Vaginal dryness: causes, symptoms, drugs and treatment

During their life, women often encounter intimate problems that are not commonly discussed in society. One of these is vaginal dryness. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis - all this remains unknown to many representatives of the fair sex. Further, all these issues will be considered in detail.

Symptom complex

Due to various reasons, the walls of the vagina may lose their elasticity and ability to release natural mucus in normal amounts. The walls of the female genital organ are formed by three layers, the upper of which is just the mucous membrane. It forms many folds, located transversely, due to which the vagina is able to change size during excitement or childbirth. In the structure of the walls are special glands that secrete clear or light mucus. In the normal state of mucus, a non-irritating smell and a weakly acid reaction are characteristic.

The health and comfort of the intimate zone is determined by the general condition of the woman, age-related changes, hormonal background, regular sexuality and personal hygiene. Not only these factors affect the health of the vagina and the female reproductive system as a whole. Even the absence of bad habits significantly reduces the risk of some problems in the intimate sphere.

vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is usually accompanied by other symptoms. There may be general dryness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles due to a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone - female sex hormones, as well as a drop in the concentration of hyaluronic acid. Gynecologists identify several reasons for this condition and unequivocally agree that a deviation from the norm may be the result of other, more serious health problems and physiological disorders.

The concept itself includes several symptoms:

  • a significant reduction in the amount or complete absence of natural secretions, which provokes a certain discomfort in everyday life;
  • a feeling of dryness of the vaginal mucosa is accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area;
  • palpable discomfort and pain that occurs, as a rule, during sexual intercourse due to an insufficient amount of natural lubrication;
  • the surface of the penis becomes prone to bleeding wounds and microcracks, bleeding can occur both after sex and regardless of it; infection is possible through wounds;
  • frequent and strong urge to the toilet “in a small way”, since the urethra is located in close proximity to the vagina, its tissues are also thinning.

Colpitis and dermatitis

reception at the gynecologist

Dryness and burning in the vagina in medical practice are called atrophic vaginitis or colpitis. However, this disease is characteristic only in relation to some of the causes of the symptoms, because processes that are associated with loss of elasticity, thinning of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, and a change in their size are not always associated with hormonal disruptions. In some cases, the causes of dryness in the vagina are taking antibiotics or other potent drugs, the use of a large number of inappropriate cosmetics or infections of the genital and excretory systems. Some gynecologists also use the term "vaginal atrophic dermatitis", which more accurately describes the symptoms:

  • a feeling of tightness in the vagina;
  • itching in the vaginal opening and in the labia;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse, pain;
  • burning in the intimate area;
  • bleeding due to the appearance of microcracks, wounds, sores.

The above local signs of the disease, as a rule, are joined by some specific symptoms that are caused by hormonal disorders. Among those, you can list:

  1. Avoiding intimacy with a partner. Unpleasant sensations during intimate contact (pain, dryness, the occurrence of microcracks) negatively affect a woman's desire, and a low level of estrogen, in addition to everything, also reduces the level of libido.
  2. Problems with urination. Characterized by a frequent desire to go to the toilet "a little", burning, itching.
  3. Inflammatory processes. Natural lubrication protects the genitals from external threats, pathogens, trauma, its absence or insufficient amount leads to disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina. The pathogenic environment causes an infectious process in the reproductive system.
  4. General deterioration in health, weakness during the day, decreased concentration, lethargy, headaches.

To determine the treatment for vaginal dryness, the causes need to be determined first. What therapy the doctor recommends will depend on them.

Causes of Intimate Problems

Why can vaginal dryness bother a woman?

