Mutlu Battery: reviews. Mutlu Evolution Battery

The Turkish company Mutlu Aku, which has been operating since 1945, offers to purchase high-quality batteries. The Mutlu battery, whose reviews are often found, is based on the calcium Ca / Ca technology. Users note that the brand’s products are reliable and safe to operate. What are the features of these devices? Let's try to figure it out.

Production technology

mutlu batteries reviews

The company at various times offered various products, but modern technologies and materials took their toll, and the brand began to produce products that are in demand in the automotive market. Now the minimum level of self-charging, the possibility for a year and a half of operation without recharging are the main features that distinguish the Mutlu battery. User reviews often say that the battery is reliable and efficient in operation. And this is achieved by a number of technical features:

  1. Converter separators in the device provide optimal current characteristics of the plates. Accordingly, it is possible to use the entire volume of the battery, protecting it from short circuits.
  2. To create the electrodes, modern expander technology is used, thanks to which the electrodes become thinner, and it is also possible to make the number of plates larger.
  3. The inrush current in the battery is increased.

All this makes Mutlu car batteries safe and reliable. Production is based on Expanded metal technology, which is expressed in stretching the metal after it has been cold punched. Thanks to this decision, it became possible to increase the battery life. Another modern technology is Silver technology. Silver alloy is used to make battery gratings, increasing their durability and protecting them from corrosion.

Innovative solutions

If you are interested in quality parts for a car and strive to equip it with original accessories, then you will definitely like the innovative Mutlu battery. Reviews of it focus on the technological advantages of using this device. So, the battery is durable, since silver was used to create the plates. Another important detail is the adaptation of the battery to operating conditions in Russia. For example, when driving on rough roads, many battery models deteriorate due to shaking and high levels of vibration. Mutlu batteries in this regard are reliable: they can be used on any road, and their service life is exactly the same as specified by the manufacturer.

Benefits of Mutlu

batteries Price

If you are looking for reliable parts to equip a car, pay attention to the Turkish Mutlu battery. User reviews agree that the battery has a number of unique characteristics:

  • stable operation in any conditions, including extreme;
  • minimal self-discharge and water consumption ;
  • high resistance to vibrations;
  • the presence of an indicator that allows you to monitor the status of the battery;
  • convenient carrying handle;
  • special additives as part of the active mass, which serves as a guarantee of powerful energy efficiency.

Major modifications

Any company strives to ensure that its products are in maximum demand on the market. So the Mutlu battery (reviews of many models detail their technical features) is presented in several versions, which allows you to choose the right solution for a particular car. For example, Silver Evolution is ideally suited to equip cars that are actively operated in the city. The battery discharges slowly, so there will be no need for further maintenance. In addition, the company is constantly introducing new solutions that affect the improvement of vehicle performance.

Design features

Mutlu car batteries have a unique design, which neutralizes the excess gas exchange between the battery and the environment. The cover is made in the form of a labyrinth, equipped with a filter-flame arrester system, which protects the battery in case of fire or sparks. The terminals and strip are protected from dirt and dust with special caps. To create the body, polypropylene was used, which is durable, resistant to shock and frost.

battery mutlu 60 reviews

Mutlu battery (user reviews can help you choose a specific model) attracts attention because it uses a new lead-calcium alloy and special additives for its production. This affects the increase in the stability of energy characteristics and the service life of the device while reducing the need for maintenance.

Mutlu Silver Evolution Batteries

About the Mutlu Silver Evolution battery, perhaps the most reviews. Probably because it is already clear by one technology of its production - we have a really reliable device in front of us. In the reviews of users and specialists, it is noted that many batteries fail because of the destruction of the plates. The Mutlu Evolution battery was created with the addition of silver to the plates, making them less sensitive to destructive processes and more conductive. Envelope separator eliminates a possible short circuit between the plates. Another feature is a low self-discharge, thanks to which it is possible to easily start the engine, even if the machine has stood for a long time.

What users say

mutlu silver calcium battery

Many drivers who install Mutlu Silver Evolution batteries say that for a long time they were used, there was no need to replace the batteries. And even if the battery was 50% charged, the car even started in extreme cold. Mutlu Silver - batteries, which, according to users, are good in the following qualities:

  • longer service life thanks to silver alloy gratings;
  • high-quality current characteristics, which are provided by separators in the form of envelopes;
  • polypropylene shell, which is resistant to shock loads and low temperatures;
  • the thought-over design of the labyrinth cover, due to which excessive gas exchange between the battery and the environment is neutralized.

