DIY birdhouses: views, drawings, necessary materials and step-by-step instructions

The beginning of April is an ideal time to prepare housing for birds. But before that you should familiarize yourself with the intricacies of technology that will allow you to properly manufacture and place an object on the territory.

The main types

are being sanded. Letok follows

Before you build a birdhouse with your own hands, you need to understand its types. The choice of the type of house for the bird depends on who will live in it. This can be a standard home for a starling, which will also be needed by other representatives of the birds. The height, width and length of the house should be equal to 40x15x16 cm, respectively. The length of the taphole will be 5 cm.

For sparrows, tits and pied flycatchers, a titmouse is suitable. Its dimensions are 30x10x12 cm. The letok can be slightly smaller - 3.5 cm. When considering light birdhouses for birds that you can make with your own hands, you should pay attention to the wagtail. Its dimensions are 15x15x30 cm. Before the letok, a trap should be made, its length is 10 cm. The letok itself has the same dimensions as the titmouse.

You can also make a hole. This home is as natural as possible. It can be made from the barrel by the core extraction method. On one side a cutaway is cut. For the bottom and roof, you can use log cuts. Their width can be 45 mm. For birds that prefer natural voids in trees, half-dupling is suitable. This structure resembles a titmouse, but it should have a large letch. It is better to make it rectangular.

The photo shows a drawing of a birdhouse.

drawing with calculations

Necessary materials

Having examined the photos of the original birdhouses for birds, you can make one of them yourself. An excellent solution is natural wood. But it’s better not to use conifers. The internal surfaces should be left untreated, this will allow the birds to move around the house, using the walls for this. In order to perform work on the manufacture of birdhouse, you should prepare the board. It is better if it is pre-dried unprocessed alder or birch wood.

Compressed wood is not used, as it can be toxic and has a short life. This should include fiberboard and particleboard. You will need self-tapping screws and nails, as well as odorless water-based paint. With it you will cover the outer surface. The most attractive colors for birds are red and gray. If the house is painted green, it will not be popular.

Preparation of materials

cultural pest control

Before you make a birdhouse for birds with your own hands, you should prepare a certain set of tools, namely:

  • hammer;
  • drill with a drill;
  • wood glue;
  • wire
  • a ruler;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a chisel;
  • paint brush.

The wire can be replaced with a rope.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

An alternative solution will be

At the first stage, you need to prepare wooden elements. It is important to draw up or find a drawing. To mark the roof, walls and bottom, as well as the perch, use a pencil. The most suitable roof pitch can be created by the difference in height between the rear and front walls. It is necessary to make slopes on a cut of the side walls, in the region of the upper cut. The roof should be made of 2 parts, which will have different sizes. The first part is performed by analogy to the bottom, from the 2nd should be made a canopy.

birdhouse drawing

If you wondered how to make a birdhouse for your own hands, then in the manufacture of the roof it is better to tilt it forward. This eliminates the accumulation of water and leakage. Next, you can cut the details. In order for paired elements to have the same size, they should be done sequentially. The round entrance can be drilled using a drill of impressive diameter. It can be done in the old way using a chisel and a hammer.

bird house

Next, the assembly of the structure. The facade and side walls should be glued first. As soon as the glue dries, the elements must be fixed with screws or nails. At the final stage, the rear facade is installed. There should be no gaps between the workpieces, although there are some nuances here. You can provide care for the house in the offseason thanks to a removable roof.

Looking at photos of birdhouses for birds, you can make one of them with your own hands. If you act according to the described algorithm, at the final stage you should place a bird's apartment on a roof or a tree. The height from the ground should be from 3 to 5 m. The birdhouse is attached to the tree with a rope. The facade should be directed to the southeast or east.


You can make a house and

The housing for birds should be made not only functional, but also beautiful. Then it will become a striking element of the exterior and decoration of the infield. You can decorate the house with simple details that will make the design interesting, complementing it with unusual color schemes.

The product will keep its shape, but

The original house can be made from a garden pot or juice box. Birdhouses of different colors look quite attractive. They are sometimes decorated even with materials that were used in the construction of the house. For example, you can cut tiles for the roof, and use part of the siding fabric to decorate the house itself.