vaginal dryness treatment

Conditionally, the causes of an unpleasant symptom can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Serious pathologies, diseases. Itching and dryness in the vagina can be symptoms of diseases such as endometriosis (pathological proliferation of the endometrium beyond the inner layer of the uterus) or uterine fibroids (a benign tumor in the muscle endometrium), vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis caused by a bacterial infection), the appearance of malignant neoplasms, inflammation of the mucous membranes due to disruption of the glands (Sjogren's syndrome). A symptom can also occur with sexually transmitted or dermatological diseases, immune disorders, genital herpes. To find out the exact cause, you must consult a doctor.
  2. Changes at the hormonal level. Hormonal imbalance can develop against the background of approaching critical days, developing pregnancy and the postpartum period, when taking improperly selected contraceptives, with menopause. Vaginal dryness in this case is also accompanied by other changes in a woman’s health status (for example, hot flashes and dizziness during menopause).
  3. Common reasons. Negatively affects the whole body and genitals, especially smoking. The cause of dryness may be a complete lack of intimate contacts or irregular sex. Symptoms provoke surgical interventions on the genitals (removal of the ovaries, operations on the cervix), the use of certain medications (hormones, antidepressants, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs). Often the reason lies in the use of unsuitable cosmetics in the intimate area, namely gels and soaps that contain alkalis that destroy the natural balance, products containing dyes, perfumes, and synthetic ingredients.

Dryness Prevention

Vaginal dryness can be prevented by following simple rules. It is necessary to observe sufficient, but not excessive hygiene of the intimate area, maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat well, try to avoid stress and ensure adequate physical activity, lead an active sex life (intimate relationships should be with a regular partner, regular, using suitable contraception).

Every day you need to take a shower with washing, but it is necessary to exclude the use of irritating hygiene products. Instead of soap, it is better to use special intimate gels for the perineum with a minimum content of synthetic components and dyes. It is necessary to purchase such funds in pharmacy chains. With vaginal discharge, it is necessary to use sanitary pads, which are recommended to be changed every four to six hours. It is advisable to give preference to non-flavored hygiene products. During critical days, it is preferable to use pads rather than tampons. Gaskets interact less with the genitals of a woman.

Be sure to regularly change clothes, giving preference to natural fabrics and not too narrow models. Lovers of thongs should know that such panties can disrupt the intimate microflora, so putting on such a seductive detail in a woman’s wardrobe should only be done when it is really necessary. For washing underwear, it is worth using the simplest possible detergents without dyes, fragrances and fragrances. It is better to give preference to ordinary laundry soap or powders suitable for washing baby clothes.

soap for intimate hygiene

Compliance with a healthy lifestyle involves the rejection of bad habits, the normalization of diet. The diet should contain as many foods as possible with a high content of vitamins and minerals (these are fresh fruits and vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, whole grains and cereals), phytoestogens - substances that are similar to female sex hormones (found in apples, cabbage, carrots, dates, parsley, nuts, olive oil, pomegranates), polyunsaturated fats (these are meat and fish, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds). It is necessary to reduce the use of canned, spicy, spicy dishes, semi-finished products, alcoholic beverages. You should drink more liquid - about two liters of pure water per day.

Normalization of the hormonal balance of a woman is also promoted by full-fledged sexual activity. Regular relationships with a regular partner are desirable. If you need to use contraception, you need to consider that birth control pills should be selected together with a gynecologist, and it is better to choose non-flavored condoms. The latter applies to lubricants, it is desirable that they also be water-based.

Vaginal dryness and sex

This symptom is most acutely felt in the process of intimate relationships. In an excited state, the female body produces more natural lubrication, which is necessary for easy and comfortable penetration. An insufficient amount of lubricant or its slower production is usually observed in women in the approximation of menopause and young mothers.

In some cases, the problem is caused by hormonal changes, but the features of intimate contact are also important. Penetration pain, bleeding, the occurrence of microcracks and microtrauma are often explained by insufficient foreplay, as a result of which sex does not bring pleasure to a woman, she does not feel relaxed and excited. In some cases, the reflex can be fixed, the muscles of the vagina will involuntarily contract during the following sexual contacts. As a result of this, a man may no longer be so willing to have sexual intercourse, for fear of hurting his partner.

vaginal dryness

The solution to the problem of dryness in the vagina during sex begins with a prelude. It must be of high quality, lasting at least 20 minutes. Comfortable penetration is possible only with sufficient moistening of the vagina. This may require oral caresses, touching the chest and nipples, sexual games. Do not disdain masturbation as a way to strengthen muscles in the intimate area and “warm up” before contact. Another affordable way to relax is a warm bath.

If there is such a problem, it will be useful to conduct a thorough analysis of the quality of intimate life with a partner. The issue of contraception is also worth discussing with your gynecologist. Harmonious sex life improves the quality of life of a woman in general, well-being and vitality, is the key to intimate health.


