If your site is already ready to launch on the network - do not waste time and immediately start promoting it! Website promotion on the network is the most responsible and painstaking part of the work. Where to start? First, let's determine what promotion methods exist.
White methods website promotion - these are, in another way, “good, forbidden” methods, i.e. those that are allowed by search engines. There are several types of them:
-keys. The very first thing to do is write the keywords and description of your site in the settings section. This will help search bots correctly index your site, and users can quickly find a resource on the network.
directories. It is necessary to enter the site into the catalog, and it is better to even several. It’s worth starting with the Google and Yandex directories - so you add your site to the search results of these search engines. Otherwise, no link will be sent to a request about your site.
exchange of advertising. You can place various advertisements on the pages of your site in the form of banners, link blocks, teasers, from those owners of other sites who, in turn, advertise your resource. Exchange is carried out according to the principle "you - to me, I - to you." You can also exchange banners and teasers by joining a free banner exchange network, where you simply submit an application, after which your website automatically displays ad units from other network members. The principle is the same.
advertising in social networks. It is much easier to start promoting a site in social networks if the corresponding buttons are installed on it (share, like, bookmarks). Then you can start independent (or with the participation of friends) promotions: write about your new project on your page, create a video and post it on Youtube, write on the forums. Do not forget also that the more they “talk” about your site, the more links to it, the faster search robots “notice” it.
-Hidden text. Text or links written on the pages of your site in a color identical to the color of the background page (i.e. they are not visible to visitors). Such links may contain keywords of a very different nature, not even related to the main subject of the site. It turns out when a person enters a certain key query, say on Google, your site also appears in the list of results, despite the fact that it does not respond to the content of the query.
-mixed content. The principle is almost the same as that of the hidden text: many different texts are posted, on all topics; The site does not have one focus. The text should be written in a different color from the background, because it’s not intended for search engines, but for users. The only plus of this method is increased traffic.
-purchase of links. The method itself is not bad, but buying too many links (more than 15), leading to an overstatement of the TIC, can negatively affect the site’s ranking.