Military discipline: what is, essence and meaning

The basis of a powerful and strong army is military discipline. What is the charter, order and other attributes, well know the soldiers who entered the conscript service. The main provisions are spelled out not only in the documentation of each individual military unit, but also at the legislative level.

military discipline on what it is based and what is achieved

Military discipline: definition

In the army service, the most important thing is the order, which is ensured by certain mechanisms. Military discipline is the strict observance of the rules and procedures established by the command, as well as at the legislative level. Each employee should be distinguished by an awareness of his duty, as well as personal responsibility for protecting his state. The main disciplinary provisions are communicated to the soldiers by conviction, which does not exclude coercive measures.

military discipline its essence and significance

General information

Few people wonder about the meaning of such a thing as military discipline. That such a rule is vital, it becomes clear if we analyze the specifics of the service more deeply. It is worth noting that the provisions of the discipline were not always uniform, and therefore each unit had specific features.

It is interesting that until the 19th century, Prussian military discipline operated in the armies of most countries. What is this? No more than blind submission to the commander. It was believed that the soldier did not need to think and reason. A warrior should be some kind of machine mechanism. Nevertheless, one could hardly expect initiative and dedication from such a soldier. Thus, over time, the need for a voluntary and informed service based on public duty was recognized .

At the moment, close attention is paid to such an issue as military discipline. What are the rights and obligations of a soldier, is enshrined in law. Moreover, these provisions are constantly being supplemented and amended to increase the requirements for the military. This is due to the emergence of new types of equipment, as well as to the aggravation of the situation in the international arena.

military discipline is

A bit of history

A complex and multifaceted concept is military discipline. This is clear and clear in the charter, but in practice there are numerous difficulties that encourage the improvement of the main provisions. History has left its mark on military discipline.

It is worth starting from the 1920s and 1930s, when revolutionary enthusiasm served as the basis. Despite the powerful ideological component, the disciplinary culture left much to be desired. With the strengthening of power, little has changed. Nevertheless, by the 50-60s, the situation has changed dramatically.

The Great Patriotic War left its mark on military discipline. These terrible events taught the army to appreciate the order. In addition, the Victory made ordinary citizens and new recruits not only endure discipline and obey it, but truly respect.

With the onset of stagnation in socio-political relations, negative processes also affected the army. This was manifested in the appearance of "hazing," "fraternities" and other forms of hazing. The reason for this was the growth of organized crime, frequent pogroms and other manifestations of a lack of order in society. Naturally, the conscripts did not want to abandon their fundamental concepts, even having entered the military service.

As for today, it is worth noting the implementation of large-scale military reform. Its purpose is social protection and finding a balance between the rights and obligations of the military. The main problem today is to embrace the entire army hierarchy with reform.

military discipline its essence and significance in modern conditions

Military discipline: what is it based on and what is achieved

It is not enough to develop the provisions of military discipline. It is important that they are respected. This is achieved as follows:

  • education of high moral and ethical qualities;
  • conscious, and not compulsory, submission to command;
  • developing a sense of personal responsibility for the implementation of the provisions of the charter and the performance of duties;
  • maintaining a strict internal order, which implies compliance with the internal regime of the day by all, without exception, military personnel;
  • a clear organization of the combat training process, which covers the entire personnel;
  • an organic combination of persuasion, coercion, and collective influence;
  • demanding relationships by commanders;
  • the creation of appropriate living conditions;
  • conscious respect for the commanding staff.

military discipline its essence

Military Responsibilities

Military discipline, its essence and significance is largely determined by the duties of employees. The following main points can be distinguished:

  • honestly serve your state, being ready to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity;
  • follow the norms established in the Constitution and other legislative acts;
  • to fulfill the military charter and oath, as well as unconditionally obey the orders of commanders;
  • constantly improve your skills and combat skills;
  • ensure the safety of army property, as well as maintain equipment in a state of alert;
  • to respect the military glory of compatriots;
  • to behave with dignity both in the unit and beyond, without damaging the good name of the soldier;
  • Do not commit unlawful acts and deter other colleagues from doing so.

Reward system

Military discipline is the foundation of an effective army. Despite the fact that power structures are fundamentally different from everyone else, this system cannot be built solely on responsibilities and duties. Of course, civic consciousness and patriotism are the main incentives for conscientious military service. Nevertheless, the charter provides for a reward system, which includes:

  • public promotion of a soldier in front of the formation;
  • personal encouragement from the command;
  • written order;
  • cash bonus;
  • valuable gifts with military symbols;
  • memorable photos;
  • public gratitude through the media;
  • a report on the merits of a soldier at the place of work or training

military discipline definition

Responsibility for violation of military discipline

The foundation of an effective army is military discipline. Its essence and significance are associated with the rigorous performance by employees of their duties. The incentive for this is not only the opportunity to receive encouragement, but also the risk of incurring responsibility for actions contrary to the charter. It can manifest itself in such forms:

  • oral or written reprimand;
  • deprivation of the right to dismiss;
  • appointment of an extraordinary outfit;
  • accommodation at a guardhouse for up to 10 days;
  • arrest.

Problems of military discipline

The main and obligatory feature of any army is military discipline. Its essence and significance in modern conditions are the subject of constant discussion. The situation inside the state and beyond is not constant, and along with a change in the environment certain problematic questions arise.

At the moment, there are a number of urgent tasks to be solved. For starters, it should be said about staffing. A tendency has been outlined that the prestige of military service is declining, and therefore less and less draftees are willing to undergo army training. This is due, among other things, to a lot of facts about hazing in this structure. Thus, the direct impact of command should be minimized. The basis of the service should be laid down only rules and regulations.

Another important problem is the behavior of the soldiers themselves, who arrived in military service. We are talking about unauthorized absences from the territory of the unit, the use of alcohol and other violations of the internal regulations. This is mainly due to the lifestyle that young people led before being called up for service. In this regard, it is important not to impose the implementation of the provisions of the charter, but to ensure their understanding.

military discipline is in the charter

Improving military discipline

The basis of the army service is military discipline. Its essence consists in strict and conscious observance of the charter and other rules. In order to solve existing problems and improve the system, the following measures can be taken:

  • conducting processes of training and education of employees in close interconnection (these responsibilities of the management team should be assigned to everyone, and not divided);
  • timely and objective assessment of the situation and making adjustments to the army;
  • continuing education of officers;
  • moral and material incentives for conscientious work of the command, as well as conscripts;
  • carrying out preventive measures.


Discipline is the basis for the smooth and efficient operation of any structure. With regard to the army, the importance of this category increases many times over, since it is the military that ensures the security and sovereignty of the entire state. Unfortunately, at the moment in this area there are many problems and contradictions. Nevertheless, the implementation of a deep and comprehensive reform promises to eliminate the crisis of military discipline.

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