How to make a moonshine made of copper with your own hands?

The moonshine made of copper began to be produced for a long time. Moreover, all parts without exception were made of this metal. According to connoisseurs of the true taste of alcohol, it is the surface of copper that makes it possible to achieve a special aftertaste of the drink, saturates it with unusual shades. This is confirmed by French experts. The unit itself has a high level of strength.

Moonshine made of copper

Modern copper apparatus

The modification of such a device as a moonshine made of copper has undergone some changes these days. The design is divided into individual components. She received the name "alambik." Such units are inherent in the original design. Often they are done with their own hands.

There are models that include a number of materials. For example, stainless steel and glass are used along with copper. Quite often there is a device where only a tube and a dome are made of metal.

A moonshine made of copper, the reviews of which are mostly positive, has the highest cost. Especially in comparison with the economical options made from improvised materials with their own hands.

Copper moonshine still reviews

What kind of drinks do moonshine made from copper produce?

Moonshine still made from copper is intended for the production of wine, whiskey, calvados and many other drinks of high category and quality. Often, an unusual taste is inherent in alcohol. Alcohol can turn out different strengths.

Features of the copper fixture

What are the distinguishing features of such an aggregate? Equipment for the production of alcohol differs not only in appearance, but also in its technological and chemical processes that occur in the manufacture of the drink.

Moonshine made of copper has the following characteristics:

  • High level of thermal conductivity. It affects the performance of the unit and the quality characteristics of the resulting product at the output. Since the steam cools better, the distillation rate also increases. The consumption of water volume and the content of related compounds are reduced.
  • The device is characterized by reliable operation and strength. Copper practically does not wear out. Manufacturers themselves guarantee a long service life of the unit. If the device is assembled with your own hands, then its durability can be different. It all depends on the level of skill of the manufacturer, the thickness of the metal used and some other indicators.
  • Resistance to rust.
  • Aroma conversion and purification of certain compounds. The taste in the copper device is more saturated. This is indicated by many experts. This is explained by the fact that copper is able to absorb sulfur oxide, which emits a very unpleasant odor in the manufacture of a drink such as mash. It can be noted that the metal dissolves some fatty acids.
  • The rate of infusion in copper is much higher.
  • Copper units have a high level of safety.
  • Other compounds that disrupt its chemical composition and strength are not mixed into the drink itself.
  • During operation in the room there are no side effects.

What does a copper apparatus look like?

It does not at all look like similar devices made of another material. They are usually made of stainless steel and tanks. The equipment is inherent in decorative elements. The device can be built with your own hands, have grace and compactness.

Some foreign manufacturers produce such units. They received the name "alambik." Devices have a high level of productivity. They are distinguished by different designer designs. The surface of such devices is carefully polished. Finished products can be purchased through online stores.

The price of exclusive appliances is quite high. For example, in Portugal there are craftsmen who make devices using the old method. Metal is subject to careful selection, and silver is soldered.

As a rule, aggregates of a mixed configuration are more often used. They used a tube of copper, and the main parts are made of stainless steel and special plastic.

There is an opinion that copper is not suitable for food purposes and, despite the reliability of this metal, it can be harmful to the human body. Nevertheless, many companies produce devices made entirely from it, and the damage to health from it is not confirmed by statistics.

Do it yourself

Many are wondering how to make a moonshine made of copper with their own hands. It is worth noting that such a device is best purchased ready-made. A person who is not endowed with special knowledge and experience is not able to assemble such a structure on their own. For those who still want to try to make a moonshine made of copper with their own hands, there are a number of important recommendations.

Do-it-yourself copper moonshine


In the manufacture of the unit, a project is required, which will indicate how much the device will have, and therefore, what approximate level of performance. It is important to consider all the cash costs associated with production. This is a purchase of sheets of copper and auxiliary material with the presence of silver for soldering. You will need special tools for working with metal.


It is not recommended to make a drawing of the device on your own, as special skills are required here. The device diagram exists in the finished version.

Pattern details

The thickness of the copper sheet is 1 mm. The outlines of future details are applied to it. It is necessary to collect and a cooling element for driving alcohol. All parts are cut. This can be done using scissors for metal or a circular saw. You should also carry out the procurement of the pipe into which the cooler spiral will be placed.

Machining and rounding parts

It is believed that working with copper requires experience, since it is difficult for the metal to be given the desired shape. This step requires working with tools such as a hammer, scissors and a mallet.


It requires perseverance and accuracy. All details should be collected not only in a certain sequence, but also to carry out the correct soldering. The manufacturer does not always have silver-based soldering material. Lead is an analogue, but it does not have the proper strength. This is due to the characteristics of the metal, which is difficult to tolerate temperature changes and mechanical stress. For attractiveness, the machine can be polished.

Making a copper coil

What should a coil of such a device as a moonshine be produced from? Does copper or stainless steel have higher functionality? The copper coil is superior in performance to similar devices. In addition, the fact is taken into account that at a high temperature index such a part will not react with alcohol.

Moonshine still copper or stainless steel

DIY coil making

The coil is considered a very important part. For its manufacture, a copper pipe will be required, as well as a large pipe on which it will be wound. So it will be shaped. So that the shape of the pipe is broken, it is filled with sand or another sealant. After this, you can start wrapping in compliance with the desired distance. At the end of the process, secure the other end of the tube. After this, the pipe is freed from sand or other material.

It should be noted that the pipe with the coil will be located in the cooling pipe. Therefore, its diameter should be taken into account in advance. After the end of the work, the coil is placed in the refrigerator. Holes are made in it and plugs are placed. The surface is sealed so that it does not leak liquid.

Making a steamer

Moonshine stills made of copper with a steamer have a more complete design.

A sukhoparnik (reflux condenser or bunker) is not a mandatory component. The part is connected by means of tubes to a distillation cube and a coil. It serves for the physical purification of alcohol from harmful impurities.

The configuration of a home-made reflux condenser can be unified.

Moonshine made of copper with a steamer

You will need:

  • a three-liter jar with a lid made of metal, which should be tightly closed;
  • two fittings with external thread;
  • two nuts;
  • marker;
  • adhesive with heat resistance;
  • awl.

Step-by-step instructions for manufacturing a steam tank

  • At the joints, the diameters of the holes are drawn. The fittings are attached to the cover and circled by a marker.
  • Holes are being made. Along the drawn lines they drive with an awl until the can of the lid is rubbed through.
  • Fittings are fastened with nuts. In order to create a high level of tightness, the holes are treated with glue.
  • The sukhoparnik is hermetically connected to a coil and a cube.


To make a moonshine made of copper with your own hands or to purchase a finished copy - each person decides for himself. A few decades ago, such an assembly was really better to assemble. For this purpose, pots, juice cookers, aluminum jars and even glass cubes were used.

Today, for fans of exclusive products, there are home-made moonshines made of copper, which are inherent in the original performance.

Home-made moonshines

Currently, alcohol production is undergoing significant changes. If previously finished devices made of copper were presented by foreign companies, today, on the market, you can find units and domestic production.

The buyer has the opportunity to choose models from a wide range. They vary in price, volume and level of performance. A warranty card is provided for the finished product. You can also get the necessary tips for using and maintaining the appliance.

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