Beautician face cleaning: indications, procedure description, reviews

Who does not dream of healthy, clean, radiant skin? A polluted atmosphere, constant stresses of the metropolis, excessive use of harmful cosmetics, irregular nutrition and ignoring the basic rules of skin care lead to the fact that dreams basically remain dreams. Daily lotions and creams lose their effectiveness, and unwanted acne, comedones and wrinkles appear on the face. This means it's time to remember the existence of beauty salons and get acquainted with more radical methods. First of all, it is a facial cleansing by a cosmetologist.

beautician cleaning skin

The cleansing procedure in the beauty salon is somewhat different from home procedures before bedtime. Cleaning by a cosmetologist is much longer and more difficult, and therefore has a number of indications as well as contraindications.

In which cases it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist for help

  • Oily skin type.
  • Acne, acne and post-acne, comedones.
  • Fading, unhealthy skin color.
  • Prevention of wrinkles.

Salon procedures should not be used in such cases

  • Heart diseases.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Diabetes.
  • Eczema
  • Purulent skin diseases.
  • Pregnancy and HB.

If we talk about the procedure for cleaning the face in salon conditions, thanks to it you will get rid of many skin imperfections. Professional cleaning will help:

  • saturate the cells with oxygen;
  • remove pollution, acne, blackheads, blackheads;
  • relieve fatigue, improve skin color;
  • prevent the occurrence of all kinds of defects in the future.

Types of face cleansers

When you finally decide to go to a beauty salon to cleanse your skin, the specialist working there will offer you two options: clean by hand (mechanical cleaning) or special equipment (hardware). A third option is also possible, the most effective - combining both cleanings depending on the individual needs of each visitor.

Mechanical cleaning has fewer contraindications compared to hardware. But no matter what cleaning method you choose, you should understand that this is just a cleaning, and its main task is to make the skin smooth and clean. For the treatment of skin diseases, one cleaning procedure is not enough. Such problems are solved comprehensively, including proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, the use of drugs according to the recommendations of a dermatologist and a systematic visit to a beauty salon.

face cleaning

Let's look at them separately and find out how facial cleansing is done by a cosmetologist. After all, each of these procedures is good in its own way, since they are designed to solve different problems.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of the face by a cosmetologist is such a procedure, which is a manual cleaning of contaminated pores of the face. That is, with manual procedures, a cosmetologist cleans various areas of contaminated skin. In theory, any non-hardware procedure can be attributed to manual cleaning. This means that all cosmetic services that a cosmetologist does without using cosmetic devices should be called โ€œmanualโ€.

Manual facial cleansing by a cosmetologist can be divided into three types:

  • atraumatic;
  • classic mechanical;
  • combined.

Atraumatic cleaning

This is such a facial cleansing by a cosmetologist, in which various compositions are applied to the skin. It is done once for those who do not have pronounced skin problems. In this case, it is more aesthetic in nature. To solve more serious problems (acne, skin roughness, etc.) atraumatic cleaning is carried out in courses: 1 time in 2 weeks, 8-10 procedures are necessary. Since each person is individual, specialists can reduce or increase the number of cleanings.

atraumatic facial cleansing

Cleaning Steps:

  • makeup removal;
  • cleansing and loosening of the skin;
  • removal of dead skin particles of the epidermis using peeling;
  • opening pores using chemical lotions (vaporization);
  • applying compositions to soften the sebaceous glands;
  • removal of comedones using enzymatic gommage;
  • applying a soothing antiseptic mask;
  • moisturizing cream with a drying effect.

During the procedure, the sensations will be very diverse - from pinching to a slight chill or burning. But the result is worth it: the skin is smoothed, it becomes smooth to the touch and, most importantly, it looks clean.

Classic manual skin cleansing

Consists of several stages. The mechanic cleansing the face of a cosmetologist includes:

  • makeup removal and facial skin cleansing;
  • the use of lotions to open pores and soften the sebaceous glands;
  • squeezing acne and other unsightly elements;
  • applying a soothing mask that dries the face;
  • applying moisturizer.
mechanical facial cleansing

For this facial cleansing at the beautician, the price will be 10-30 dollars. Experts advise to carry out the procedure once a month. You can not do such a cleaning for people with sensitive and dry skin types, as well as with rosacea mesh on the face.

Combined mechanical cleaning

The principle of the combined method in combination of aggressive manual and gentle atraumatic cleansing. After the procedure of opening and softening pores with the help of chemical compounds, pimples and comedones are removed manually. This method is resorted to when it is impossible to remove skin imperfections with the help of lotions and creams alone.

At first glance, combined cleaning is not much different from mechanical cleaning. But in fact, this method is more gentle. If after manual cleaning the skin has a lot of redness that lasts for 2-4 days, then in the case of combined cleansing, the face almost immediately looks perfect.

