Strong prayer to protect children

What prayers are there to protect children? How to read them? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Maternal prayer is especially powerful. If you want to ask the highest authority that the children have good health and success, that they have a good life, learn one of the prayers described below and say it as often as possible.

When to read?

Prayer for the Protection of Children

You can say prayers to protect children every day. Even if they grew up a long time, even if you have not seen each other for a long time and your relationship is not the best period, this is all important! Each mother wishes her child happiness, which means she is ready to turn to the creator with a request that he become a companion and assistant for a son or daughter.

How to pronounce?

Prayer for the protection of children can be said in their own words. It is not in vain that there is a proverb that maternal prayer will lift a beloved child even from the bottom of the sea. However, there are many canonical prayers approved by the Church Fathers. Their power has been tested for centuries, so do not hesitate: these psalms are the best way to turn to the Almighty for intercession.

Maternal Prayer for the Protection of Children

Orthodox priests advise mothers to pray for the children since they are still in the womb. Prayers are also given for newly-baptized babies, newborns and children during special periods when they cannot personally ask for intercession from their angel, for example, during an illness.

An everyday prayer to protect children can become part of the ritual before going to sleep. Indeed, you must agree that asking for higher powers to protect your bloodline is never in vain.

Who to pray for?

Not many people know who needs to read the prayer to protect children from harm. Most often, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Creator are prayed for the success, health and well-being of the baby. It is recommended that young mothers turn their prayers to the first one as an intercessor before the Creator.

How to pray for the protection of children?

You can also pray for the children to Nikolai the Miracle Worker - he is considered the patron saint of children in the Orthodox tradition. There are also special icons that can be purchased in the house in order to pronounce psalms in front of them for the little ones. The most famous are the icon “Skoroshlushnitsa” and the image of the Tsaritsa with a baby called “Parenting”.

The most powerful prayer

Prayer to the guardian angel to protect children

What is the most powerful prayer? The one that flows from the depths of the heart, the one that is supported by a sincere, disinterested desire to help another and most powerful force of love. The prayer of the mother can serve as the standard of such a prayer.

Parents of their children love not for deeds and merits. They love them simply for what they are. Moms and dads wish children only the good, the best, and they wish it with all their heart, selflessly. When the baby is sick, then the mother is unwell too. But her ailment is much stronger - she is sick with all her soul. At such moments, mom with tears in her eyes, sincerely turns to God with a petition in the hope of an early cure for her blood.

It is at this moment that the full power of prayer, its goodness and strength, is revealed. It was at this time that miracles happened.

Why is maternal prayer considered the most powerful? Because only a mother knows her baby for 9 months longer than other people. Because between the child and mom there is a close inseparable connection.

Holy Mother Helpers

Mother’s prayer for protecting children is considered very effective. Of course, with a baby's disease, traditional healing is not worth neglecting. After all, medicine today can cope with many, even serious ailments, since it has reached a colossal level.

Do not forget about faith, heavenly holy helpers - their assistance and support facilitate the condition of the unwell and accelerate its healing. Sincere prayer has always been, is and will be the best way to appeal to the highest forces.

Orthodox prayers during illness are simply necessary to read. The Almighty is the main accomplice of the mother of the sick baby, for His possibilities have no boundaries.

God also has companions - these are saints who can heal the soul and body. Therefore, it is permissible to turn to the Creator with a request for health through His servants — the Most High through them supports and listens to their opinion.

In addition to the Creator himself, very often they cry out with a plea for the health of children:

  • to the Righteous Panteleimon the Healer;
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • The Pious Matron of Moscow;
  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Mom’s prayer for health (it doesn’t matter about daughter or son), directed to these saints, has truly wonderful abilities and sometimes in a critical situation it can be the only salvation.

Prayer Matrone

Have you ever read the Matron prayer for child protection? Even the most intelligent scientists cannot explain the miracles performed by faith. But they all agree that in our lives such mysterious phenomena are happening. Domestic experts have seen many times how powerful Matron’s prayer for the baby has.