Making a clay house. Preparation of materials and tools

Having examined the photos of interesting birdhouses for birds, you can do one of them yourself. An excellent solution, for example, is a clay house. He will need the following materials:

  • chain;
  • plywood sheet;
  • pot;
  • a bolt with a ring.

The plywood sheet should be selected according to the following parameters: 25x25 cm. The thickness should be 7 mm. Among the tools you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • semicircular and thin files;
  • drill.

Manufacturing process

If you want to make a birdhouse for birds with your own hands, then on the clay pot in the first stage, you should mark the place for the letka. The inlet is drilled as carefully as possible. To do this, you need a special nozzle for working with glass surfaces. The edges are sanded with a file. First you should use a semicircular, then I use thin.

Clay from the pot must be brushed off and a future house should be wiped with a damp rag or washed with water. The bottom should be cut out of plywood. In size, it should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pot, about 7 mm. A bolt with a ring is mounted in the hole for draining water. It is most convenient to use two washers for this. The bottom is attached to the flowerpot with superglue or liquid nails. Now you can hang a birdhouse with your own hands on a tree using a chain.

Birdhouses from improvised materials

The easiest way to make a birdhouse will be the use of improvised materials. It could be a corrugated cardboard box. The main disadvantage of such a home will be its fragility, but during the manufacturing work you will get positive emotions. The feeder can be made of a cardboard box.

Before you make a birdhouse for birds out of the box, you must choose the right container. It is better if the length of the future house is not too impressive. You can suspend such a design under a canopy, then it will last longer.

birdhouse out of the box

If you want to make a birdhouse that can withstand temperature changes, you can use a plastic bottle for this. An ordinary bottle or a five-liter canister is also great. A can can also be used. It is most convenient to use a product with a screw cap. All that needs to be done is to suspend such a structure on a tree, leaving the neck open.

Old shoes are also good. The last option will also be an excellent decoration of your garden, as well as attract the attention of passers-by.

You can make such a feeding trough out of a bottle.

from a plastic bottle

You can even make a birdhouse out of stones, if you show your imagination. You can lay them on a cement mortar, and a roof is made on top. To do this, you can use steel, which is twisted in the form of a cone. You can also make an original birdhouse for birds from old dishes. When she has become unusable, do not rush to throw it away. If, for example, you turn over an old kettle with a lid broken, you get an interesting house for small birds. All that remains is to fix the kitchen utensils on a wooden rail.

Birdhouse feeder

To make such a structure, you need a moisture-proof plywood or board. The latter option will be more environmentally friendly and durable. The length will be 2 m, width - 20 cm. The thickness of the material can be from 15 to 20 mm. Such a system will consist of several parts, among them: the front and rear walls, two inclined parts of the roof, the lower pan, which will act as a feeder, as well as the side walls that will hide the birds from the weather.

Making a birdhouse-bird feeder with your own hands, you will need to connect the parts with glue and screws. If you insert plexiglass into the feeder, this will allow you to control the amount of feed. For mounting plexiglass in the side walls, you can cut holes with a depth of 4 mm. This will help the milling machine. If not, you can use screws to secure the side panels to the walls.

There is another option for making a feeder without plexiglass, but in this case, the feed will have to be added daily. Feeders should be supplemented with a pole, which can be mounted in the sides. To do this, holes are made in the last 10 mm. After making the birdhouse with your own hands, you can install it on a tree or pole. It is better to add food a week after full refueling.

Simple rules for creating a birdhouse

Before you make a birdhouse for birds, you should remember a few rules. They should be observed. For example, the dwelling should be aired, otherwise the birds will not be able to use it in the summer. For ventilation, you can make several gaps between the walls and the roof. For the same reason, making a birdhouse out of metal is not a good idea.

In the house, it is necessary to organize drainage. Water will enter there, which will immediately begin to leave. To do this, thin holes are drilled in the floor. To protect the entrance, a small canopy is installed over it. It is best to hang a birdhouse for birds with your own hands in early April. In the old house, the roof should be removed after a general cleaning.

The optimum height is 4 m. This applies to the countryside, in the city the structure is hung higher. There should not be branches near, because in this case cats and other birds-lovers will have less chance.

