Sign of the people: rings in the right ear. The interpretation of superstition

People always want to know in advance what awaits them, and protect themselves from possible problems. And their own body helps them in this. By observing changes in his work, a person can predict certain events. Often people wonder why it rings in their right ear. The sign is widely known, but in order to determine exactly what this superstition speaks of, it is worth knowing all its meanings and possible outcomes of events.

How did our ancestors interpret the sign?

In ancient Russia, tinnitus was considered an omen that devils were trying to capture a person. They want to bring malice and adversity into his life. There was a way that helped protect against the bad influence of omens. It rings in the right ear or left - it means it's time to attend church service. It was necessary to defend it from beginning to end and spend some time being under the bell, but not to touch it.


If the ringing came to replace the stuffiness of the ear, according to Slavic belief it was believed that it was the witches and spirits who wanted to whisper and impose evil thoughts on a person. Not listening to them, he provokes the wrath of evil spirits and incurs disaster upon himself. Holy water became an assistant in getting rid of this problem. She had to wash her shoulders, neck and face.

Modern superstitions

omen rings in the right ear

If it rings in the right ear, an omen indicates that someone is talking about a person, discussing it. But the conversation is necessarily true. Whether the conversation is about virtues or bad character traits depends on the person himself. According to superstitions, ringing on Monday means he is being praised by colleagues, and on Friday by family members or friends. The British believed that whistling in the ear indicates that parents speak with love and pride about their child. If the sound was short, it is a sign that the conversation has already passed.

If, when thinking over the upcoming important matter, you hear how your ringing sounds in your right ear, the sign indicates that the decisions are correct. Most likely, you will be able to implement all your plans and achieve success. If, at the same time as the sound, you feel how the earlobe is itching, this indicates that profits are coming soon. The financial condition will improve and this will be a pleasant surprise.

For those who like to figure out in advance what the weather will be, this sign will be useful. It rings in the right ear - for a girl who chooses a warm outfit in the summer for a walk, the best solution would be to abandon this venture. Because superstition speaks of imminent heat and aridity. In winter, it means possible warming.

How to avoid negativity from omens?

why ringing in the ear

To protect yourself from evil languages ​​and unnecessary gossip, it is worth trying a method that helps to eliminate all bad omens. It rings in the right ear - gently pinch the little finger on any hand with your teeth.

When the ringing is repeated often, you should visit the church and listen to the ringing of bells. If after that you feel stuffy in your ears, just wash yourself with holy water. It will not be superfluous to read a prayer from evil forces and uncleanness.

Why are others asking about tinnitus?

It often happens that friends or acquaintances ask a person a question: "In which ear does my ring?" For those who are not familiar with this habit, such an interest can be incomprehensible and surprising. But people do this not out of idle curiosity, but to find out if their dreams will come true.

It is believed that a person who hears a ringing should make a wish and, turning over his left shoulder to his interlocutor, inquire - in which ear a sound is heard? If a person answered the question correctly, the desire must be fulfilled. But asking about this is only worth it if a friend is near you, otherwise the ringing may not be correctly interpreted.

In another sense, it rings in the woman’s right ear in order to help her unravel the secret of her future marriage. The representative of the fair sex, upon hearing the ringing, should ask her to call any number. The letter of the alphabet under this number will be the first in the spouse's name. The same thing works with men who want to tell fortunes.

What rings in the ears according to esotericists

Such a phenomenon can be not only superstition or omen. The right ear rings for something related to the experiences experienced by the person. The ringing symbolizes the inner voice, which is deliberately ignored or unwillingness to listen to what others are advising. Fearing problems, a person closes in himself and fences himself from the rest of the world.

Yogis believed that this state can be achieved using different techniques of meditation. Tinnitus was not a bad thing for them. They compared it to vibrations that come from nature and the world at large.

why can it ring in the ears

If a person is constantly faced with tinnitus, he should pay attention to his state of mind and get carried away with esotericism.

But do not forget that in addition to the above reasons, there are others that are more understandable to an irrelevant person. A constantly recurring whistle or ringing in your ear may indicate a health problem. You should immediately consult a doctor in order to subsequently correctly interpret this phenomenon.

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