What is a mother’s prayer for the protection of children Matrona of Moscow? Some saints, the Almighty, even during his lifetime, granted a special grace to pray for the needs of people and to help them. One of these saints is the blessed Matrona of Moscow. She was blind from birth, but she loved the Creator very much, for which He gave her inner vision.

The Matronushka gained a large number of graces with her pious life, and one of them was to pray for the health of the babies. Mothers often come to the righteous Matron with a prayer to heal the child, to guide him on the true path, and mother helps everyone.

The Holy Mother helps to solve other problems associated with children. The miraculous prayer to the blessed Matrona of Moscow for the protection of the children is as follows:

“Oh, prosperous mother Matrono, in heaven they are soul before the throne of God, but on earth they rest in a body, and given grace, with above, various wonders miraculously exist!

Now, look at your gracious eye on us sinners, in the diseases, sorrows and temptations of demonic days that are their dependents, comforting the desperate us, heal our ailments that are fierce, that come from God through our sin, deliver us from many situations and sorrows and implore our Lord Jesus Christ all of our iniquities, transgressions, and sins will forgive us.

Even from our youth even to the hour and day of the present sinner, and through your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we will glorify God alone in the trinity - the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".


The mother’s daily prayer for the children they need as air. Unfortunately, it often happens that we remember a prayer for our child only when a misfortune has occurred. Everyday routine lands us, distracts us from the spiritual. Nevertheless, one should not forget that speaking mother's prayers for children is worthwhile not only when they feel bad, but also when everything is in order with the children.

How to pray for the protection of children?

When reading a prayer, do not forget to thank the Almighty for giving them to you, to ask him for forgiveness for swear words addressed to them and outbursts of anger, for the lack of wisdom and patience towards them.

Grandmother's prayer

Consider a prayer in defense of grandchildren and children. Each person takes care of their loved ones in different ways. Many elderly people are believers and very pious, therefore they pass their love for grandchildren and children through faith in the Creator. So, many grandmothers say that prayer for grandchildren is the most powerful.

In general, prayers for the children are considered the most powerful and frequent, as we put our soul, love and strength into them. Therefore, we sincerely and fervently pray for them. The Psalm contains a chapter on prayers for the protection of grandchildren and children:

  • Maternal prayer.
  • Prayer for the daughter.
  • Prayer service for the birth of a baby.
  • Prayer appeal for the health of the son.
  • Prayer petition for a serene sleep.
  • Grandmother's prayer for the health of granddaughters and grandchildren.

A prayer for grandchildren can be expressed in various situations: with a request for the birth of a grandson, with a wish that he does not get sick, for a successful marriage or marriage of grandchildren and in other cases.

Strong prayers for grandchildren

Grandmother's prayer can be different, depending on who she turns to for help: to the saints, to the Lord or to the Queen of Heaven. The prayer to the Mother of God looks like this:

“The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God of my Lord Jesus Christ, and the entire Holy Trinity. I pray, I ask - give solace, bless my grandchildren for longevity, for a happy life. I pray for them, unworthy and sinful. I pray not for myself, for my grandchildren. So that they always had smart heads, clear looks, pure souls, frisky legs. Deliver them from bad life, as well as from dashing mischief. Cover with your Saints, protect from dashing vodka, from large ailments, from gunfire, from a betrayal knife, from spoilage, from an evil eye, from all kinds of wounds. Save, have mercy, save my dear grandchildren! I am bowing a hundred bows to you, I ask you a hundred times, and all about the same. Amen!"

Protection against evil people

What is a prayer for protecting a child from evil people? The most important thing in the life of any individual is his family. Of course, we want all its members to be well. But we are leading an active lifestyle. People surround each other in shops, on the streets, at work. Therefore, everyone has enemies, everyone can meet a person who radiates a negative.

It so happens that work colleagues or neighbors look askance at your property. Then you will need a prayer to protect the child from evil people.

From negative people, stinging views, one can say a prayer to the Virgin, Jesus Christ and the Matronushka of Moscow. Jesus can be approached as follows:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Protect your slave (call your name) from the thoughts of the enemy. Protect me from the envy of black and evil people. Banish evil eyes from the soul, curses and spoilage. Cleanse my life path from infection, leprosy, pain and ailment, from vegetation, languor and persecution. Forgive me all crimes and sins, have sent holy forgiveness to me. May it be so. Amen!"

