How to make a hydrophilic tile: recipe for cooking, how to use

Women constantly strive to look younger and more attractive. First of all, this applies to skin care. After all, people look at the face and in appearance determine the age of the lady. To get beautiful, velvet skin, you need to take good care of it. There are many different creams and tonics for skin care. But hydrophilic tiles for the body began to gain great popularity (recipes will be considered later). In this article we will tell you what they are. We will also learn how to make a hydrophilic tile for the body with our own hands and what benefits it has.

do-it-yourself tile recipes

Briefly about cosmetics

This tile has a solid texture. It is a mixture of essential oils. Although the latter are hard and soft, but they are all united by an emulsifier. It helps to ensure that all the components of the tile do not delaminate. Also, some dry additives, which are also natural, are sometimes added to these oils. For example, it can be white clay, coffee, milk powder and so on. All of these components are combined and heated. After that, you need to mix it until it cools down. Then this mixture should be poured into molds and put in a cold place (for example, in the refrigerator) for maximum hardening. After they harden, you can store them at room temperature. No need to worry: there will be no change with the shape of the tiles.

DIY recipes

Method of use

It is mainly used after a shower, when the skin is in a wet state. It should also be noted that hydrophilic plates are intended for the body, and not just for facial skin. Upon contact with water, the cream becomes like soap, which cleanses the skin. Cosmetics are absorbed into the skin without leaving any greasy or unpleasant deposits. How to use hydrophilic body tiles? It should be used instead of cream. It is a natural moisturizer. Also, the tile can be used as a caring hand cream.

But this is not the whole range of applications. Also, many girls prefer to use the tile to remove makeup, as this is a soft and pleasant way.

After shower

If hydrophilic tiles are used after a shower, then they should be applied to still wet skin. Then lightly wash with warm water. After this, it is best not to dry the skin, but let it dry itself and soak in the aromatic mixture.

For make-up remover

If these tiles are used as makeup remover, then the face should be moistened with warm water in advance. Then take a piece of the mixture and massage the entire face with massaging movements. Only cotton pads are needed to cleanse their skin. After the makeup is removed, it remains only to wash your face again with warm water and clean it with a slightly soft cloth.

In other situations

These tiles are used in very different aspects. For example, many use them after bathing in the pool to remove the remnants of chlorine. And others use the tiles after swimming in the sea to wash off the remnants of salt. In addition, it is always useful. For example, in the fall, when the winds are too strong, the skin may become coarser and flaky. If you use a hydrophilic mixture, the wind will not interfere with smooth skin. In the summer, the face can become especially dry. Therefore, these tiles are a great way to prevent the skin from drying out.

hydrophilic tiles with your recipes

Some caveats

As we have already found out, hydrophilic tiles do not contain water. For this reason, they must be used alternating with other cosmetics. Those with oily skin can apply this mixture up to three times a week. And owners of normal skin can use them up to four times.

The composition of hydrophilic tiles

Residents of big cities have the opportunity to buy such a mixture in various cosmetic stores. But for those who live in small towns, it will be more difficult to get such a thing. But all women want to look beautiful regardless of the area. What to do in this case? We can gladly inform you that this tile is easy to make at home with your own hands. The most difficult stage can be called the acquisition of components that are part of them. Here is a list of the required ingredients for making this mixture:

  • Emulsion wax. This is the most important ingredient for making hydrophilic tiles. This component has the ability to combine oil and water. Otherwise, they would not mix. If you make the mixture without this additive, it will turn out to be very greasy and unpleasant. Given this, it is first necessary to purchase emulsion wax.
  • Essential oils. But this is not ordinary, but solid. They help to harden the mixture. For example, it is shea butter. Thanks to vitamins F, A, E, they give the skin smoothness and elasticity. Even burns and various wounds are closed thanks to this mixture. It can also be used as a protective cream against the sun.
  • Cacao butter. This ingredient is especially needed for those who have dry and wrinkled skin. For a middle-aged woman, these tiles will help prevent skin imperfections. This product is suitable for a lady of any age to make her skin supple, smooth and soft. But in no case should you buy unrefined cocoa butter. It is used only in food.
  • Palm kernel oil. From the name it follows that this composition is extracted from the very core of the palm tree. It is much better, because it contains many useful substances. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Replaces any tonic tonic.
  • Ordinary oils. In addition to solid, liquid components are also used. They are also beneficial for the skin of the body. The most popular of them are those that are isolated from apricot and cherry plum. Others can be used for a pleasant aroma, but these oils are very useful for skin elasticity. They also prevent blackheads and are suitable for girls with any type of skin.
  • Dry supplements. Such ingredients are necessary for the consistency of the mixture. For example, ground coffee is perfect. It will also be useful for those who have cellulite on their skin, because coffee narrows the pores. In addition, it is a natural scrub that is able to cleanse and wash dead skin. In addition to coffee, there are many other dry additives for making these tiles. For example, it may be white clay. It can dry oily skin and narrow pores in a similar way.
  • Oils for aroma. Among other things, various essential oils should be added to the hydrophilic mixture. As a result, the mixture will have a pleasant aroma.

