The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is susceptible to infection and inflammation due to the many microbes present here. Most often, complications arise amid a decrease in immunity. That is why various vesicles on the gums and other parts of the oral cavity should alert the person, make them seek professional advice and treatment. Small blisters and an almost invisible rash occur with dangerous viruses, and if no measures are taken, they can bring a lot of problems.
Such an unpleasant phenomenon can affect both adults and children, causes discomfort and causes pain when eating.
The appearance of white vesicles on the gums as a result of damage to the oral mucosa contributes to burning and itching, such symptoms are especially painful for small patients.
Experts not in vain claim that the condition of the oral cavity is a kind of mirror that reflects the state of human health. First aid in the presence of such a pathology can be done at home using folk methods.
After treatment, preventive measures are required to prevent the recurrence of bubbles on the gums. Outwardly, they are small transparent or white blisters that are located at different places in the oral mucosa. Most often they appear in small groups. Inflamed areas are covered with a characteristic white or yellow coating.
Why do adults have gums on their gums?
A person has a large number of pathogenic organisms and microbes in his mouth all the time. Even with daily quality cleaning and proper care, the perfect balance is not ensured. Doctors, not without reason, consider the internal mucous membranes and tongue to be the dirtiest areas. Viruses easily enter the body when coughing or talking to the patient by air or through the nasopharynx.
Bubbles on the gums very often appear in the oral cavity. Such a rash is like a soft bump that is filled with fluid. Its color can be whitish or pink, brown due to impurities of pus or blood.
First signs
The first signs of blisters in the oral cavity:
- tingling, burning and itching in the oral cavity;
- the occurrence of pain;
- discomfort while chewing food;
- slight tissue swelling;
- dry mouth.
According to external symptoms, the dentist may suggest that the cause of the appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membrane:
- various microorganisms, fungi, infections;
- autoimmune conditions (chronic form of tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV);
- allergy to food or medicine;
- the effects of a burn of the mouth with a hot drink or food;
- neglected conditions of periodontal disease, caries or pulpitis;
- exacerbation of inflammation of the internal organs.
The dentist can make a more accurate diagnosis based on a laboratory analysis of scraping the contents of the bladder and mucosal surface. The cause of vesicles on the gums in half of the cases is the herpes virus.
Medical statistics say that active manifestations of this disease are observed in 80-90% of patients of different ages. Symptoms of the initial form or permanent relapse are most often diagnosed in children of the first year of life and the elderly with a weakened body.
A characteristic sign of herpes
A characteristic feature of oral herpes is a sudden jump in temperature. The patient feels severe weakness in the lower limbs, lack of appetite and desire to sleep. Small bubbles with a clear or cloudy liquid appear on the inside of the cheek or gum. When touched, these areas hurt, they bake during meals. After a few days, their autopsy occurs, bright red wounds form. With improper treatment, the rash reoccurs, begins to pass to the larynx and palate. This is fraught with severe complications for humans.
Other diseases
Another pathology that requires the attention of the patient and the comprehensive supervision of a doctor is pemphigus, which occurs when the immune system suddenly worsens after tonsillitis, flu, or sore throat. Such a problem often complicates the life of cancer patients, arising after chemotherapy in the mouth. It begins with the appearance of small white vesicles on the gums, gradually moving to the inside of the lip, palate and throat. Pemphigus, like herpes, covers the mucous membrane completely, provokes high fever and weakening of the body due to intoxication. Translucent blisters after the oral cavity can be found on the head and body of the patient.
Often in adult patients, the bladder appears after tooth extraction. This is primarily due to violation of sterilization standards for instruments. A dentist with a small dental operation can bring bacteria into the wound. At the root, the process of inflammation begins, a cyst filled with purulent exudate is formed. The amount of pus gradually increases, and a blister appears on the gum.
Causes of the appearance of bubbles on the gums of a child
The child’s body, due to its age, does not possess and is not able to adequately resist viral diseases. A watery bump may signal scarlet fever, measles, or chickenpox. Especially often in children there is stomatitis - a fairly common process of inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by candida fungi. The following symptoms are characteristic of it:
- the appearance of bubbles on the gums, as well as the inner surface of the cheeks or lips;
- erosion that does not heal well;
- itching and burning in the mouth, exhausting the child;
- chills and fever;
- whitish plaque in the sky and tongue;
- weakness and drowsiness.
The disease is easily transmitted through dirty household items, toys, food, so dentists tell parents about the importance of observing all hygiene standards. At the initial stage, inflammation can be quickly stopped, and complications will be eliminated.