If other people are jealous of you, then this is one thing. But when you notice that the behavior of your child has changed, your daughter or son has become more rude, the child has often become ill, or school performance has declined, this can happen due to the envy of even friends. Here you just need to prayer to protect your son, and your daughter can make a talisman against bad people and the evil eye.

A prayer service will be effective only when you believe in the best, and that your child will be lucky and happy.

Prayer for evil

Many are interested in protecting a child from evil. What prayer is there for this occasion? Sometimes not only people can bring misfortune into your life. A black line may just come that needs to be experienced. But you can’t endure, you need to do something.

To protect yourself from people who bring only anxiety, sorrow and sorrow, as well as from enemies, prayer will help you. It will be even more effective if read every day. In addition, you should not just pronounce it, but invest a particle of your soul in it, reflect on every word.

Here you can turn to Mother Matron:

“Oh, gracious Old Lady Matron. Cleanse my mortal body and soul from ailments and ailments. If the enemy noted with an evil eye and sent damage, return to him what is nesting in me. They sent me protection from the evil people and ask the Lord God for the remission of the saint. Pray in God's halls for me and protect me from evil and evil eyes from the intent of the enemy. May it be so. Amen!"

Praying to the Blessed Virgin

We have already said that the prayer for the protection of children to the Mother of God is considered the most powerful. The Almighty instantly accepts the prayers that come from the mother's heart. The Virgin is the protector and patroness of all Orthodox people. They pray to send mercy for the children. But asking about the benefits that other people harm is forbidden. Do not ask for the seven forbidden sins.

Prayer for the protection of children to the Virgin

Of course, a person can pray for family happiness for the children, for well-being, health, but we must not forget that the Creator has his own plans. Despite the highly developed medicine, many couples suffer without babies, as women suffer from gynecological ailments. Prayer to send a baby is very effective. This is confirmed even by those ladies who were given a disappointing diagnosis. It is only necessary to sincerely believe and pray.

The icon of the Mother of God provides tremendous help in getting rid of ailments. Prayers for the children in front of her create a real miracle. When the baby is sick, the mother’s heart is broken from pain, she turns to the Blessed Virgin with a request to heal the child. You can pronounce the text a prayer service or ask in your own words.

Saint Paraskeva Friday

How is the baby protected in the womb? Prayer is there for this occasion. Have you ever heard of St. Paraskeva? Her second nickname is “The Protector of Women.” She received it for pleading for her fantastic miracle - to help in bodily pain and mental, in all the troubles of women. She is offered a prayer for easy resolution in the birth of a baby, she is asked for help, having problems with conception.

Prayer Paraskeva about the marriage of his daughter

Every lady who wants Saint Paraskeva to patronize her is obliged to give her her respects on Friday. Friday is the day of Paraskeva of the Passion-bearer. Mom and Dad named their daughter in honor of Friday, when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross.

Prayers to her help to safely endure the child, become pregnant, protect the child in the womb and mother from the evil eye. The psalms of Paraskeva, recited when a baby is born, are also famous for relieving suffering and pain during childbirth.

Praying to the Guardian Angel

Prayer to protect children from troubles

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the prayer of the guardian angel to protect children from adversity and misfortune. It looks like this:

“I pray you, my good guardian angel, who overshadowed me with his light, blessed me, protected me from all kinds of misfortunes. And neither the thief nor the fierce beast is fartier than me. And neither a dashing person, nor the elements will destroy me. And nothing will harm me because of your efforts. Under your protection of the saints, under your protection I abide, receive the love of our Lord. So preserve the sinless and unthinkable children of mine, whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, preserve from everything that I have protected from. Let neither the thief, nor the fierce beast, nor the elements, nor any dashing person do harm to us. I pray for you, holy angel, Christ's warrior. And be on all God's will. Amen".

You can also say such a prayer: “Holy Angel, to the Keeper of my child (name), cover it with your cover from the eyes of a seducer, from the arrows of a demon and keep his heart clean. Amen".

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