The danger of abstinence for women: find the answer

Most of us believe that abstinence is dangerous only for men, because their need for sex is much higher than that of the beautiful. It is believed that the girls' body is “cleaned” every month due to the onset of menstruation, so even a long abstinence does not harm the woman so much. Men have no such “useful function” of the body, which is why their need for a stable sex life is higher. However, the danger of abstinence for women and what it can lead to, now let's try to figure it out.

long abstinence
There can be a lot of reasons why a girl refuses sex for some time: quarrels with a loved one, illness, business trip, or simply the absence of a second half. As a result, men and women very often face a rather long process of abstinence. According to doctors, this is harmful for both young people and girls, but if the former has prolonged abstinence and affects physical health, then the lady can suffer only the psychological component of health. That is, women wondering whether abstinence is dangerous can receive a partially positive answer, since even a slight deviation is no longer normal for our body.

Men can solve this problem quite simply, because you can call for help on call girls or just sleep with an unloved woman. Somehow they satisfy their needs. According to experts, long abstinence is reflected in the erectile function of the stronger sex. And if up to 25 years a stable sexual life will help normalize the body's work, then with age it will make it all the more difficult. At 50, even a monthly abstinence can already lead to impotence.

what is dangerous abstinence for women
For women, everything is much more complicated, since almost any of us will refuse to sleep with the first person we meet. Many girls can refuse sexual pleasure for years, because they cannot find a worthy partner. Most of them think that this does not affect their health, but this is not so. Why is abstinence dangerous for women? First of all, by the fact that it affects our psychology. Lack of sex can lead to increased aggression or, conversely, the appearance of a depressive state. There is uncontrollable anger and tearfulness, which can affect communication with colleagues, acquaintances and close people.

It is worth considering the fact that each person has a different sexual libido, so men and women can endure the absence of sex in different ways. Those who have it quite low, that is, excitability is weak, can easily endure even long periods of abstinence. Conversely, people with a high level suffer even from a weekly refusal of sex.

is abstinence dangerous
What is the danger of abstinence for women, in addition to the onset of psychological disorders? According to doctors, due to the constant lack of orgasms in girls, immunity can decrease. In addition, blood, which as a result of orgasm begins to circulate faster throughout the body, stagnates and can even lead to the formation of blood clots, which is already a very serious consequence of abstinence.

Now you know how dangerous abstinence is for a woman. Try to listen to your body and not harm it in any way.

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