Binary Options Martingale Strategy: Overview, Description and Feedback

In order to make money on the Internet on a special Martingale trading strategy , you do not need any special knowledge or professional skills inherent in a certain category of people. In fact, everything is extremely simple and affordable, even for those who do not have experience working specifically with this approach.

In this article we will tell you what the Martingale strategy is, where it came from in the field of binary options, as well as what risks await a person who is going to make money on it.

Origin and main area

martingale strategy

So, perhaps we should start with the fact that the specified methodology came to us from the realm of excitement and casinos (both those that operate in real life and the online casino). Its essence was to be able to cover their losses in unpredictable games such as roulette, due to the constant growth of bets.

Perhaps, being less common at the time of its emergence, the Martingale strategy really made it possible to earn good money on a simple mathematically sound set of actions that led to the final increase in player capital. It is possible that someone really could become rich using such a technique.

But today, when the indicated strategy has gained quite wide popularity, and when every person who has access to the Internet sees a ton of advertising messages about the action and the incredible effectiveness of this method, he also begins to try something.

As a result, Martingale’s strategy is becoming widely known, including by the casino itself, thanks to which the latter have their own set of tools that allows you to track such “smart people” and quickly disappoint them. At least, algorithms to protect their interests online casinos came up with many years ago.

binary options martingale strategy

What you mean, you will understand immediately after you read the information directly about the principles of strategy. Without Martingale, you traded on options earlier, but whether you will use the methodology after reviewing it, we doubt it.

Sense of Martingale Strategy

The basis of the strategy, as already mentioned above, is a mathematical, rational method of gradually increasing your bank. It is based on the calculation of the percentage probability of the onset of an event. In this case, the Martingale strategy determines how soon a winning combination will fall out (and regardless of what it is about - roulette or binary options).

Imagine that you are a player who makes a bet. Let's say you bet $ 10 in roulette on red. The drum spins, the ball stops opposite the number of red or black (or green, but more on that later). As a result, you win or lose.

If a win awaits us, you can change the color on which the bet was placed and deposit $ 10 (without further “growth”). In another case, if the bet turned out to be losing, we must double our contribution to $ 20, putting them in the same color, which turned out to be unsuccessful for us. The chances that the ball re-hits the opposite value are reduced; increasing the likelihood of our victory.

martingale betting strategies

If this time we were not able to win, double our bet to 40 and choose the same color. Such growth should go until a winning combination falls out and we break a solid bank that covers all our expenses. At least that's what Martingale's betting strategy theory testifies to. Is it really so?

Risks in roulette: “zero”

If we proceed from the chances that a certain number will fall out and consider the probability of a particular combination, one question immediately arises: what about the “zero”? After all, as far as we know (even without real casino experience), on the field where the player makes his choice, there are not two, but three colors: red, black and green. The latter determines the “zero” position, which, of course, can also fall out to us in the process of our “calculated” game. As a result, this changes the probability ratio and reduces our chances of success.

Martingale Strategy Advisor

For the reason that the authors of the methodology (or those who are now actively promoting it) do not take into account the very “zero”, this allows them to say how profitable Martingale's strategy is.

Roulette in their understanding can be an excellent way to earn money for anyone who is at least minimally familiar with a computer. The main thing is to start doing this and make your first deposit to your casino account. Of course, dealers get their percentage from these funds, which encourages them to do this. And the gullible “fraudster” with tape measure ultimately realizes that he was deceived.

Roulette Risks: Algorithms and Protection

The second important point that should not be missed, saying how the Martingale strategy works, reviews of people who are knowledgeable in this topic are called the protection that operates in the casinos themselves. It is no secret that these institutions are worried about their own economic security, putting in place various mechanisms for checking the player, in order to forestall unfair game, increasing his chances of winning.

Naturally, Martingale is another deceptive trick that will allow you to win more. And to prevent this, casinos impose their restrictions. For example, in many gaming halls you cannot pay in excess of a certain amount. If you grow on your bets, it is highly likely that you will soon reach the same level, which is why you simply lose your investment.

martingale strategy for option

The second important point is the twisting mechanisms of the casino itself. We would be naive if we asserted that everything is fair and transparent in online casinos. Of course, the system can determine if a player uses Martingale or not.

If this is the case, it is quite possible that one color (the opposite of the one you selected) will drop out over a dozen times. It seems that it’s not worth specifying that in the process of such a promotion game you will lose a substantial amount.

Binary options

Why did we talk about online casinos if our topic today is Martingale's binary options strategy? But the fact is that many of the limitations and obstacles described above, unfortunately, are waiting for us in this area.

And, frankly, the difficulties that such a methodology brings do not disappear in any way if we are talking about options. See for yourself if you do not believe it! To begin with, we will present a model of how the approach described by us will work in the field of options.

How to play?

strategies without martingale

So, we understand that binary options are not Forex. This is a much more simplified model of interaction with financial markets, thanks to which such earnings are now available to everyone. However, given the binary nature of the trading result (increase or decrease in quotes), theoretically, our strategy can be applied to such a model. It turns out that you should (as described in the roulette situation) place a bet on one option (for example, down), wait until it is realized, and then double down if you lose ... But there is one caveat.

Unlike roulette, where our chances of winning or losing are 50/50 (if you do not take into account zero), the model with options has a slightly different situation. Here we are given not all 100%, but only 70-80% of the profit, which is why the rate should be increased not by 2, but 2.2-2.3 times. As a result, we have a more rapid increase in contributions, while the total number of steps remains unchanged.


Also the argument “against” that the Martingale strategy in binary options is used by you is to limit the bet ceiling. This is done just in order to somehow predict how much maximum the user can get, and calculate whether he can use the technique or not.

martingale strategy roulette

Risks that operate in the field of binary options may also be excessively high. Indeed, if we consider that in the casino we have only 3 final outcomes, then in the case of options, all things are completely not so clear.

In addition to “falling” and “take-off,” there may also be a “sideways movement” in the market, which determines the absence of special changes in the price of quotes. In this case, our Martingale can also show negative results, which will only ruin the player.


In fact, there are some resources on the Internet where everyone is willing to comment on such strategies and tactics. There is information about Martingale. We found that several users really tried the mentioned approach, but they did not succeed in achieving success here properly. This is too inconsistent, and maybe even a risky venture.

And there are some reasons for this, the main of which is the lack of adequate capital. Even if there are no rate limits on the platform, any ordinary person cannot afford to increase his capital so intensively. To do this, you need to start trading with at least 5-10 thousand dollars. Naturally, no one will pay the money to trade a few dollars with a further increase.

The second point is the lack of fixation of the procedure. Let’s put it this way: yes, you can really earn a certain amount by using some Martingale strategy adviser if you perform the necessary operation in a minimum amount of time. However, this may not happen (there are no guarantees). You can continue to raise the bid, and there will be no changes in the quotes in the positive or negative direction for you.


The Martingale strategy for IQ option, 24option, Alpari and almost all other options trading platforms is suitable. Therefore, if you have enough resources and desire to try, you can do it and share your story somewhere on the Internet. Others will find it useful to know how this kind of experiment went.

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