This is just the basis of the list of ingredients that are used in the manufacture of hydrophilic tiles. Other substances can also be added to it. But it is important to remember that a mixture of liquid and solid oils is important. There are many recipes for hydrophilic tiles. You can experiment and create new ones.

What do you need to prepare before manufacturing?

Before you begin, you should have at hand not only all of the listed ingredients, but also some things:

  • Libra.
  • Glass.
  • Cookie cutters of any kind.
  • Spoon for mixing the mixture.
  • Capacity for cooking stoves.

After all this is on the table, you should also put all the oils and other ingredients next to each other. Before you start cooking, you need to know that the ingredients are measured in percent. There is one rough recipe that allows you to experiment with your products. This is a list of exact ratios of only the main ingredients:

  • Emulsifier - 30%.
  • Solid oils - 50%.
  • Soft - 30%.
  • Liquid - 20%.
  • Dry additives - 80 grams.

Only the latter is measured in grams. It should also be noted that you can make a mistake of a maximum of ten percent in the measurements. But first, you can prepare the mixture in small quantities for the sample.

First recipe

Coconut oil is an excellent ingredient for the base of the hydrophilic tile recipe. This should also be added:

  • Shea Butter (40%).
  • Emulator (30%).
  • Unrefined coconut oil (20%).
  • Vitamin E capsules (2 pieces).
  • Apricot kernel oil (30%).
    do-it-yourself hydrophilic tiles recipes

How to make a hydrophilic tile with your own hands? First you need to know the weight of the glass. After that, you can begin to weigh products. Emulsifier and oils are poured. The container must be set on a slow fire and reheated until the ingredients melt. But in the process it is important to constantly mix them. When everything has melted, you can remove it from the heat and place the glass in the refrigerator. But you should not store it in the refrigerator for long so that the liquid does not drop below +40 degrees. Now you can add the rest of the ingredients to the resulting mixture. Then mix everything well and pour into the molds. After that, put the molds in the refrigerator. Now the hydrophilic plates are ready. Another important factor: if the plates will be used for a long time, then it is worth adding vitamin E. to the mixture. It extends the shelf life of the product.

Recipe 2

How to make a hydrophilic tile? There is a second recipe. This is the manufacture of a composition based on avocado oil. The following components are also used:

  • Sesame oil (25%).
  • Emulsion wax (30%).
  • Solid Avocado Oil (30%).
  • Powdered milk (1 tablespoon).
  • Mandarin Oil (15 drops).
    do-it-yourself hydrophilic recipes

Having prepared everything you need, proceed to cooking. We cook strictly according to the recipe hydrophilic tile with our own hands. Wax is poured into the container, the oil is hard and soft. All this in a similar way should be cooked over low heat until the components have melted. After that, you can remove the glass from the heat and, with sufficient cooling, add milk powder there. After these actions, it remains only to mix the mixture well. Now you can pour it into molds and leave it to cool. These tiles can be used both when removing makeup every day, and for the whole body after taking a shower. The main thing is to take into account the features of the skin and use in accordance with them.

hydrophilic tiles by hand

Practical tips and tricks

Sometimes, at the end of cooking, the ladies may notice some defects on the tiles that they themselves have prepared. One of the most common is quick melting at room temperature or delamination. If you think about it, then eliminating such problems is no longer possible. But there is a chance next time not to make the same mistakes. Video will help with this.

For example, if the tile melts, then the reason may be cocoa butter. It is quite difficult to work with him. Since due to severe overheating, it tends to melt after cooling. To do this, do the trick. Only add oil when all the ingredients have melted. This is done so that the oil does not remain for a long time at high temperature.

Another problem is that pieces of tile loosen. To solve it, it is better to mix dry and liquid additives. Since the oils themselves have a liquid consistency, particular attention should be paid to solid ingredients so that they can melt to the end. There is also another option. You can heat the mixture several times. This will help solid foods melt faster. Using these tips, hydrophilic plates will be of high quality and convenient to use.

hydrophilic tiles by hand recipes

Hydrophilic tile reviews

Since this product can be called something new in everyday life, you should find out how ladies who have already managed to use it relate to it. It must be said that most emphasize the practical use of tiles. Women are happy to say that their skin has become smoother and moisturized after application. Many girls also note that this product is great for creating a romantic atmosphere. But the main advantage is that the hydrophilic washing tile cleans old, dead tissue. It restores the skin, making it smooth and fresh.


So, we found out what a hydrophilic tile is and where it is used. As you can see, this is a very useful cosmetics that you can prepare yourself.

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