Broccoli: benefits and harms to the human body

Surely everyone has heard of the benefits of broccoli. As part of this green cabbage there is a mass of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for human health and its normal functioning.

But what exactly are the substances contained in it? For the operation of which organs and systems are they necessary? Well, now we should talk about this. And it will not only be about the benefits of broccoli. Harm and negative consequences from the use of this vegetable can also be, so this topic also deserves attention.

Macro and microelements

Before telling about the benefits and dangers of broccoli, it should be noted that this cabbage has an energy value. 100 grams of vegetable contains:

  • 34 calories.
  • 6.64 g of carbohydrates.
  • 2.82 g of protein.
  • 0.37 g of fat.

There are a lot of useful substances with such a low calorie content in broccoli. Contains potassium (316 mg), calcium (47 mg), magnesium (21 mg), sodium (33 mg), phosphorus (66 mg), manganese (210 μg), copper (49 μg), selenium (2.5 μg), iron (0.73 mg) and zinc (0.41 mg).

All these macro- and microelements, in short, help to remove excess salt and water from the body, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and the circulatory system, strengthen bones, and also maintain tissue strength.

Broccoli cabbage: benefits and harms

B vitamins

They are in broccoli the most. The daily norm of these substances for humans is 60-100 mg. To fully talk about the importance of all the B vitamins that make up broccoli does not work, because there are a lot of them. But to briefly list their features is:

  • Thiamine (B1). Per 100 grams - 0.071 g. Stimulates brain activity and relieves depressive states.
  • Riboflavin (B2). Per 100 grams - 0.117 mg. It improves the condition of the skin, participates in the metabolism and breakdown of food.
  • Niacin (B3). Per 100 grams - 0.639 mg. It normalizes cholesterol, improves the secretion of gastric juice and takes part in redox processes.
  • Choline (B4). Per 100 grams - 18.9 mg. Provides the normal functioning of the nervous system, restores liver tissue.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5). Per 100 grams - 0.573 mg. It activates the metabolism of fatty acids, restores and supports cellular tissues, synthesizes hormones.
  • Pyridoxine (B6). Per 100 grams - 0.175 mg. It stabilizes nervous activity, is involved in the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids.
  • Folic acid (B9). Per 100 grams - 63 mcg. Participates in the synthesis of enzymes, amino acids and even DNA chains, positively affects the functioning of the hematopoietic system.

Vitamins C, E and K

They are also part of green cabbage. And so, in what quantity:

  • Ascorbic acid (C). Per 100 grams - 89.2 mg. Participates in the synthesis of collagen fibers, in the process of hematopoiesis, in metabolism, in increasing immunity.
  • Tocopherol (E). Per 100 grams - 0.78 mg. A powerful antioxidant that prevents pathological peroxidation.
  • Phylloquinone (C). Per 100 grams - 101.6 mcg. It normalizes blood coagulation, prevents the penetration of bacteria and viruses into wounds, helps in the absorption of calcium, and prevents osteoporosis.

As you can see, broccoli has undeniable health benefits. And harm can be, of course, if you eat only cabbage during the day, but this is understandable. The measure is important in everything.

Broccoli, mayonnaise and cheese casserole

Beta carotene

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects body cells from free radicals, the most dangerous of which are singlet oxygen and polyunsaturated acids. Thanks to this substance, people bypass many serious diseases. And it prevents early aging.

Beta-carotene is found in large quantities in broccoli, the benefits and dangers of which are currently being discussed. Briefly, its properties can be distinguished in the following list:

  • Ensuring a healthy state of nails, hair and skin.
  • Prevention of wrinkles.
  • Protect the body from UV radiation.
  • Obstruction of atherosclerotic plaques clogging blood vessels.
  • Positive effect on vision and eye health.

The daily norm of beta-carotene is 5 mg. 100 grams of broccoli contains about 0.36 mg.


Dietary fiber is a necessity for our body. If they do not come with food, then you should not expect anything but harm. And the benefits of broccoli, in many respects, are precisely in the high fiber content. The daily nome for a person is 25-40 grams, depending on body weight. And 2.41 g per 100 grams of broccoli. And that's why it is important to consume fiber as part of this vegetable:

  • It controls the level of sugar in the blood, slowing down the process of its assimilation.
  • Daily intake of fiber in this norm reduces the risk of heart disease, diverticulitis and hemorrhoids by 40%.
  • Fiber controls appetite and contributes to weight loss, as it gives you a feeling of fullness.
  • Dietary fiber is excreted by pathogenic fungi and yeast.
  • Fiber minimizes the risk of irritable bowel syndrome and the appearance of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

But there may be, besides the benefits, the health damage from broccoli, if we talk about dietary fiber. Regular and significant excess of the amount of fiber consumed can lead to flatulence, diarrhea, food allergies. And you should not get involved in it with people with chronic intestinal diseases. Otherwise, excess fiber in this case will serve as a “base” for the development of pathogenic bacteria present in the diseased stomach.

Broccoli - a storehouse of vitamins

Benefits for women

Girls are recommended to diversify their diet of broccoli, since this vegetable has the following features:

  • Nutrition and benefits with a low calorie content. Ideal product for losing weight.
  • Cancer protection. The complex of substances that make up broccoli prevents cancer of the uterus or mammary glands.
  • A positive effect on the central nervous system, protection from stress, which women are very susceptible to.
  • Strengthening the skeletal system. Women are susceptible to osteoporosis, which develops either in old age or after pregnancy. And broccoli is a rich source of calcium that protects bones.
  • Skin improvement. Vitamin E, which is part of broccoli, contributes to the production of collagen, which maintains the skin's tightness and health. Antioxidants prevent age-related changes that begin in women quite early.

