired, have the name or date of birth of the child nearby.
  • Owl and dreamcatcher tattoos are good protection against the evil eye. In addition, the dreamcatcher will be able to save from a nightmare, and the owl will ask the sleeping person the right direction of the flow of dreams.
  • An owl with a key helps to discover new knowledge and gain wisdom. Also, such a sketch may indicate a desire to hide some secrets.
  • A bird with a rose is considered a fairly popular sketch. As a rule, to create a stylish duet, they prefer a burgundy rose, which embodies spiritual harmony and perseverance. You can find a combination of an owl with a golden rose, which means achieving perfection or with a white flower, which is associated with purity and devotion.

Spread wings symbolize freedom and longevity. Freedom because of the ability to fly, and longevity because owls live very long.

Girl Tattoo

The universality of the meaning of the figure provides the opportunity to apply it as a wearable image to both women and the weaker sex. However, it is worth noting that the drawings will most likely look different.

Girls, as a rule, prefer bright, one can even say fabulous motives in choosing a tattoo. In addition, the goal of tattooing between the two sexes varies widely, which ultimately naturally affects the choice of image and its final result.

tattoo on the wrist

Most popular places to apply

A female owl tattoo can be applied to any part of the body. Depending on where it was filled, the very meaning of the picture changes slightly:

  • Owl tattoo on hand symbolizes wisdom.
  • On the foot - the owner is prone to make informed decisions.
  • Tattoo on the neck - following the main purpose.
  • The back indicates a love of nightlife.
  • Owl tattoos on the wrist, shoulder or chest demonstrate femininity.

However, it is worth noting that this is only a general decryption. No one canceled the right to introduce into the image something personal and understandable only to the owner of the drawing.

tattoo on the leg

Owl Tattoos for Men

Drawings of birds, stuffed on men, look more realistic and truthful. For the stronger sex, calm black and white tones are characteristic, which on the body, as a rule, look as if taken from reality.

When choosing a place for drawing a sketch, men choose these parts of the body:

  • Back. Like the weaker sex, speaks of a love of nightlife.
  • Owl tattoo on arm or shoulder is suitable for intellectually developed and determined young people.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex, who strive to become leaders and realize the values ​​of life, are tattooed on their feet.
  • The neck defines a restrained man in words and deeds.
tattoo on the neck

As it became known, a tattoo made with a bird, does not always have the same meaning. Often, only the owner of the sketch can give an accurate interpretation of the owl tattoo. However, sometimes there are such cases when any symbolism is absent, and the tattoo performs only an aesthetic function.

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