MUTLU Mega Calcium

Mutlu Silver Calcium battery is designed for cars and trucks, buses, agricultural machinery. In user reviews, it is noted that this device is of high quality and reliability, as it is manufactured using modern technology. The water in the battery does not boil, so it can stand discharged without the risk of breakage. The charging indicator allows you to constantly monitor the status of the battery: the white color indicates that the battery needs to be replenished with water, the black one hints at the need to charge, and with the green indicator the battery is working normally. It is important that the model has a handle, making it convenient to transport.

car batteries mutlu

The battery Mutlu Silver Calcium 62 A / h, according to drivers, is quite capable of lasting even up to 7 years. Moreover, for this it is enough to charge it at least once a year. A car on such a battery starts up even at low temperatures. Users also note that the innovative technology in Mutlu batteries is a truly profitable solution, since Turkish products are always pleased with reliability compared to other analogues.

Mutlu Calcium Silver 60

This model can be successfully used on any type of passenger car without the need for maintenance. For the production of electrodes, lead-calcium alloy and additives are used. Output power characteristics reduce the need for additional maintenance. The active mass for the plates is created on the basis of special additives. If you like to save your time and spend it rationally, then you will certainly appreciate the Mutlu 60 battery. User reviews note that the battery shows stable electrical parameters, even if it is used in difficult conditions. Thanks to calcium technology, battery life is increased. These batteries cost from 2900 rubles.

multu silver batteries

This battery is capable of operating in the temperature range from -41 to +61 degrees. To create the case, frost-resistant polypropylene of high strength was used. The Mutlu 60 battery (reviews say it is one of the available batteries) is based on calcium plate technology, which reduces self-discharge and water loss. It is resistant to vibration. Buyers note that the battery lasts from two years or more, and there is no problem with chronic undercharging.

It is also noted that Turkish products are fully adapted to Russian climatic conditions and even in severe frosts behave stably, starting from a half turn. The battery Mutlu 60 A / h externally and according to technical characteristics does not cause any complaints, differing in a combination of quality and reliability. In addition, due to its compactness it is easy to carry.

The battery has worked well even in cases where the machine has been standing for a long time and is not in operation. For example, it is noted that with active driving, and with a long simple battery does not need to be recharged for at least a year. Thus, the Mutlu 60 battery is a battery that is characterized by an optimal ratio of price and quality.

MUTLU Mega Calcium 55 Ah

mutlu 60 battery

This maintenance-free battery is created on the basis of Expanded Metal technology, which affects the efficient supply of energy to the electrical equipment of the car. Of the distinctive features of this battery can be noted increased starter power, reduced self-discharge, stable operation at any temperature difference, high vibration resistance and long life. The Mutlu 55 battery is described by many buyers as a reliable device that easily starts a car even in cold weather. Some users prefer this particular model, since its operation is carried out without problems. Among the advantages are reliability, durability, excellent charge retention, starting at any temperature, a long battery life. Of the minuses, the main emphasis is on a higher cost. For these batteries, the price starts at 3,000 rubles.

Mutlu Calcium Silver 75

This battery model is one of the most expensive in the Mutlu line - its cost starts at 5,000 rubles. But you get excellent quality and stable technical characteristics, which are manifested even at high battery loads. The combination of high current, reliability, a significant service life still makes these batteries popular, despite the higher cost. The Mutlu 75 battery is characterized by excellent engine starting, normal operation in any weather, shockproof original housing and a high-quality fire safety system.

Buyers note the following advantages of this battery: reliability, high landing, excellent resource consumption, compactness and thoughtful design, high return current and durability. Of the shortcomings, a high cost is noted. Mutlu Calcium Silver 75 can be used effectively in traffic mode without the need for maintenance. A wide temperature range of use is the optimal characteristic for our climatic conditions. A special labyrinth cover has a flame arrester, and the battery indicator will allow you to track its condition in a timely manner. For these batteries, the price is higher, but they justify its excellent quality.

How to operate?

mutlu evolution battery

Mutlu brand batteries are good in that they do not need tinning for at least one year. However, minimal care for them is still needed - for this it is enough just to regularly check the electrolyte level. If its level is low, then this may indicate excessive charge caused by a malfunction of the generator. If there is not enough electrolyte in any element, then most likely the entire battery will soon fail.

Mutlu Silver - batteries that have established themselves as reliable and durable devices. But all the same, at least once every two to three months, even if the battery works without fail, you need to check its voltage level. Remember that during operation, the battery loses water, which leads to a decrease in the backup electrolyte level over the plates and an increase in the acid concentration in the electrolyte. A deep discharge of the battery can occur due to current leakage in the mains, a malfunction of the generator or long-term use of network consumers, even if the engine does not work. The battery may also fail due to manufacturing defects, violations of the battery’s operating conditions or a complete exhaustion of the natural resource.

Mutlu batteries are a wide range of devices, from which you can easily choose the most suitable solution for the particular model of the car. Due to the wide range of prices, buyers have the opportunity to choose a battery in accordance with their preferences and financial capabilities.

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