After the fertilization of the egg and the formation of a new life in the body of a woman, many changes occur that provide the right conditions for the development of the fetus. These changes are the result of the interaction of hormones produced primarily by the placenta (chorionic gonadotropin), corpus luteum (progesterone) and ovaries (estrogen). These hormones are responsible for the so-called early signs of pregnancy. A woman is able to recognize many of these symptoms on her own. After all, most of them appear already on the 14th day after fertilization. But symptoms are only a possibility, and only tests and a gynecologist can confirm pregnancy. In addition, many symptoms may not be related to pregnancy at all.
The most common early signs of early pregnancy are the absence of menstruation. If menstruation is delayed for several days and the woman does not take any birth control pills, one can safely suspect future motherhood. However, a delay does not always indicate pregnancy. Other causes may include long trips, stress, fatigue, hormonal problems, sudden weight loss, or illness.
Very characteristic of many future mothers are such early signs of pregnancy as malaise and nausea, which often leads to vomiting. These symptoms torment half of pregnant women. Nausea can begin in the second week after fertilization and, as a rule, should disappear in the second trimester. Sensitivity to odors can be added to such symptoms. Women react negatively to spices, meat, household chemicals, and even favorite perfumes. Salivation may also increase. But here you need to remember that the causes of nausea can be food poisoning or infection.
With successful fertilization, the body temperature during the expected menstruation increases by 6-10 degrees.
From the first days of pregnancy, the female breast becomes more sensitive to touch, and, ultimately, begins to increase in size. During this period, you can feel tingling or tension of the mammary glands. Sometimes around the nipple the areola darkens and small nodules appear, which are seals of the sebaceous glands. True, another cause of these symptoms can be hormonal imbalances in the body.
Often there are early signs of pregnancy in the form of very frequent urination. The fact is that the uterus during this period grows and increases in volume, while oppressing the bladder, which leads to systematic visits to the restroom. Unfortunately, serious illnesses such as diabetes mellitus or urinary tract infection, as well as the use of diuretics, also cause frequent urination.
Another presumptive early sign of pregnancy is a change in skin color in some women around the labia, nipples, abdomen and face. But, as is the case with breasts, such symptoms are also possible with hormonal imbalances in the body.
Also, stress in the early stages of pregnancy can be safely attributed to the harbingers of future motherhood. Most pregnant women feel tired, and in the first trimester they can be very sleepy. Irritability, mood swings, unforeseen nervous reaction to simple and ordinary things - all this together with other signs indicates pregnancy.
A change in the size of the uterus can be seen by looking at the stomach, which is already noticeable at 8 weeks of gestation. True, the same myoma or intestinal cramps sometimes also lead to an increase in the size of the abdomen.
In any case, you need to remember that symptoms are only a probability, and only special tests and a gynecologist can confirm pregnancy. In addition, as you can see, many signs may not be related to pregnancy at all.