Fortune telling by Nostradamus: description and examples

Fortune telling around Nostradamus is a simple and curious way to lift the veil of secrecy over the future. This method can be resorted to in those cases where you need to quickly get an unambiguous answer to the specified question, implying the possibility of obtaining an unambiguous solution, and an expanded interpretation will help to obtain a more reliable result.

portrait of nostradamus

Fortune telling story

This way of interpreting fate is attributed to the famous seer and astrologer, who is considered the author of a large number of famous predictions.

Fortune telling according to Nostradamus using the numerical circle is considered one of the most popular, but to date there is no unambiguous documented evidence that the author of this fortune telling is a medieval court astrologer. Despite this, many oral legends point to just that.

Be that as it may, this method of prediction can be considered quite informative in cases where you need to quickly make a decision.

fortune-telling art

Fortune-telling Description

The process of fortune-telling itself is not difficult. In order to begin divination in a circle by Michel Nostradamus, you will need a printed or drawn circle with numbers and a ring or other decoration with a precious or semiprecious stone. Ideally, the ring or stone should be somewhat saturated with the owner’s energy, then the accuracy of the fortune telling will be higher.

Having prepared everything you need, you need to expand the circle with numbers on a flat surface (for example, on the floor or on the table) and focus on the question, the answer to which is planned to be obtained.

circle of nostradamus

It should be remembered that the question should be a clear wording that can be answered either positively or negatively. A detailed answer in this context cannot be received. You can say it out loud or to yourself for a more accurate declaration of intent in fortune-telling in the circle of Nostradamus: "Ask a question (hereinafter the wording of the question). So be it."

After the intention is indicated, you need to throw the ring on the circle and note on what figure it fell - the prediction will depend on this.

Below is a complete list of values ​​for fortune telling in the circle of Nostradamus with answers.

Numbers 1-5

1. The answer is yes. You will succeed in your plan, because you are used to achieving your goals.

2. Yes. However, the goal will not be achieved right away: someone is clearly hindering the achievement of the plan, do not ignore such factors. However, significant harm cannot be done, and difficulties will be resolved over time. In this situation, open conflicts should be avoided.

3. A positive result. In the very near future, something will happen that will seriously surprise you. In order to be able to achieve the best results, we can recommend maintaining exposure and not wasting energy in vain.

4. Yes. It is time to just go with the flow and enjoy life. In all your endeavors, success and success will accompany you. Appreciate this rare moment.

5. No doubt about it. Tip: try to value yourself and listen to your own opinion, looking less at the position of others. It is very important to put yourself in such a way that you are reckoned with.

astrological circle of Nostradamus

Numbers 6-10

6. There may be some difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. Achieving results will not be as easy as expected. Perhaps you have incorrect information about the situation, listen to the opinion of authoritative people.

7. There is no final conclusion. Nothing has been resolved - try to solve problems as they arise. It’s better to wait a while. It is recommended to resort to divination by Nostradamus again in a week.

8. Beware: you cannot believe everything you hear. Perhaps everything around does not look what it really is. Try to check any incoming information, follow the principle of "Trust, but verify."

9. The issue will be resolved positively, but it is worth resorting to someone else's help. It is best to speak with a person who is not interested in the situation.

10. Yes, but in no case should one be allowed to mislead oneself. Self-confidence and intuition will play into your hands, listen to yourself and achieve good results.

Nostradamus picture

Numbers 11-16

11. It is too early to ask for a solution. Focus on your own development, try to yield more to others - this will not go unnoticed.

12. A positive outcome is highly likely, but you should show maximum interest in resolving the issue. Please note: someone sincerely wants to provide you with friendly help and support.

13. Plans may collapse due to your insecurity: in no case should you support such an opinion about yourself. Show others that you are well aware of what needs to be done and how to solve problems.

14. The result will be positive if you immediately take the initiative into your own hands, now is the time to act. You can take any of the most daring moves, but delay or excessive caution will interfere with the solution of the issue.

15. The answer is yes. Ahead of you awaits an amazing and unexpected turn. You should not take hasty actions and change something drastically - wait and be rewarded.

16. The fulfillment of the goal is close, but everything may go completely different than you expected. It is worth being prepared for a variety of changes without putting yourself in a tight framework.

Numbers 17-21

17. While there is no clarity in resolving the issue. Think about your requirements for those involved in the situation, are they too high? In the near future you can not expect dramatic changes, but soon something will happen that can positively affect the development of the situation.

18. This number in a fortune-telling on Nostradamus warns: difficulties can arise in the way of solving the problem. There may be something ahead that will cause great disappointment, but it may also become an impetus for some positive changes, or it will make you think and find another way out of the situation.

19. Everything will be fine if you stop doubting. Now, uncertainty will not play into your hands - you need to firmly believe in yourself and not give vent to empty thoughts. It is recommended to be more friendly, open to close people.

20. Yes. This is definitely a positive result, luck will last a long time, it just goes into the hands itself! All doubts about a favorable outcome can be discarded.

21. A positive result is not far off, you are on the finish line. One final breakthrough - and the goal will be achieved.

fortune telling photo

Some recommendations

There are several general divination rules that are recommended to be followed to obtain more accurate and reliable results.

It is best to turn to any prediction techniques, including Nostradamus fortune telling, on Friday - this day is considered to be closely related to the energy of the moon and is responsible for intuition. On such days, the interpretation of the results is controlled by our subconscious, and it is possible to get unexpected and accurate answers.

The ideal phase of the moon, suitable for doing predictive activities is the full moon.

July is the most favorable month for guessing by numbers to determine any events, but astrologers recommend asking questions related to love and marriage in April.


Using Michel Nostradamus's fortunetelling on the circle of numbers, you can get answers to many vital questions and get interesting recommendations, especially if there is a strong faith in the result and a clearly articulated intention.

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