Another problem for young patients is difficulty in teething. Often, before the appearance of a molar or incisor, a small seal is filled on the gum, filled with a sac. The doctor sometimes carefully opens the blister to reduce pain and eliminate discomfort. With proper care, the wound will heal in a few days, and all unpleasant sensations will completely disappear.
First aid
Of course, small bubbles on the gums should be fought with the help of a doctor who will make a diagnosis and determine the real cause of the appearance of neoplasms in the mouth. Regardless of the number and size of the bubbles, immediate medical attention is required.
As first aid, it is allowed to use antiseptics, pharmacy, disinfecting ointments and special solutions that need to rinse the oral cavity. These drugs calm the mucous membrane, reduce irritation and reduce pain.
This effect can be achieved using traditional medicine methods.
Step-by-step treatment
Treatment includes:
- Determination of the origin of vesicles in the mouth, diagnosis.
- Antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.
- The appointment of a treatment course for a disease that provoked the formation of bubbles in the patient.
- The use of antiviral drugs.
- Consolidation of the result and the implementation of preventive measures.
Vesicle treatment
You can get rid of vesicles on the gums around the tooth if the diagnosis was made correctly by an experienced doctor. Therefore, you do not need to delay your trip to a specialist and bring the pathology to significant complications, risking your own health and tooth loss. With a blister on the gum caused by a relapse of herpes infection, the patient is prescribed several therapeutic measures:
- ingestion of antiviral agents (“Akiklovir”);
- immunity is strengthened through a vitamin complex, aloe vera extract and a course of immunoglobulins;
- a special diet with a reduced content of sweet and rich foods, fats and canned foods;
- treatment of wounds after breaking the blister with antiseptic and healing agents: Metrogil Denta, Chlorophyllipt, Holisal.
For rashes due to candidiasis, therapy is based on the use of antifungal drugs. The oral cavity and gingival blister are lubricated with a solution of "Candida", "Decamine" or nystatin ointment. In order for the treatment of stomatitis to be effective, the patient needs to take a course of Amphoterecin and Clotrimazole tablets. It well removes plaque in the mouth and fights itching with a simple rinse of soda, which is diluted in warm water.
With severe pain due to a bubble on the gums and the inability to rest, eating, dentists recommend treating this area with antiseptic ointments. They contain anti-inflammatory substances, they carefully freeze the ends of the nerves for several hours. Moreover, most of them can be used to treat children to eliminate discomfort during teething: Pansoral, Kamistad, Holisal, Kalgel.
How else to treat vesicles on the gums of an adult and a child?
Folk recipes against inflammation
An affordable and effective way to reduce the blister on the gums is to apply a softened piece of propolis. This natural remedy contains many healing substances that eliminate itching and pain, reduce swelling around the bubble. The component can be mixed with pulp of Kalanchoe or aloe, fresh honey.
With inflammation of the oral cavity, you can rinse it with decoctions of the following plants:
- sage and chamomile soothe the mucous membrane;
- calendula and St. John's wort contribute to faster healing of the wound;
- oak bark will eliminate pathogenic microbes.
It is important to follow preventive rules so that the gums are healthy. Dentists advise you to eat as many dishes with fiber and vegetables as possible, replace sweets with fruits, eat sour-milk products. When brushing your teeth, do a small massage using pressure on the mucous membrane, thus, blood will flow.
Is it dangerous that a bubble appears on the gum?
What complications are possible?
It should be noted right away that transparent vesicles in the oral cavity themselves do not cause complications, however, in the absence of therapeutic measures, suppuration can occur, which is unpleasant for humans. Serious problems begin when the underlying disease, which causes the appearance of bubbles with fluid inside, is not treated.
Like treatment, the prevention of small vesicles on the gums will be determined by the causes of the disease. But there are several general recommendations that are suitable for all cases.
Of paramount importance is the observance of the rules of hygienic processing of the oral cavity. Every 3-4 months you need to buy a new toothbrush, use mouthwashes and dental floss. The intake of complexes of vitamins and minerals, fresh sour-milk products is also an excellent preventive measure against the appearance of blisters in the mouth.
It is necessary to develop smoking as much as possible, limit the use of alcoholic beverages and exclude snack foods and convenience foods from your diet.
Any disease is easier to prevent, rather than treat. That is why you need to monitor the condition of the oral cavity, wash fruits and vegetables well before eating, and carefully monitor that children do not put foreign objects in their mouths.
If all the recommendations of a person are followed, the problem of the appearance of transparent vesicles on the gums will not be affected.