Instruction: how to make lips puffy at home

How to make lips puffy at home? This issue has become relevant for the fair sex relatively recently. Plump lips are sexy, associated with sensuality and femininity. Therefore, it is not surprising that girls and women tend to possess them. Is it possible?

how to make puffy lips at home

How to make lips puffy at home?

We note in advance that you will not be able to resize your sponges several times. But it is quite realistic to give them a healthy look with the help of special masks and exercises, as well as visually increase with the help of cosmetics. But all in order. How to make thin lips puffy? First, soak them in moisture. To do this, teach yourself not to leave the house without lipstick (it is not necessary to use color, normal gloss or hygienic lipstick will do). Since the wind and frost have an extremely negative effect on the sponges, leading to a decrease in their volume. At night, use nourishing and moisturizing creams (suitable for both hand and face cream ). Secondly, normalize muscle tone. An ordinary piece of ice will come to your aid. Use it several times a day: move along the lips, thereby causing an influx of blood.

How to make lips puffy at home

How to make lips puffy at home: exercises

  • Close the lips and pull into the tube. Next, we move them first from top to bottom, and then from right to left. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • We release air, previously drawn into the mouth, through the lips, in the form of a tube. This exercise needs to be repeated several times.
  • Kiss more often - so you can improve blood flow and just cheer yourself and your loved one.

All of the above exercises can bring results only if you do them regularly, and not once a month, and additionally take care of your lips.

How to make lips puffy at home: cosmetics to help

Properly made lip makeup can increase even the thinnest and most invisible lips. To create it you will need:

  • lip pencil - its color should be one or two tones lighter than the lipstick with which you plan to paint;
  • pomade;
  • lipstick brush (not required, but with it you can gently paint the lips);
  • lip gloss (can be colorless).

How to make thin lips puffy?

The first thing we do is draw the outline of our sponges. Since our goal is to increase them, we will place the line a little further than usual, that is, it will be slightly shifted, thereby increasing the problem space. After the circuit is ready, take the lipstick and gently paint over the lips without leaving it (it is more convenient to do this with a brush). Next, use the shine. We apply a small amount to the center of the upper lip and slightly blend it, giving it naturalness.

These simple methods will help you answer the question of how to make puffy lips at home. Take care of them using creams and lotions. Exercise regularly. Cosmetics and proper makeup, which we also talked about above, will be an excellent solution for you if the lips are naturally thin and almost invisible.

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