Appetizing tomatoes: the benefits and harms of the "golden apple"

It is hard to imagine our table without tomatoes. There are many varieties of tomatoes, their fruits differ in different tastes, shape and size. Red tomato contains the most juice, pink attracts with delicious delicate pulp, and yellow tomatoes are especially sweet and children like them very much.

Tomatoes are salted, pickled, and sauces are cooked from them. They have long been a favorite ingredient in summer salads. What attracts us these juicy appetizing tomatoes?

the benefits of tomatoes

The benefits and harms of tomatoes have been well studied by doctors and nutritionists, but this vegetable has not ceased to amaze researchers so far. So, recently a substance was discovered in it that makes it possible to pacify the gene responsible for the feeling of hunger. Just one tomato eaten at dinner can prolong the feeling of fullness for 3-4 hours.

Kids and Tomatoes

The benefits and harms of tomatoes for a growing organism depend on the quality of the fruit, as well as on the age and individual characteristics of the child. Children are not fed tomatoes for up to one year, since the pigment lycopene contained in them can cause allergies. Juice sold in baby food departments can be given. It does not contain impurities and is harmless to young children.

tomatoes benefit and harm

As for nursing mothers, then you can and should eat tomatoes if the woman does not have allergies to them. Tomatoes deliver valuable substances to milk and normalize lactation. Despite the solid list of vitamins contained in the fruits, moderation is required. The daily norm for the mother is 2-3 medium-sized tomatoes or one glass of tomato juice. Of course, pickled vegetables should be ruled out.

After a year, babies can be given a tomato without a skin; upon reaching the age of three, children can receive the whole vegetable.

Tomatoes contain so many nutrients and vitamins necessary for normal development, which makes them one of the most desirable foods for children. But here it must be borne in mind that the fruits can accumulate nitrates, so home vegetables are much more preferable than greenhouse imported tomatoes.

pink tomato

The benefits and harms of tomatoes for men's health

A man is traditionally considered the head of the family, a breadwinner and a defender. It is the share of the strong half of humanity that causes a large number of heart attacks and strokes caused by constant stress and heavy loads. To maintain good health, they need a healthy, balanced diet.

There are almost no fiber in tomatoes, but they are rich in iron, citric, ascorbic and malic acids. They have many vitamins: carotene, C, B1, B2. People who regularly consume tomatoes are half as likely to have a heart attack.

Scientifically confirmed the benefits of tomatoes in the fight against cancer. The strongest antioxidant lycopene, whose beneficial properties are many times greater than the effects of vitamin E, removes atherosclerotic plaques from the vessels and is effective for the prevention of prostate cancer. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and is better absorbed not from fresh, but from processed fruits (juices, sauces, pasta).

If a person has kidney stones or a gall bladder, you should not use tomatoes. Eaten in large quantities, they can also cause the appearance of these stones. The consumption rate should not exceed 20 pieces per week.

Female look at tomatoes

The benefits and harms of juicy vegetables have been known to women for a long time. The combination of vitamins and microelements in this vegetable is so successful, as if the fruit was specially created to maintain beauty and youth.

As a low-calorie product, tomato is often used in diet foods. Its use helps to establish a metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body, removes swelling.

Serotonin and tyramine improve mood, soothe the nervous system and relieve stress. Lycopene, which is found in large quantities in bright red fruits, perfectly fights free radicals and slows down the aging process.

For women in adulthood, doctors recommend drinking tomato juice. This is a good prevention of osteoporosis.

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