Hardware facial cleansing

Ultrasonic facial cleansing by a cosmetologist (also called hardware) is a progressive novelty in the world of cosmetology. The principle is to expose the skin to ultrasonic waves, due to which the skin warms up, and the accelerated cell regeneration process begins. In addition, the pores are significantly narrowed, which has a beneficial effect on the fight against black dots. With regular use of the method, you can permanently get rid of comedones.

hardware facial cleansing

Machine cleaning steps

  1. Cleansing from makeup with a tonic or cleansing milk (it all depends on the type of facial skin).
  2. Scrub. Of course, this procedure can not be applied, but if necessary, the beautician will definitely say.
  3. A special gel that will vaporize your skin on the face.
  4. Ultrasonic cleaning.
  5. Antiseptic cream or mask (depending on skin type).

A day later, the face after cleansing by a cosmetologist is completely restored, and the first results are immediately noticeable. The skin becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch. The tone and elasticity rises, sebaceous plugs pass, the pores narrow.

Hardware cleaning is prohibited for pregnant women, people with oncological diseases, with inflammatory or purulent processes on the face, asthmatics and epileptics.

In the era of beauty industry, facial cleansing by a cosmetologist is becoming increasingly popular. The price for a mechanical purification method is at an average market level. But the cost of the hardware - careful - procedure in some salons reaches 4000 rubles.

Combined cleaning

It is not surprising that a cosmetologist can combine various methods per session, including manual cleansing with hardware. Thanks to this, you can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and eliminate deficiencies that can not be dealt with in another way. In particular, these are age spots, scars and wrinkles.

Care after cleaning

The first day after cleansing is the most difficult. The skin has undergone many procedures, so now it is important to protect it as much as possible. It is forbidden to visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, solarium, gym, beach.

On the second or third day after a visit to the beautician, itching may be felt on the face, and peeling may also occur. During this period, the skin needs to be disinfected and additionally moisturized. The main thing is not to rush things and not touch the face, even if it is covered with husk and begins to peel off.

girl crushes acne

How often to do facial cleansing with a beautician

Each person has his own characteristics, so only a professional cosmetologist will determine the frequency of the procedure. On average, mechanical cleaning is recommended once every 1-2 months. Hardware cleaning is allowed more often - from 1 time per week to 1 time in 2 months. One way or another, each cleaning method is aimed at one result: deep cleansing of the skin of the face, elimination of all kinds of defects (age spots, blackheads, wen), healthy, radiant, beautiful skin.

Teen Facial Skin Care Rules

Modern children are very emotional, and the beauty of their face affects not only aesthetic education, but also the teenage psyche. Self-esteem of a teenager can greatly affect a young growing body. Therefore, clean and well-groomed facial skin plays an important role in the formation of personality. Let's look at what procedures teenagers can offer in a beauty salon and find out how facial cleansing in adolescents by a cosmetologist differs from an adult procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly explain to the teenager that at his age there is a hormonal restructuring of the whole organism. Naturally, this is reflected on the skin of the face. In particular, it becomes fatter, black spots, red acne or blackheads may appear. In this case, the child will only care about one question - how to get rid of it and, preferably, quickly?

teenager skin care

Unfortunately, cures for 100% getting rid of hated pimples have not yet been invented. Therefore, the main task of a caring parent is to choose the right words to convey to their child that skin problems are temporary and are an integral part of growing up. To avoid them in the future, you need to learn to care for your skin already at this stage. In addition, correctly selected drugs, even if they do not eliminate all the shortcomings, but will help to significantly reduce their number.

In the fight against skin imperfections in adolescence, facial cleansing by a cosmetologist will also help. Usually it is recommended to conduct it once a month. In addition, a specialist can offer a special anti-inflammatory procedure in case of exacerbation.

The main rule for the care of teenage facial skin is a ban on squeezing pimples. It is better if it remains the rule for life. Otherwise, the situation will not only worsen, but can also lead to irreversible consequences (for example, scars).

In any case, do not despair. Proper home skin care and periodic trips to the beauty salon give amazing results. And itโ€™s not so difficult or expensive. The most important thing is not to run the problem.

You can evaluate facial cleansing by a cosmetologist by customer reviews by looking at beauty forums. For some, going to the salon is an ordinary routine, but for someone itโ€™s a real test. The cleansing procedure is often not only unpleasant, but also quite painful. Therefore, after reading the recommendations and reviews of people after cleaning, do not rush to draw conclusions. Remember that beauty requires sacrifice. Especially when the result is worth it. So doubt away, and decide to clean the face with a beautician. You can watch the review of one girl after visiting the salon in the video below.

We talked about the features of different types of facial cleansing, touched reviews on these procedures. The question of choosing the right option remains with the readers.

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