Dargin weddings: signs and customs.

A wedding is a significant date in the life of every person; it symbolizes the beginning of the birth of a new family. In every culture, a wedding is celebrated differently, however, it has always been a symbol of love, happiness and joy. Dargin weddings are no exception, they always have a large number of relatives, friends and just good friends.

It is already “not fashionable” to invite a large number of guests, however, a similar tradition is still prevalent among residents of Dagestan, who hold huge feasts in honor of the wedding. In this country, almost all such celebrations are accompanied by the performance of several adats. Nevertheless, each village has its own traditions and understanding of what this “great" day should be like. At present, two main types of weddings are common in Dagestan.

The first type is an ordinary wedding with a generous feast, a large number of guests, music, dancing and a host.

The second type is a Muslim wedding, which is characterized by the fact that it is held according to strict rules. For example, at such a celebration it is not customary to treat guests with alcoholic drinks (even wine is not allowed). Muslim weddings take place calmly to the quiet music of the Nashid.

The main stage is matchmaking, at first the guy woo the girl. A similar process takes place through an older man from the groom's family, he is sent to the bride’s family to arrange their marriage.

A wedding in Dagestan is not always played immediately after the engagement of the young, it can even be postponed for several months until they are convinced that the young are suitable for each other. During this time, the bride and groom can visit each other and chat.

Almost all Dargin weddings are celebrated in the fall, they consider this a peculiar tradition. They also give permission to marry only when the groom builds or buys a house in which he will bring his future wife.

Dargin weddings are slightly different from ordinary ones, especially with their generosity. It is no secret that on a festive day, the groom should come to his bride with gifts, which include: gold jewelry, shoes, a chest with clothes and other things. In addition, the groom will still have to fork out for the ransom of the bride in order to be able to pick her up. Usually they give money to either the brother or sister of the bride. Parents, in turn, pretend that they do not want to give their daughter away and persuade the groom not to take her from them.

The question “where to play a wedding” is not discussed here, because in Dagestan large feasts are always arranged, and most often in the groom’s house. In general, the celebration lasts about a week, and most importantly, each ritual is carried out with great accuracy.

The bride comes to the groom’s house with her head covered, and at her entrance a sheep is cut in the house, and his blood is shed under her feet. Such a ritual is a talisman, its task is to protect the bride from the evil eye. Then the bride is taken to her fiance's room, where she must dutifully wait for him among her dowry. And for the guests of the celebration, the celebration continues - they sing, dance and congratulate each other.

Dargin weddings have another difference, for example, when at night there is a meeting of the bride and groom under the bedroom door, the witness is guarding. As soon as their meeting is over, they will take out the “sign of virginity” from the room. This event is no less joyful than the engagement itself. Mutual congratulations, shotguns and joyful exclamations - such signs of happiness symbolize that the "young" have finally become husband and wife.

Signs and superstitions. A lot of people come to the wedding in Dagestan, and it is believed that the more relatives are invited, the happier the future husband and wife will be. One of the main signs of the wedding is the belief: the first who invited the bride to the dance should shower her with gold, and the more gold there is, the happier she will be in marriage.

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