What is car chip tuning?

There are many options for tuning the engine. In any case, it is very important to configure the software that controls its operation. Its optimization can give a positive result even without applying other measures. The following is what chip tuning is.


This term is called the setting of the operating modes of electronic controllers in different ways. For example, by changing the control programs of the engine control unit or by using additional electronic modules in order to increase power.

Classification and Performance

Chip tuning is divided according to purpose into three types and by the method of implementation - into two.

Most often it is used to increase power. Therefore, it is very common in sports cars, for example, chip tuning "BMW". In any case, the process aimed at increasing productivity has a pleasant addition: contrary to a common misconception, it also reduces fuel consumption, as it increases the efficiency of the engine.


Recently, in connection with the crisis and rising fuel prices, address-based chip tuning has become popular. In particular, aimed at reducing fuel consumption.


Also, chip tuning is used to configure the program of the engine control unit when changing motor parameters. This may be due to the replacement of standard parts with alternative ones, for example, fuel injectors, installation of a turbocharger, switching to another type of fuel, and other changes in the engine design.

That is, during sports tuning of the engine by installing advanced parts, it is necessary to adjust the control unit accordingly. So, when equipping BMW even with high-performance injectors, not to mention more serious changes, BMW tuning will be required to optimize the engine control program.

Chip tuning "BMW"

The same applies to the installation of gas equipment. That is, when converting budget cars like Ford Focus to alternative fuel, Ford Focus chip tuning is also necessary. This is because the ignition timing for gasoline and gas are significantly different, and you can only change them by setting the engine control program.

Chip tuning "Ford Focus"


This type is especially popular in the local market in the segment of mass cheap models. To understand what chip tuning of this type is, you need to know that some manufacturers adjust the engines to average parameters without taking into account specific operating conditions, such as the characteristics of fuel and climate. Therefore, such motors may not function properly. This can be manifested, for example, in unstable or increased idle speed, jerking at the beginning of movement, etc.

However, errors in the engine program are found not only on the simplest models, but also on premium ones. Audi tuning chip and other expensive cars can eliminate these miscalculations. They can be expressed in a delay in reactions to the gas pedal, jerking when shifting gears, etc.

Chip tuning "Audi"


It is more clear what chip tuning is, if you know the stages of these works and the sequence of their implementation. There are three of them.

  • First of all, you need to find a management program. There are three options: get a new control unit along with new firmware, get a new program, read the original car firmware.
  • In the latter case, that is, when using the standard program, the required parameters are adjusted. For new firmware this is not required if they are correctly matched to the engine parameters.
  • New or revised firmware is recorded or replaced by engine control units.

Read / write program

The first and last stages are similar in execution technology and can be implemented in various ways, depending on the technical capabilities of the contractor, type and parameters of the control unit.

Most often, a diagnostic connector is used to read the firmware without removing the control unit. You can perform chip tuning in this way on most cars produced around the end of the 90s. past century. Since that time, mass introduction of flash memory with the possibility of reprogramming began in the engine control units. This method is very simple, therefore, the performers who do not even know in detail what chip tuning are able to read / write firmware in this way can do it.

In older cars, the firmware is usually found in ROM chips with ultraviolet erasure. To read it, you need to remove the memory chip, and usually you have to do this by evaporation. In addition, a programmer designed for specific type of microcircuit is required. This method is much more complicated than the previous one, therefore it requires highly qualified performer.

Also, for the considered work, you can use the BDM interface (background debugging mode), which is an in-circuit programmer. However, keep in mind that, since it was developed by Motorolla, this interface is only available in engine control units based on processors of this manufacturer. In addition to specialized equipment, the performance of such work also requires appropriate skills, so this method is also not easy.

Instead of the above interface, in some cases they use the processor's Boot mode.


These works are the main stage of chip tuning, if it involves changing the original engine control unit. For their competent implementation, full knowledge of the parameters of the tuned motor, its potential and weaknesses is necessary. In addition, to configure the firmware, you must have specialized software that presents calibration data in graphical form. In addition, usually reconfiguring the firmware is combined with recounting the checksums that control its integrity. Less commonly, this is carried out using checksum calculators.

In any case, it is necessary to take into account the shortcomings of the calibration data display programs in graphical form. Firstly, they are not able to search for calibration constants. Secondly, they may make mistakes in identifying calibration tables.

However, there are alternative products on the software market that lack these shortcomings. These are specialized editors containing a database of firmware and calibration cards. The latter are made up by editors' developers, usually using reverse-engineering of firmware to search for calibration data and study the control system functioning algorithms. Therefore, such editors display in a graphical form only reliably known calibration tables and constants of this firmware. In addition, they automatically perform checksum correction while saving changes.

The easiest mechanical chip tuning to implement. It involves replacing the engine control unit with a new one with a different program. However, in this case, for the competent performance of work, it is necessary to find a block with firmware that fully complies with the engine parameters, or it must be created by someone by order in accordance with the characteristics of the motor and recorded in the block.