The symptom is quite unpleasant and constantly reminiscent of itself - dryness in the vagina. What to do if such a problem occurs? It is imperative to consult a gynecologist, especially if this is not the only symptom, and in addition the woman also feels itching, burning, frequent urination and other signs of the presence of serious diseases related to the genitourinary system, hormonal imbalance in the body. How to treat vaginal dryness in each case will be determined by the doctor.

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor will collect an anamnesis, specify whether there were factors that could lead to dryness, tell you how to eliminate their effects and normalize sexual life with a partner. Often this is enough to take an unpleasant symptom. Laboratory diagnosis and gynecological examination are necessary to exclude the presence of serious diseases or other causes of discomfort. Analyzes are carried out for the presence of infection, masks, a study of hormonal status.

burning itching and dryness


Treatment of vaginal dryness is carried out taking into account the cause of the symptom. So, if a gynecological disease provoked discomfort, the doctor will prescribe medications appropriate for the diagnosis, if it is a disease associated with other body systems, the gynecologist will refer you to other narrow specialists or will recommend to consult a general practitioner first.

If dry, due to improper intimate hygiene, you should abandon the use of any intimate cosmetics, scented toilet paper, napkins with perfumed additives. You need to use an intimate soap or gel, purchased at a pharmacy. You also need to abandon bad habits, saturate your diet with omega-3 fatty acids (this normalizes the secretion), lead a regular intimate life with your regular partner. During pregnancy and lactation, local lubricants can be used to eliminate dryness.


If dryness is not provoked by hormonal abnormalities, pathologies of the genitourinary system, dermatological or immune disorders, then a medicine is prescribed that helps restore water balance, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the muscles of the intimate zone. These are:

  1. "Cicatridine." Contains hyaluronic acid, extracts of aloe vera and calendula, has a wound healing and antimicrobial effect. Suppositories from dryness in the vagina provide long-lasting hydration, elasticity and integrity of the mucous membrane.
  2. Klimadinon. The main active ingredient in the remedy for vaginal dryness is tsififugi extract, which also eliminates the vascular and psycho-emotional problems of women.
  3. Ginocomfort. Vaginal gel normalizes acidity, protects against pathogens of infections and effectively removes signs of colpitis.

Additionally, it is recommended to use vitamins A and E, which without irritation will support the condition of the vaginal mucosa and skin integuments in general.

dry and itchy vagina

Hormone therapy

Hormonal drugs are prescribed for a lack of estrogen in a woman’s blood. In this case, local therapy is indicated:

  1. Vaginal rings provide an influx of estrogen directly to the tissues of the vagina. The ring is inserted by the woman herself or by the gynecologist. A regular replacement of such a remedy for dryness is required (once every three months).
  2. Estrogen pills that are injected directly into the vagina will also help. During the first two weeks of use, you need to enter them daily, then twice a week.
  3. Cream with estrogen - is applied using a special applicator.

In no case should hormone therapy be administered at one’s own discretion. The use of such creams or other means is possible only after consulting a doctor and in full accordance with the course. Important and constant monitoring by a specialist, as possible side effects.

Folk remedies

Dry vagina will help to eliminate herbal preparations, douching and bath. Here are a few folk remedies:

  1. A decoction of the motherboard and the uterus. 50 g of grass need to pour 400 ml of water and boil. Take a third of a glass three times a day (before meals).
  2. Douching with calendula will help with menopause. In order not to disturb the microflora, in one course there should be no more than 5 douching.
  3. A bath with motherwort decoction relieves discomfort, itching and burning, and also relaxes the nervous system. 60 g of motherwort need to fill in 0.5 l of boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. The composition should be infused for half an hour, after which it can be added to the bath.
  4. Nettle, oregano and calendula, chamomile and medicinal veronica. You need to take 60 g, 20 g, 30 g, 50 g, 50 g of herbs, respectively, pour 500 ml of boiled water and cook over high heat for 5 minutes. The composition is allowed to infuse. Take 100 ml per day for ten to twelve days.

Before using folk recipes to eliminate dryness in the vagina, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to exclude the presence of concomitant diseases.

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