Also, green cabbage helps to improve the condition of the hair, stimulate their growth, prevent hair loss and ensure shine. Therefore, it is even used in the field of beauty.

Broccoli Cosmetic Oil

It should be used by women who are concerned about beauty. This is a real elixir for hair, which strengthens the follicles, effectively nourishes and moisturizes them in length, protects against external influences, accelerates growth, gives them softness, strength and shine.

The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin and hair, which provides a quick healing effect of its components and an impressive effect. Moreover, both tactile and visual.

The benefits and harms of broccoli for women

For pregnant

Women who are preparing to become mothers need much more nutrients than ordinary people. And broccoli, as mentioned earlier, is rich in them.

On the hand of pregnant women plays low calorie green cabbage. Eating broccoli, they will not gain extra weight in addition.

At the same time, the vegetable contains protein. And protein is the most important building material, indispensable in the process of forming the systems of the fetal organs.

Vitamin C and chlorophyll have a good effect on the composition of the blood and the immunity of the expectant mother weakened by pregnancy. Significantly reduced the risk of getting sick in these important 9 months.

Folic acid and B vitamins affect the proper development of the blood forming organs and the nervous system of the unborn child.

Note to expectant mothers

It is important to note some of the nuances associated with broccoli. Benefit and harm, as you know, are inseparable concepts. And although the negative consequences from the use of this vegetable are rare, we can not help but mention them.

It is not recommended to eat raw broccoli. There is a risk of infection with Escherichia coli. It will provoke an upset digestive system (applies not only to pregnant women), and this, together with a weakened immune system, can infect the fetus. Also, you can not eat broccoli with increased acidity of the stomach.

The second caveat is allergy. Anyone can have it, but pregnant women should be more afraid of it. Any reaction increases the risk of transmitting allergens to the fetus, which further leads to health problems of the unborn child.

And, of course, you can’t drink broccoli broth. It contains a high content of purine compounds that negatively affect the body.

The benefits and harms of broccoli for men

The effect of green cabbage on men

This topic is also worth considering, since it was said about the benefits and dangers of broccoli for women. This vegetable has a positive effect on men's health. Namely:

  • Consuming broccoli lowers estradiol, a female hormone.
  • Green cabbage is rich in glucoraphanin, which is necessary for the male body, as it reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Beta-carotene contained in broccoli affects the increase in sperm count. This improves reproductive function.

This is about the positive properties and benefits of broccoli. A vegetable can also cause harm to men, and this nuance cannot be ignored.

If poor cabbage, grown not in ecological conditions, was chosen, then large quantities of gobogenic substances, pesticides and gases will be present in it. As a result, problems with the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract and, possibly, with an erection.

Benefits for children

Young parents are urged to diversify the baby’s diet with green cabbage. Only first you need to consult a pediatrician so that there are no negative consequences and harm. The benefits of broccoli for the baby's body are as follows:

  • Fiber, contained in green cabbage, effectively cleanses the baby’s intestines from harmful substances and excess foods. Broccoli normalizes the bowel movement and prevents the development of constipation.
  • The vitamin complex of green cabbage is an excellent source of energy for the children's body. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and prevents the development of anemia.
  • There is protein in broccoli. So it can be given to children who do not like meat.
  • Green cabbage prevents Helicobacter bacteria from becoming infected. Therefore, it is important to give broccoli to children with a hereditary predisposition to gastric diseases.
The benefits and harms of broccoli for children

And, of course, all the previously mentioned properties of green cabbage also apply to the child's body. In early childhood, you can make mashed potatoes from it for the baby, and in whole adults give whole pieces.


Above was said about the benefits and healing properties of broccoli. However, this vegetable can also cause harm. If there is it in uncontrolled quantities! Here are the possible consequences:

  • Disorders of the nervous system. Insomnia, for example. This is the result of an excess of B vitamins.
  • Violation of the blood. It was stated above that potassium is involved in the process of renewing blood cells. However, its excess in the body is fraught with a malfunction in the natural process of substitution.
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders. Coarse fiber taken in large quantities disrupts the intestinal microflora and irritates the stomach.
  • Hives. If you are allergic to carotene, you cannot eat green cabbage. Broccoli properties will not bring any benefits. Harm and consequences, but provided.
  • The fragility of bone tissue. Excess calcium is fraught with the beginning of leaching it from the body.

But if a person is not allergic to this vegetable, then broccoli cabbage will bring only benefit. And about the harm to the body, if you do not follow the amount eaten, you must also remember.

Excessive Broccoli May Harm

Terms of use

By considering this topic, I would like to complete the story about the benefits and dangers of broccoli. Frozen green cabbage can be found in any store, but it's better to look for fresh ones. Its taste is more intense and pleasant, moreover, there are more useful substances. A freeze to some extent “kills” all of the above.

You can eat broccoli in any form, but it is best to cook it for a couple. Raw cabbage is also allowed to eat, but it is not for everybody. In addition, it will have to be carefully processed from harmful substances.

The most delicious, but least useful option is frying. Enough five minutes over high heat, and a delicious dish will be ready.

However, this is too common. Better to make broccoli casserole. Divide the washed cabbage into inflorescences, put in a greased baking sheet, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. After 15 minutes, a delicious and fragrant casserole will be ready.

That's all I wanted to say about the benefits and harms of broccoli for the body.

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