It should be borne in mind that many factors influence the results of chip tuning:

  • the presence of boost;
  • volume and initial engine performance;
  • efficiency of factory firmware;
  • potential engine and other vehicle components.

So, the increase in the parameters that tuning was aimed at is determined primarily by the features of the engine. Naturally, chip tuning Ford Mustang and Focus will give completely different results.

Chip tuning "Ford"

Very significantly on the efficiency of chip tuning is the presence of boost. This is due to the fact that on atmospheric and supercharged engines use different reserves when tuning. For example, Ford chip tuning with an atmospheric engine involves the correction of the fuel and ignition parameters. Productivity growth is 8-12%. At the same time, Audi chip tuning with a turbocharged engine is carried out by increasing its pressure. This can give an increase of 30-40%. This feature is very clearly manifested when comparing atmospheric and supercharged engines of a similar volume.

For example, the Focus tuning chip tuning with a 1.6-liter engine with a capacity of 105 liters. from. will provide an increase of only about 10 liters. from. At the same time, flashing a smaller 1.4-liter TSI VAG motor can give a significantly larger increase. Chip tuning β€œSkoda” with such an engine at the maximum permissible boost pressure (stage 2) for the stock condition expresses an increase in power for 140 liters. from. 50 liter versions from. That is, the increase in this case is more than a third of the initial value. For reasons of conservation of transmission resource, the torque is increased to no more than 300 Nm. Nevertheless, for the simplest versions, its increase is also significant (80 Nm).

Chip tuning "Skoda"

Naturally, other engine parameters, such as volume and initial performance, are also important. For example, chip tuning "Kia" with a 1.6-liter engine with a capacity of 125 liters. from. will give an increase of an average of about 13 liters. from. This is calculated on the basis that the average increase in performance for atmospheric engines is 10%. Thus, the Chevrolet-Corvette chip tuning with a 6.2-liter V8 with a capacity of 466 liters. from. will increase this indicator by about 47 liters. from.

Chip tuning "Kia"

In addition, the appropriateness of using chip tuning is determined by the effectiveness of the factory firmware. So, if the manufacturer has tuned the engine to maximum efficiency, it should not be further edited, as this will not only not give a significant result, but can also lead to a significant increase in fuel consumption and a decrease in resource. This is typical for sports models. However, most motors have averaged settings, which provides a margin to increase productivity. In addition, many manufacturers market cars with one engine of various power. Often this is observed within the framework of one model: the machine can be offered with three engine versions that differ only in settings. Moreover, the difference in cost between them can be significant. Thus, chip tuning is a way to save money when buying a car, since you can purchase the simplest version and turn it into a more expensive one by reconfiguring the engine control unit.

Finally, you need to consider the potential of the motor and other components of the car. This defines the boundaries of the improvements at which the resource is saved.

Based on this, it is obvious that weakly boosted turbo engines are the most promising for chip tuning. There are many such versions on the market now. This is due to the influence of environmental trends and economy, as a result of which manufacturers are switching from large-volume atmospheric multi-cylinder engines to smaller engines equipped with low-pressure turbochargers. This measure is used primarily to reduce fuel consumption, and not to ensure performance, so they have a high potential for chip tuning.

Atmospheric small engines of budget cars are not so promising from this point of view. Although the result is still sometimes very pronounced. So, chip tuning Renault Logan allows you to increase traction at low speeds, a maximum speed of about 10 km / h and reduce acceleration time by 1 s. This is due to the features of such models.

On low-power slow cars it is much easier to improve dynamic performance than on fast sports. Firstly, they have averaged settings for engine management programs, which provides the potential for increased productivity. Secondly, on such models, even a small increase in power, which provides chip tuning, provides a tangible result. Reviews testify to this. Improving the dynamics of fast sports cars is much more difficult. Even a slight increase in it requires much greater costs.

Chip tuning "Renault"


The price of chip tuning for different cars is very different. It is influenced primarily by factors such as the parameters of the modified car and the features of the new firmware. The cheapest thing is to set up budget cars. So, chip tuning of many VAZ models costs about 3,000 rubles. Among mass-produced cars, it is most expensive to modify sports cars. For example, the cost of these works for the most inexpensive supercar, Nissan GT-R, starts from 30,000-40,000 rubles. In addition, the price is determined by the effectiveness of the settings. So, the indicated cost of chip tuning for the GT-R belongs to the simplest option, which increases power by 30 liters. from. To achieve its increase by 70 liters. with., have to pay 3-4 times more.

However, custom tuning of a tuned motor is most expensive. Moreover, the chip tuning included in the tuning kits offered by the workshops is usually cheaper than custom firmware for a unique motor of about the same level created using arbitrary parts. This is due to the fact that in the latter case, fine-tuning the firmware individually is required, while tuning kits use certain sets of parts for which the program is tuned.

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