Alternations of successes and troubles in life are a well-known fact. So, there are extremely prosperous periods, but it happens that all the troubles and misfortunes fall literally at once. Superstitious people explain these phenomena by the influence of otherworldly forces invisible to the average person. And it is worth noting that in some cases there is a fair amount of common sense and objectivity in such justifications. However, most often the person responsible for their troubles is the person himself.
What can be done, such is human nature - to look for the causes of ills in someone or in something, but not in oneself. For example, people who constantly complain of poverty and blame this evil rock, sometimes turn out to be ordinary lazy people. Or, the girls who ascribe to themselves the crown of celibacy, in reality turn out to be so unbearable that no man can just get along with them. Therefore, the cause of the trouble must first of all be sought in oneself. You should look at your life from the side, give yourself an objective assessment and try at least something to radically change.
It happens that a person, without knowing it, attracts troubles and illnesses. This is due to inadvertently breaking phrases or pessimistic thoughts. But thoughts and words are material. Negativity, like a magnet, attracts troubles, and positive - luck.
Other people's words and feelings of envy can also damage the invisible shell of a person - an aura. As a result, all kinds of evil entities can easily do harm and influence fate. This phenomenon is called the evil eye. Often the evil eye happens even inadvertently, and therefore it is not as strong as, for example, damage and tribal curses, intentionally induced by a black magician. But nevertheless, the evil eye has a very negative effect on physical and mental health.
In order not to become a victim of an evil tongue, you should protect yourself, because it is always better to prevent the disease than to treat it. And amulets from evil eye and damage can help with this.
The most faithful and effective amulets from the evil eye and damage are body crosses, incense, small icons and other attributes of faith. It is very important that such things be covered in the church. In addition to them, there are spiritual, invisible charms from the evil eye and corruption, that is, prayers. There are many prayers designed to protect against evil forces. It is advisable to know at least a few of them and do not forget to re-read daily.
But even if you do not know special conspiracies, you can protect yourself with your own power of thought. To do this, relax and imagine yourself in a safe, closed room on all sides. Imagine that the outer walls of this room are hung with mirrors that reflect all troubles and adversities. Or, for example, imagine a strong shield around you that prevents enemy arrows from hurting you.
Washing with holy water also allows you to wash away all sorrows and diseases. You can collect such water yourself on the night of the Epiphany (December 19). It is recommended to pour holy water into a small vial and always carry it with you as a guard against damage.
Amulets from damage and evil eye, transmitted by inheritance, have a very strong effect. It can be any precious jewelry or amulets from the evil eye and damage with runes carved on them. Such things can protect the whole family.
No less effective are amulets from the evil eye and damage made by hand. Most often, the material for them is wood, stones and natural fabrics. For example, on Maundy Thursday or Annunciation, women from ancient times baked salt in the oven, which was then hidden in a secluded place. Used it to prepare food for sick children, and also poured into a small bag and sewn to the clothes from the wrong side.
Charms from evil eye and damage can be purchased in any souvenir shop. However, such things may not be effective. If you still decide to buy an amulet, it is recommended to give preference to stones that match your zodiac sign.