Do-it-yourself snow chains. Fast and inexpensive

Self-made snow chains, are becoming increasingly popular. To figure out how to make them yourself, you first need to find out what it is. So, anti-skid chains are a tread that turns an ordinary wheel into high-passability rubber. Such inventions are mainly made of reinforced wire, which is bonded in such a way as to evenly braid the wheel around the entire circumference.

Do-it-yourself snow chains

This design consists of two cables - internal and external. They run parallel to each other around the circumference and are interconnected by rubber "lugs".

Why do I need snow chains made by myself? This invention perfectly increases the maneuverability of the car, increases the coupling properties of the wheels both on ice and in the mud. For example, if you are going fishing, first you go along a normal road, and then you go to a difficult section. If before that your car was moving normally, now you can get stuck in the mud for a long time. To avoid this, it is recommended to wear snow chains on the wheels. Now you can go on quietly and not worry about being stuck. Places, such as steep icy climbs, cannot be overpowered without special uniforms.

Rubber chains
Chains on wheels are divided into 2 categories: soft and hard. In the former, the role of the cross-pieces is played by rubber “grousers”, and in the latter, link elements.
There are also two types of patterns: “honeycombs” or “ladder”. In the former, longitudinal cables are connected diagonally, resulting in an interlaced pattern. In the second case, they are connected by straight transverse lines, which resembles a rope ladder. They also vary in size and material production. So, titanium, steel, aluminum, etc. can be used. Some chains are equipped with special metal spikes.

What are the best do-it-yourself snow chains? No one will give you a clear answer to this question. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the conditions where you plan to use them.

Snow chains for off-road vehicles
"Hard" is better than "soft" to cope with dirt and loose snow. But during their operation it is not recommended to pick up speed above 40 km / h, as the transmission elements of the car may be damaged. Anti-skid rubber chains spoil the rubber much less, with them you can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h.
The same can be said about sizes: the larger the links, the higher the cross and the more weight. It is quite difficult to drive on a straight road, the load on the transmission increases, and rubber wear accelerates.

If you have already decided what you need, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of an anti-skid chain with your own hands. To do this, you will need to purchase a regular chain, preferably reinforced wire. Fabricate the structure in accordance with the conditions in which it will be used. Do not forget to make it a little longer than the circumference of your wheel, then the excess can be removed.

Snow chains for SUVs are weaving type "honeycomb". It allows you to perfectly overcome all obstacles, copes with wetlands and dirt.

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