Before you hang a birdhouse with your own hands, you need to make sure that it is hidden from direct sunlight. It is necessary to nail the construction vertically, there should not be any Prague dancing houses. In summer, the house should look in the direction from which the wind blows less often. It’s not enough to kill the structure - every spring it is also necessary to clean it before the β€œarrival” of the guests.

How to make a birdhouse safe

Having examined the photo of birdhouses for birds, you can do one of them yourself. But it is important not only to choose the right materials and make the home beautiful. It is also necessary to ensure safety. In order to avoid ruin of the house by woodpeckers and cats, it is necessary to take certain measures. For example, it is better to poke the roof with nails. The overhang of the roof should be increased.

Letok should be trimmed with a tin sheet. Near the taphole nails are stuffed. Special protective belts should be made of brooms or tin strips. Between them, a certain distance must be maintained. There should be no feeders, knots and probable supports between the birdhouse and the protective belts.

Use of natural materials

Drawings of birdhouses for birds with their own hands can be done or borrowed from the article. But if you use improvised materials, then you will not need a scheme. The best solution, of course, are wooden houses. They resemble hollows and are warmer. But not everyone has the opportunity to carry out such a design, natural materials can come to the rescue here. It could be a pumpkin. If this beauty grows on your site, it should be prepared.

The fruit is freed from the pulp and dried. It is necessary to make a through hole in it. You can use a drill. Top mounted roof. To do this, it is allowed to use plywood. As soon as the elements are interconnected, we can assume that the house is ready.

You can do it yourself by drawing a birdhouse for birds with your own hands. But you won’t need it if you use branches. They should have a diameter of 8 to 10 mm. They are cut into a length of 15 cm. The branches are interconnected with a rope or self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to remember about letka. A roof is installed on top, which will allow you to get an original house. If you decide to use a log, then the core will need to be selected with a chisel or chainsaw. Next, the inlet is drilled. The roof can be built at your discretion. It can take the form of a sawn ring or the same log. Boards are also allowed.

The knot that is present on the log can be the pole. This house will be the most natural and durable. If you are subject to the technique of weaving from a vine, you can use your abilities in the manufacture of a bird house. An old wicker basket is also suitable for this purpose. Such beauty can be purchased at the store. In this case, the birdhouse can become a real decoration of the exterior and will be combined with wicker furniture in the garden.

You can make a house from the same bottle, however, you should insulate it with hemp rope, wrapping it around the bottle in a circle. Sharp sections of the inlet are glued with tape or adhesive tape. You can weave a birdhouse out of a rope using the macrame technique. Some use knitting needles or a hook for these purposes.

The product will keep its shape, but for rigidity and durability it is painted with acrylic paint. For the house, plastic containers from juice or milk are also suitable. But it will be more comfortable for birds in a house made of natural materials. For example, wine corks are suitable, which fold into a single design and are connected together by glue. Inside such a house, the birds will be cozy and warm.

An alternative solution would be a wooden barrel. You can use a wooden planter where saucers serve as the bottom and roof. They are glued to the pot. Some are smart and quick-witted, making bird houses multi-story. Several families will be able to settle there at once. If you still do not have the necessary material or simply do not have enough time, you can purchase a ready-made set of factory-made. The cost of such sets reaches 800 rubles. It can be presented to a child who himself or with your help will build a birdhouse. It remains only to fix it in the garden.

Work on the perch and letok

The perch is best made from a planed stick, which is then inserted into the prepared holes. The perch may have the shape of a triangular shelf. It is especially needed when the house is attached to the pillar, because the birds like to sit there with food in their beaks. The perch can have a diameter of 10 mm, its length can be 40 mm.

The summer can be round or rectangular. Its diameter should be 50 mm. The tap hole is drilled with a drill. You can use an electric jigsaw. The inner walls are well sanded. The letok should be arranged so that the cats from the roof do not reach the chicks.


In the fight against pests, birds greatly help cultural plantings. If you want to attract them to your site, you can make a birdhouse, giving the birds comfortable and warm houses. This will ensure peace of mind for the harvest and give an excellent mood from a pleasant neighborhood.

An excellent bonus is that creating such a design is quite simple. If you do not know how to work with wood, you can use improvised or natural materials. For example, a juice box is perfect.

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